Wetter in Kobe

Sa. 18.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Sa. 18.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Sa. 18.01.2025
Sa. 18.01.2025
So. 19.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
So. 19.01.2025
So. 19.01.2025
So. 19.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mo. 20.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken

Hafenkarte: Kobe

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Kobe

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Kobe mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Spectrum of The Seas Mi. 12.03.2025 07:00 15:00
Celebrity Millennium Mo. 17.03.2025 08:00
Celebrity Millennium Di. 18.03.2025 05:00
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 26.03.2025 09:00 22:00
AIDAstella Fr. 28.03.2025 08:00 23:58
Celebrity Millennium Sa. 29.03.2025 08:00
Celebrity Millennium So. 30.03.2025 05:00
Diamond Princess Do. 03.04.2025 07:00 19:00
AIDAstella Sa. 05.04.2025 18:30
AIDAstella So. 06.04.2025 20:00
Silver Whisper Mo. 07.04.2025 09:00 19:00
Silver Whisper Di. 08.04.2025 09:00 19:00
Celebrity Millennium Fr. 11.04.2025 08:00
Celebrity Millennium Sa. 12.04.2025 04:00
AIDAstella Mo. 21.04.2025 08:00 21:00
Celebrity Millennium Di. 22.04.2025 11:59
Celebrity Millennium Mi. 23.04.2025 18:00
Celebrity Millennium So. 04.05.2025 08:00
Celebrity Millennium Mo. 05.05.2025 05:00
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 07.05.2025 08:00 19:00
Diamond Princess Mi. 14.05.2025 07:00 19:00
Celebrity Millennium Sa. 24.05.2025 07:00 15:00
Spectrum of The Seas Di. 10.06.2025 14:30
Spectrum of The Seas Mi. 11.06.2025 04:00
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 18.06.2025 08:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 01.07.2025 06:30 19:00
Celebrity Millennium Do. 17.07.2025 08:00 18:00
Spectrum of The Seas Mo. 28.07.2025 14:30
Spectrum of The Seas Di. 29.07.2025 04:00
Norwegian Spirit Do. 21.08.2025 08:00 17:30
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 27.08.2025 08:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 09.09.2025 08:00 19:00
Spectrum of The Seas Di. 16.09.2025 14:30
Spectrum of The Seas Mi. 17.09.2025 04:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 07.10.2025 08:30 18:30
Diamond Princess Do. 16.10.2025 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 04.11.2025 08:30 19:30
Norwegian Sun Fr. 21.11.2025 07:00 20:00
Diamond Princess Sa. 22.11.2025 08:00 23:00
AIDAdiva Sa. 17.01.2026 13:00
AIDAdiva So. 18.01.2026 20:00
Costa Deliziosa Di. 10.02.2026 08:00 18:00
MS Amadea Fr. 13.03.2026 08:00
MS Amadea Sa. 14.03.2026
MS Amadea So. 15.03.2026 05:00

Landausflüge in Kobe

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Burg Himeji und Garten
ca. 5,5h

ca. 5,5 Std. 
Sie fahren knapp 1,5 Std. zur Burg Himeji, die 1993 in die Liste für UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe aufgenommen worden ist. Fast die gesamte Struktur der Burg ist noch aus der Zeit ihrer ursprünglichen Errichtung um 1600 erhalten. Sie wird auch "Weiße Reiherburg" genannt wegen des anmutigen Aussehens der weiß verputzten Burgwände. Der 6-stöckige Bergfried steht auf dem höchsten Punkt der inneren Burgmauer. Anschließend besuchen Sie den Kokoen-Garten, der um einen Teich herum angelegt ist und die Landschaft der Burg Himeji einbezieht. Die Anlage ist etwa 3,5 Hektar groß und besteht aus neun verschiedenen Gärten. Nach dem einstündigen Aufenthalt erfolgt die Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Dinner mit Kobe-Rindfleisch
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std. 
Kobe-Rindfleisch ist die bekannteste regionale Spezialität in Japan. Es ist eine von mehreren Wagyu-Rassen, die im ganzen Land gezüchtet werden. Kobe Rindfleisch zeichnet sich durch ein zartes, geschmackvolles Fleisch aus. Es wird von reinrassigen Rindern der Tajima-Rasse gewonnen, die in der Präfektur Hyogo geboren und geschlachtet wurden (es gibt noch drei weitere Rassen, die als Wagyu bekannt sind). Nach der Schlachtung muss das Fleisch eine Reihe von Anforderungen erfüllen, und nur die besten Fleischsorten mit einem außergewöhnlich hohen Grad an Fettmarmorierung erhalten das Kobe-Rindfleisch-Etikett, ein streng geschütztes Markenzeichen. Eine der besten Möglichkeiten, das Fleisch zu genießen, ist in einem Teppanyaki-Restaurant (ca. 100 gr Kobe Rindfleisch, ein Getränk inklusive). Hin- und Rückfahrt Schiff-Restaurant jeweils ca. 20 Minuten. 
Bitte beachten : Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Highlights Osaka
ca. 7h

