New Plymouth
Wetter in New Plymouth
Hafenkarte: New Plymouth
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in New Plymouth
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in New Plymouth mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Schiff | Datum | Ankunft | Abfahrt | |||
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MS Amadea | Mi. | 19.02.2025 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
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Coral Princess | Mi. | 25.02.2026 | 08:00 | 18:00 |
Landausflüge in New Plymouth

ca. 2 Std.
Auf der zweistündigen Panoramafahrt gewinnen Sie einen ersten Eindruck von den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Sie sehen u.a. die 48 m hohe Skulptur Wind Wand ("Wind-Stab") von Len Lye, die berühmte Te Rewa Rewa Fußgängerbrücke, die über den Fluss Waiwhakaiho führt, den zentral gelegenen Pukekura Park, den Paretitu Rock und Sugar Loaf. Im Anschluß haben Sie etwa 45-Minuten Zeit zur freien Verfügung bevor es zurück zum Schiff geht.
Bitte beachten: Durchführung in Gruppen mit begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Auf dem Weg zu den Pukeiti Gärten legen Sie zunächst einen Stopp bei der 48 m hohen Skulptur Wind Wand ("Wind-Stab") von Len Lye ein. Nach etwa 15 Minuten Aufenthalt Weiterfahrt zum Regionalpark Pukeiti. Während des etwa einstündigen Rundgangs spazieren Sie durch verschiedene Landschaften und sehen die Heimat von mehr als 800 Rhododendrenarten. Nach einer kurzen Stärkung im lokalen Teehaus fahren Sie zurück nach New Plymouth, wo Sie eine etwa 1-stündige Stadtrundfahrt unternehmen, vorbei am Stadion, dem Pukekura Park, der Te Rewa Rewa Brücke sowie einigen historischen Gebäuden. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten : Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Vorbei an der Te Rewa Rewa Fußgängerbrücke (kurzer Aufenthalt) fahren Sie zum Pukekura Park, einer der schönsten Botanischen Gärten Neuseelands, der 1876 eröffnet wurde. Hier besichtigen Sie u.a. die Farn- und Ausstellungshäuser. Nach einem etwa 1-stündigen Rundgang durch den Park, legen Sie in dem lokalen Teehaus eine kleine Pause zur Stärkung ein. Im Anschluß fahren Sie zurück nach New Plymouth. Bei Ihrer etwa 1-stündigen Stadtrundfahrt sehen Sie ua. das Stadion, die 48 m hohe Skulptur Wind Wand ("Wind-Stab") von Len Lye, sowie einige der historischen Gebäude. Auf der Rückfahrt zum Schiff legen Sie noch einen Fotostopp an einem Aussichtspunkt ein, von dem Sie eine tolle Sicht auf den Mount Taranaki, Sugar Loaf und die vorgelagerte Küstenlinie haben.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Der Ausflug wird in Gruppen mit sehr begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl durchgeführt.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)
ca. 1,5 Std.
Kurzer Transfer vom Hafen zur Promenade von New Plymouth. Zu Fuß erkundigen Sie die Höhepunkte der Stadt. Sehen Sie u.a. die 48 m hohe Skulptur Wind Wand ("Wind-Stab") von Len Lye, das Stadion, verschiedene historische Gebäude sowie die berühmte Te Rewa Rewa Fußgängerbrücke. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Durchführung in Gruppen mit begrenzter Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Discover New Plymouth with a trip to Mt. Taranaki and the Egmont National Park Visitor Centre, experience the lush native forest and admire the stunning views. You will then travel to Te Kainga Marire Garden, an inner city native garden, whose name translates in Maori for "the peaceful encampment".
Egmont National Park
Leave the pier for the short and scenic drive to the iconic peak of Mount Taranaki, stopping to discover the legend of the mountain at the Egmont National Park Visitor Centre, surrounded by lush native bush with stunning views. The Visitor Centre offers comprehensive displays, a small café and retail area, and friendly staff who can help with track and weather information. Take a self-guided walk on small loop. Enjoy some stunning views at the lookout before hopping on the bus and driving to a local café to enjoy a morning tea selection of filtered coffee, tea or juice and a selection of savory and sweet bites.
Te Kainga Marire Garden
Next, make your way to Te Kainga Marire Garden on a comfortable 45-minute drive. Echoing the native theme is Te Kainga Marire - Maori for "the peaceful encampment", one of only five 6-star gardens in New Zealand. The skillfully designed inner-city garden has been hand-crafted from bare land over decades by Valda Poletti and Dave Clarkson, who live amidst the lush ferns, wetland plants, alpine treasures and native trees. Valda will welcome you personally and answer any questions as you meander through this wonderland, a true gem of Middle Earth.
At the end of your visit, re-board your coach for a return drive back to the pier.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. We suggest guests be in good physical condition to take full advantage of this tour, guests can choose the type of walk they wish to participate in based on own ability. Approximately 1500 metres (1 mile) will be covered over uneven surfaces and uneven ground with some stairs at the visitors centre.
Enjoy an easy pace walking tour through the central city area with an experienced local guide and learn of the settler's arrival in New Plymouth in 1841 through to the time that a viable community was established some 40 or 50 years later.
Shuttle Transfer, New Plymouth City Centre, Guided Walking Tour
Transfer to the city central with the shuttle upon arrival; commence your 90-minute walking discovery of New Plymouth. Hear stories of desperate isolation, battles, colourful characters and small triumphs as a fledging community struggled to find its feet and grow. Discover how a bush-clad shoreline was transformed into a bustling community and learns about the enterprising characters who faced down every challenge to achieve success.
At the conclusion of your discovery walk, you may opt to remain in town for further self-exploration and take a shuttle back to the pier at your leisure.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of slow walking for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes (2.5 kilometres/1.55 miles), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring bottled water from the ship.
Enjoy this panoramic tour of New Plymouth covering all the must-see sights in the area.
Panoramic Views, Moturoa Lookout, Te Rewa Rewa Bridge, Pukekura Park
Depart the pier and travel to Moturoa lookout, a scenic lookout point with 360 degree views of the region. From here, follow the coastline to the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge, a popular landmark of the region. Its shape represents the bones of a whale. Next, visit the spectacular Pukekura Park, often described as the Jewel in New Plymouth's crown. This park features two lakes, stunning waterways, greenery & birdlife, all just a stone's throw from the central city. Here, enjoy some free time to explore the grounds at your own leisure.
The tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 550 metres, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair; guest must be able to manoeuvre on-and-off the coach. Pukekura Park is of varying terrain and has some steps however time spent here is at guests' discretion. Guests are advised to wear comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring bottled water from the ship.
Explore the beautiful Pukeiti Gardens of New Plymouth and also discover the wines of New Zealand with a trip to Okurukuru Winery. The gardens are renowned for their rhododendron collection and beautiful views. The Okurukuru Winery is a small family operation producing Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinotage, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Chardonnay.
Pukeiti Gardens & Morning/Afternoon Tea
Board your coach for a short, 30-minute ride to the gardens located on 360 hectares (889 acres) of rainforest grounds in the foothills of Mt. Taranaki. Established in 1951, Pukeiti offers extensive gardens and plant collections with numerous short walking paths and vantage points offering splendid views. Explore your choice of trails after you have been greeted and introduced to the gardens with a brief history.
Okurukuru Winery & Wine Tasting
Re-board your coach and make your way to Okurukuru Winery, a brief 15-minute drive away. Owned by Peter and Chris Hayward, who live locally, the winery is a father/daughter venture with Kate Acland based in Marlborough, who owns the Sugar Loaf Winery, and is the wine maker for both Okurukuru and Sugar Loaf companies. There is approximately 7 acres (2 hectares) planted with Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinotage, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Chardonnay. Enjoy the spectacular coastal views from the vines rolling down to the Taranaki's surf coast across the stunning Tasman Sea. Sample a selection of four wines with lite bites, including cheese and grapes to compliment your tasting selections.
The tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Walking at the garden is at guest's leisure and covers approximately 1500 metres (1 mile). We suggest wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes and well as sun protection. Guests need to be 18 years of age to participate in the wine tasting.