ca. 7 Std. 
Nach der etwa 1-stündigen Fahrt nach Osaka machen Sie einen ersten Halt am berühmtesten Wahrzeichen der Stadt, an der Burg von Osaka, deren Bau 1583 begonnen wurde. Das Burggelände hat eine Grundfläche von ca. 1 qkm und umfasst 8 Gebäude. Die Burg wurde auf einem Steinfundament sowie zwei erhöhten Plattformen errichtet und war fast komplett aus Holz erbaut. Der Burgfried wurde 1932 nach seiner Zerstörung aus Stahlbeton wiederaufgebaut und ist heute ein Museum. Berühmt sind auch die umgebenden Gärten, vor allem für ihre 600 Kirschbäume, die jedes Jahr im Frühling zum Kirschblütenfest einladen. Von der Aussichtsplattform auf der 8. Etage genießen Sie einen schönen Panoramablick. Anschließend sehen Sie das eindrucksvolle Umeda Sky Gebäude, und vom "Floating Garden Observatorium", einer Aussichtsplattform, haben Sie erneut einen schönen Ausblick auf Osaka mit der Insel Awaji und Kobe in der Ferne. Der "Schwimmende Garten" verbindet über eine Brückenkonstruktion die beiden 40-stöckigen Wolkenkratzer. Nach dem etwa 1-stündigen Aufenthalt Weiterfahrt zum Dotonbori-Viertel in Osaka, einem Zentrum mit Geschäften, Restaurants und jeder Menge Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten. Hier haben Sie ca. 1,5 Std. Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um das lebhafte Einkaufsviertel individuell zu erkunden und das Mittagessen einzunehmen (nicht inkl.). Danach erfolgt dann wieder die Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Zahlreiche Treppenstufen hinauf zur Aussichtsplattform der Burg. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Kyoto individuell
ca. 9h

ca. 9 Std. 
Etwa 75-minütiger Transfer nach Kyoto, eines der alten Zentren japanischer Kultur. Kyoto war bis 1868 mehr als 1000 Jahre lang die kaiserliche Hauptstadt Japans. Es gibt 3.000 buddhistische Tempel, 380 Shinto-Schreine und weitere 230 Nationalschätze. Erkunden Sie während Ihres gut 6-stündigen Aufenthaltes Kyoto individuell und besuchen Sie die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Tempel Kinkaku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera und Byodo-in, die Burg Nijo, das Geisha-Viertel Gion, den Philosophenweg, das malerische Arashiyama-Viertel und vieles mehr. Nach dem Aufenthalt fahren Sie wieder zurück zum Schiff. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Mount Rokko und Sake-Brauerei
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std. 
Gut halbstündige Fahrt zur Seilbahn-Station am Mt. Rokko, dem höchsten Gipfel des gleichnamigen Gebirgszuges, der sich über ca. 30 km erstreckt. Sie fahren mit der Seilbahn ca. 10 Minuten hoch zum Observatorium auf knapp 1.000 m Höhe und genießen von hier den – je nach Wetterlage - spektakulären Blick auf die Bucht von Osaka und Umgebung. Nach dem etwa 1-stündigen Aufenthalt erfolgt wieder die Talfahrt. Danach geht es zum Sake-Brauereiviertel Nada. Hier besuchen Sie ein Museum, das Einblicke in die reiche Sake-Kultur vermittelt. Nach dem etwa 1-stündigen Besuch fahren Sie wieder zurück zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Osaka (Dotonbori-Viertel) individuell
ca. 8h ohne Essen

ca. 8 Std. ohne Essen
Etwa 1-stündiger Transfer nach Osaka zum Dotonbori-Viertel. Dieses Stadtviertel mit seinen bunten Neonwänden und Werbetafeln bietet Geschäfte, Restaurants sowie Clubs und viele Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten. Sie haben 6 Stunden Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um das Angebot individuell zu erkunden. Danach fahren Sie dann wieder zurück zum Schiff. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Panoramafahrt Kobe
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std. 
Sie gewinnen während der Stadtrundfahrt einen ersten Eindruck der Großstadt Kobe. Der ursprüngliche Naturhafen entwickelte sich ab 1868 zu einem internationalen Drehkreuz und bietet zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten. Sie legen am Mt. Rokko Observatorium einen Halt ein und genießen den spektakulären Blick auf die Bucht von Osaka und – wenn es das Wetter zulässt – auf die entfernt gelegene Awaji-Insel. Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten : Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Tempel von Nara
ca. 9h

ca. 9 Std. 
Sie fahren etwa 1,5 Std. nach Nara, ehemals Hauptstadt Japans und heute Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Präfektur, die bedeutende Tempel vorweist. Sie sehen zunächst den Todaiji-Tempel, der zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gezählt wird. Er wurde 728 erbaut und ist einer der berühmtesten und historisch bedeutendsten Tempel des Landes. Die Haupthalle ist das größte aus Holz gebaute Gebäude der Welt, und hier befindet sich mit über 15 Metern die größte Buddha-Bronzestatue. In der Parkanlage sind Sikahirsche beheimatet, die in der Shinto-Religion als Boten der Götter gelten und frei umherlaufen können. Nach der 1,5-stündigen Besichtigung nehmen Sie in einem lokalen Restaurant Ihr Mittagessen ein. Anschließend besichtigen Sie den Kasuga-Taisha Schrein, einer der berühmtesten und schönsten Shinto-Schreine in Nara, der über 3.000 Laternen aus Stein und Bronze beherbergt. Er wurde 768 errichtet und im Laufe seiner Geschichte mehrfach umgebaut, heute gehört er ebenfalls zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Nach der halbstündigen Besichtigung fahren Sie zum Horyuji-Tempel, das älteste erhaltene Holzbauwerk der Welt. Es vermittelt ein Bild Japans, wie es vor mehr als 1.300 Jahren während der Asuka-Periode existierte. In Horyuji befinden sich mehr als 2.300 wichtige kulturhistorische Strukturen und Gegenstände, von denen fast 190 als Nationalschätze oder wichtige Kulturgüter ausgewiesen sind. Heute zählt Horyuji ebenfalls zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Nach der Besichtigung erfolgt die 1,5-stündige Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Einige Fußwege vom Busparkplatz zu den Tempeln. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Burg Osaka
Kyoto (Kobe) / Japan
Level: 3
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 95€


Osaka shines as one of Japan's most modern cities, yet it holds its past dear, as you'll discover by touring the Osaka Castle. Depart from the pier and enjoy a nearly 1-hour drive to the impressive Osaka Castle, which was first built in 1583 and now serves as the symbol for the city. Although the original castle was destroyed over the years, many of the key features of the complex still remain, including turrets and sections of the walls that border the surrounding moat. The existing version of the castle itself was built in 1931 to replicate the original. The steep, stone walls at its base are particularly noteworthy, as they rise nearly 100 feet, an architectural rarity in Japan.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Die Pracht des Bergs Rokko und Sake
Kyoto (Kobe) / Japan
Level: 1
3 3/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 163€ / Kinder ab 95€

This half-day tour takes you to the outskirts of Kobe to scenic Mt. Rokko, for stunning views of Osaka Bay. You’ll also visit the Sake Brewery Museum, to learn about the tradition of sake making, which has been carried down through the ages.

Opened to the public by Arthur Groom in 1901, Mt. Rokko quickly became a popular retreat for foreigners. Today, Mt. Rokko is the centerpiece of a popular sightseeing and hiking area stretching over six miles. With an elevation of 3,000 feet, it is the highest peak in the mountain range that spreads 19 miles from the northeast to southwest.

A scenic drive takes you to Mt. Rokko, where you’ll reach the observatory at the summit via a funicular. From this vantage point, enjoy stunning views of Osaka Bay and the distant Awaji Island in the easternmost part of the Inland Sea.

Departing Mt. Rokko, drive to the Sake Brewery Museum. Designated an Important Tangible National Cultural Property, the museum was opened in 1978 on the site of an old brewery. Known for growing the best rice for sake production and its pure underground water, the region manufactures some of the most famous brands of sake in Japan. This old warehouse, converted to a museum, offers a realistic atmosphere. You’ll learn about the different stages and methods of the sake production. In the tasting area, you can try freshly pressed, unpasteurized sake, which cannot be found anywhere else. You can find Hakutsuru Sake products as well as original museum goods in their shop.

This half-day tour takes you to the outskirts of Kobe to scenic Mt. Rokko, for stunning views of Osaka Bay. You’ll also visit the Sake Brewery Museum, to learn about the tradition of sake making, which has been carried down through the ages.

Opened to the public by Arthur Groom in 1901, Mt. Rokko quickly became a popular retreat for foreigners. Today, Mt. Rokko is the centerpiece of a popular sightseeing and hiking area stretching over six miles. With an elevation of 3,000 feet, it is the highest peak in the mountain range that spreads 19 miles from the northeast to southwest.

A scenic drive takes you to Mt. Rokko, where you’ll reach the observatory at the summit via a funicular. From this vantage point, enjoy stunning views of Osaka Bay and the distant Awaji Island in the easternmost part of the Inland Sea.

Departing Mt. Rokko, drive to the Sake Brewery Museum. Designated an Important Tangible National Cultural Property, the museum was opened in 1978 on the site of an old brewery. Known for growing the best rice for sake production and its pure underground water, the region manufactures some of the most famous brands of sake in Japan. This old warehouse, converted to a museum, offers a realistic atmosphere. You’ll learn about the different stages and methods of the sake production. In the tasting area, you can try freshly pressed, unpasteurized sake, which cannot be found anywhere else. You can find Hakutsuru Sake products as well as original museum goods in their shop.

Highlights Of Osaka
Kyoto (Kobe) / Japan
Level: 3
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 153€ / Kinder ab 95€

Explore Japan's third largest city, Osaka, on this intriguing half-day tour. One of the gateways to ancient Japan for traders from China, Korea and the Asian continent, Osaka played a vital role in the introduction of new technologies in ceramics, forging, construction, and engineering. Today, this modern port city combines historical and cultural attractions with all the delights of a Japanese urban marvel.

Following a nearly 1-hour drive from Kobe to Osaka, the impressive landmark of Osaka Castle comes into view. One of Japan's most famous castles, it played a major role in the unification of Japan during the 16th century. Built on a plot of land almost one mile square, the castle compound contains thirteen structures, designated as Important Cultural Assets by the Japanese government. The central castle building is five stories on the outside and eight stories on the inside, built atop a massive stone foundation that protected its occupants from sword-bearing attackers. Of particular interest are the tower's ornamental ride-end roof tiles, and bas-reliefs carved in the shape of crouching tigers, all gilded with gold. An engaging museum occupies the interior of the building, tracing the history of the castle from the late 1500s to the present day, and housing Osaka's most significant historical and cultural artifacts.

Visit Japan's oldest Buddhist temple, Shitennoji. Built in the late sixth century by Prince Shotoku, the temple grounds contain a five-story pagoda and a treasure house containing ornate mandalas and several massive wooden Buddha statues. Despite repeated reconstructions, the layout of the temple compound remains largely unchanged from its beginnings.

Malerisches Osaka – Alt und Neu
Kyoto (Kobe) / Japan
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 153€ / Kinder ab 95€

Visit two iconic landmarks in Osaka that represent vastly different time periods: a classic 16th-century castle and a modern high rise made of steel and glass.

Enjoy a scenic drive around the bay and through the urban landscape that connects Kobe and Osaka. Stop for photos of Osaka Castle, an imposing fortress at the edge of a lush park with more than 1,200 trees. Built in the late 16th century, magnificent Osaka Castle consists of 13 structures that include gates, moats and gunpowder storehouses. The nine-story dungeon at its center is adorned with golden sea creature ornaments and is so distinctive that the government has designated the castle an Important Cultural Asset and the cherished symbol of Osaka.

During your visit of the castle's exterior, you will learn about the castle's construction, particularly its massive stone wall. According to legend, the stones were carried there from all over Japan to display loyalty to hegemon Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who built the castle.

For a modern perspective of the city, you will ascend to the observation deck of towering Umeda Sky Building. Completed in 1993, the twin-tower high rise offers a stunning, 360-degree view of Osaka and beyond to Awaji Island. Nearly 3 million people live in Osaka, so you can imagine the urban sprawl nearly as far as you can see.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Glimpses of Kobe
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: KOB-D

Discover the scenic splendour of Kobe during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Kobe, Mt. Rokko, Garden Terrace, Breath-Taking Panoramic Views, Osaka Bay, Gift Shoppe

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to beautiful Mt. Rokko. Located in southern Hyogo on the northern coast of Osaka Bay, the approximately 3,000-foot (about 914-metre) Mt. Rokko is the highest peak in the Rokko mountain range, and equipped with a variety of leisure and sporting activities. Upon arrival, drive to the top of the mountain for a stop at the Mt. Rokko Garden Terrace. From here, take in spectacular panoramic vistas of Kobe's Osaka Bay and, on clear days, the Inland Sea. Before you leave, you can browse the gift shoppe for a memento of your visit.

Japanese-Style Sorakuen Garden

Next, re-board your coach and head to the Sorakuen Garden, which features a traditional Japanese landscape and has been designated as a ‘place of serene beauty’. Completed in the early-20th century, the garden used to be part of the residence of Kodera Kenkichi, the former mayor of Kobe, and has been open to the public since 1941.

Japanese Sake Museum

Next, re-board your coach and continue on to the Japanese Sake Museum. Upon arrival, take a guided tour of Sake Museum, which is populated by life-size dioramas depicting the various steps involved in sake production. Along the way, learn about the centuries-old history of sake, observe its production process, view short films and videos, and sample fine quality sake made from the pure water running through the Rokko Mountains.

At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach for a 30-minute transfer back to the ship.

This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.05 miles (about 1.7 kilometres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and some stairs at the Sorakuen Garden. Walking in the Nankinmachi District is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests with a fear of heights, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Purchases of food, beverages, and/or souvenirs in the Nankinmachi District are at each guest’s own expense. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary.

Highlights of Kyoto & Bullet Train Experience
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 8.75 Stunden
Code: KOB-G

Experience UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Japanese traditions during this scenic, full-day sightseeing excursion to Kyoto via bullet-train with lunch.

Kobe, Shin-Kobe Station, Bullet-Train to Kyoto

Depart the pier for the short drive to the Shin-Kobe Station. Upon arrival, board the high-speed Shinkansen bullet-train for the short ride to historic Kyoto. Once the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto is a sophisticated city on the island of Honshu with thousands of classical Buddhist temples. It is also home to many gardens, Shinto shrines, palaces, and traditional wooden houses, a number of which have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Upon arrival at Kyoto Station, board a coach and transfer to the spectacular Nijo Castle.

Nijo Castle, Chinese Gate, Ninomaru Palace & Garden

The Nijo Castle is a fortification of cypress wood built in 1603 as the residence of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Hon-maru (Main Court) burned down in 1788. The only original part remaining is the Ninomaru (Second Court). The present 'Hon-maru', built in 1827, is a replica of the one that originally stood on the grounds of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is protected by a moat, stone walls, and ingenious nightingale floors, which chirp like a bird when walked upon to alert the guards of potential intruders. It is also renowned for its many cultural treasures dating from the 16th-century Momoyama Era, including the Karamon (Chinese Gate) and Ninomaru Palace & Garden.  

Traditional Tearoom, Tatami Floor, Tea Ceremony, Freshly-Brewed Green Tea, Japanese Lunch

Next, re-board your coach and head for a tea ceremony venue. Upon arrival, enjoy an opportunity to experience an authentic tea ceremony, a Japanese tradition steeped in history. It is a ceremonial way of preparing and drinking green tea in a traditional tearoom with a tatami floor. Upon arrival, immerse yourself in the art of the tea ceremony accompanied by a cup of freshly-brewed green tea. Following the tea ceremony, re-board your coach and proceed to a local restaurant for a Japanese, set-menu lunch.

Golden Pavilion

After lunch, re-board your coach and transfer to the Kinkaku-ji Temple (Golden Pavilion) for an exterior visit. Built as a villa during the Muromachi Period in 1397, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was later converted into a temple. The temple burned down in 1950 and was rebuilt in 1955. It is approximately 41 feet (about 12.5 metres) in height, and the second-and-third storeys are covered with approximately two tons (about 1.8 metric tons) of pure gold foil. The mirror reflection on the still pond in the garden is a marvellous site to behold. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately two-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.05 miles (about 1.7 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and board/de-board the bullet-train, and steps at the Nijo Castle. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must remove their shoes before entering the tea ceremony and Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Due to ongoing repair-and-restoration projects on the...
Himeji Castle & Garden
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.25 Stunden
Code: KOB-I

Explore the most beautiful feudal castle in Japan and its beautiful, adjacent garden during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion to Himeji.

Kobe, Himeji Castle, Huge, Central Pillars, Castle Top, Spectacular Views

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive to the Himeji Castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Himeji Castle’s white appearance is nicknamed Shirasagi-jo (white heron). The castle features huge, central pillars to support, and it remains a mystery how they were able to build it in ancient times. Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour of the Himeji Castle. Ascending the 110 steps required to access the top of the Himeji Castle is rewarded with spectacular panoramic views of its surrounds.

Kokoen Garden, Nine Separate Gardens, Blooming Flowers

Following your tour of the Himeji Castle, proceed on-foot to the adjacent Kokoen Garden. This expansive garden complex is nestled on the former site of the feudal lord's residence, and consists of nine separate gardens. Many kinds of flowers bloom throughout the year at the Kokoen Garden. Following your guided visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 1.5-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and standing for approximately 1.05 miles (about 1.7 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the sites visited, and 100 steps to access the top floor inside the Himeji Castle. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. The driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately 1.5 hours in each direction. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary.

Kobe Beef Lunch & Sake Brewery
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.75 Stunden
Code: KOB-E

Experience the unique culture and flavours of Kobe during this immersive, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Kobe, Nada District, Sake Brewery, Guided Tour & Tasting, Exhibition Hall, Shopping

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the Nada District, Japan's top sake-producing region. Upon arrival, head to one of the best sake breweries in Kobe for a guided tour and sake tasting. Sake means ‘alcohol’ in Japanese, but also refers to a local speciality made from fermented rice. Rice-sake is called Nihonshu (Japanese sake). The popularity of sake extends far beyond Japan, and it can be found at countless Asian restaurants and bars around the world. Many sake breweries operating in the Nada District offer a guided tour and tasting of their brand. Following your tour and sake tasting, you can browse the brewery’s Exhibition Hall, where you may opt to purchase your favourite bottle or souvenir.

World-Famous Kobe Beef Lunch

Next, re-board your coach and transfer for a Teppanyaki lunch at a local restaurant. Upon arrival, enjoy an opportunity to taste the world-famous Kobe beef. This prized beef is renowned for its mouth-watering flavour, tenderness, and high amount of intramuscular fat, giving it its signature marbled appearance. Kobe cows are given beer to induce their appetite, and massaged daily to increase their physical and mental wellness. After a delicious Kobe beef lunch, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 437 yards (about 400 metres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, and at the restaurant and Sake Brewery; a lift is available at the restaurant. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Additional beverages are available at the restaurant at each guest’s own expense. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Kyoto on Your Own Exploration
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 9.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-K

Discover the splendid beauty and landmarks of bustling Kyoto at your leisure during this full-day, self-guided sightseeing excursion.

Osaka, Kyoto Station & City, Self-Guided Visit, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, National Treasures

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately two-hour drive to Kyoto Station. Upon arrival, your guide gives you a map of Kyoto with instructions about how to explore Kyoto City on-foot. Afterward, depart Kyoto Station and begin your self-guided tour of the city. From dazzling temples and graceful geishas to colourful shops and exotic delicacies, Japan's seventh-largest city offers something for everyone. Spectacular, must-see venues to explore during your visit include a host of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the Nijo Castle, Golden Pavilion, and Kinkaku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera and Byodo-in temples. Two other temples, Kiyomizu and Sanjusangendo, are both designated as National Treasures.

Fushimi Inari Shrine, Machiya, Gion Geisha & Arashiyama Districts, Parks & Botanical Gardens

For a look at traditional Kyoto, visit the Fushimi Inari Shrine with its 10,000 red-painted Torii Gates, a machiya, or traditional wooden townhouse, or Hanamikoji Street in the Gion Geisha District, with its traditional wooden merchants houses and teahouses. If you enjoy the outdoors, Kyoto has some beautiful parks to explore, including the picturesque Arashiyama Park & Bamboo Forest, Kodaiji Park, Kyoto Imperial Palace Park, and the Kyoto Botanical Gardens.

Kiyomizu-Zaka & Shijo Streets, Kawaramachi, Kyoto Handicraft Centre, Arashiyama, Nishiki Market

Endless options abound when it comes to shopping and dining in Kyoto. Browse Kiyomizu-Zaka Street, which is filled with shoppers searching for Japanese handicrafts and souvenirs, Shijo Street, Kawaramachi-area department stores, the Kyoto Handicraft Centre, Arashiyama District, and Nishiki Market. Korean street food vendors and restaurants can be found at virtually every turn in Kyoto, and offer a wonderful selection of sumptuous street food and local specialities. At the conclusion of your self-guided visit, re-board your coach at Kyoto Station and commence the approximately two-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate-extensive amount of walking, at times over uneven, cobblestone, and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the sites visited. Walking in Kyoto City is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must remove their shoes before entering the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Osaka may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Due to ongoing repair-and-restoration projects on the Nijo Castle grounds, some of the buildings may be covered. Operation of this...
Nara & Osaka
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 9.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-L

Explore a trio of spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Sites during this captivating, full-day sightseeing excursion with lunch.

Kobe, Nara, Todaiji Temple, Great Buddha Image, Free-Roaming Deer

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive to the Todaiji Temple. The temple is famous for its great copper image of Buddha, the symbol of Nara. With a height of approximately 59 feet (about 18 metres) from the ground, this Buddha image was the largest in the world at the time of its completion in 752 A.D. The temple building itself is the largest existing wooden structure in the world. Reconstructed in the mid-Edo Period (1603-1867), it measures approximately 187 feet (about 57 metres) in width and approximately 157 feet (about 48 metres) in height. During your guided stroll through the temple, you may see many deer. They are considered messengers of the gods in the Shinto religion and are allowed to roam freely here.

Kasuga Taisha Shrine, 2,000 Stone Lanterns, Torii Gate, Colourful Halls, Japanese Lunch

Leaving the temple, your next stop is the Kasuga Taisha Shrine. Originally constructed in 768 A.D. by the Fujiwaras, a prominent feudal family, this shrine has been rebuilt over 50 times in accordance with Shinto custom to purify the site. More than 2,000 stone lanterns line the pathways, and are lit only three times a year on special festival days. Upon arrival, pass through the Torii Gate to experience the unique architectural style of the shrine, including the shape of the roof and brilliant vermilion and green halls. Following your visit, proceed to the nearby Hiraso restaurant for a Japanese, set-menu lunch. After lunch, re-board your coach and head to the Osaka Castle, one of Japan’s most famous castles.

Osaka Castle, Central Castle, Weapons, Armour, Artefacts, Interior Museum

The magnificent Osaka Castle was built in the late-16th century, on a plot of land almost one square mile (about 2.6 square kilometres). The central castle building is five storeys on the outside and eight storeys on the inside, and built atop a massive stone foundation that protected its occupants from sword-bearing attackers. The first seven floors of the castle display various weapons, armour, and artefacts. The eighth floor features splendid panoramic vistas of the castle’s surrounds. The castle’s interior museum houses its most significant historical and cultural artefacts from the late-1500s to present-day. Following your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 50-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately two miles (about 5.2 kilometres), at times over uneven, cobblestone, and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, 50 steps at the Osaka Castle, and more than 60 steps at the Kasuga Taisha Shrine; the top floor of the Osaka Castle is accessible by steps only. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Additional beverages are available at the restaurant at each guest’s own expense. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the 3rd & 4th floors of the Osaka Castle, and inside the Main Shrine at...
Osaka Castle (Tour & Airport Transfer - KIX Kansai Intl Airport)
Debark tours
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: KOB-M01

Osaka Castle,

After collecting your luggage in the terminal, board your coach for a scenic 60-minute drive to see the impressive landmark, Osaka Castle. One of Japan's most famous castles, it played a major role in the unification of Japan during the 16th century. Built on a plot of land almost one square mile, the castle compound contains thirteen structures, designated as Important Cultural Assets by the Japanese government. The central castle building is five stories on the outside and eight stories on the inside, built atop a massive stone foundation that protected its occupants from sword-bearing attackers. Enjoy a guided walking tour and learn about the castle's various weapons, armor and artefacts of a bygone era which are displayed.

At the end of your visit transfer to Kansai International Airport (KIX).

Please note: This tour involves a moderate to extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.8 miles (about 3 kilometers), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, approximately 215 steps in total at the Osaka Castle. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilize a wheelchair. The Motorcoach parking lot at Osaka Castle is approximately a 15-minute walk from the castle. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Japanese yen is required for any purchases: guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. This tour ends at KIX Kansai International Airport and is available for disembarking guests with departing flights after 2.30 pm. Local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility.

Osaka Highlights
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 6.75 Stunden
Code: KOB-F

Explore the highlights of Japan's third-largest city during this intriguing, full-day sightseeing excursion to Osaka.

Kobe, Osaka, Shitennoji Temple

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive to Osaka, Japan’s third-largest city. One of the gateways to ancient Japan for traders from China, Korea, and the Asian continent, Osaka played a vital role in the introduction of new technologies in ceramics, forging, construction, and engineering. Today, this modern port city combines historical and cultural attractions with all the delights of a Japanese urban marvel. Your first stop is at the Shitennoji Temple, which was constructed over 1,400 years ago to commemorate the victory of the war, and provide relief and settlement for the king. Today, the Shitennoji Temple remains one of the oldest architectural styles preserved today in Japan.

Osaka Castle 

Next, re-board your coach and head to the impressive Osaka Castle. One of Japan’s most famous castles, it played a major role in the unification of Japan during the 16th century. The Osaka Castle was built on a plot of land almost one square mile (about 2.6 square kilometres) in the late-16th century, only to be burned down in a series of 17th-century battles. It was later reconstructed, but its donjon was destroyed by fire once again. The castle's final reconstruction took place in the early-20th century. Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour. The castle compound contains thirteen structures, designated as Important Cultural Assets by the Japanese government.

Central Castle, Weapons, Armour, Artefacts, Gilded Roof Tiles & Bas Reliefs, Interior Museum

The central castle building is five storeys on the outside and eight storeys on the inside, built atop a massive stone foundation that protected its occupants from sword-bearing attackers. The first seven floors of the castle display various weapons, armour, and artefacts of a bygone era. The eighth floor features splendid panoramic vistas and photo opportunities of the castle’s surrounds. Of particular interest are the tower's ornamental ride-end roof tiles and bas reliefs carved in the shape of crouching tigers, all gilded with gold. An engaging museum occupies the interior of the building, traces the history of Osaka from the late-1500s to the present day, and houses Osaka's most significant historical and cultural artifacts.

Dotonbori District, Free Time, Lunch on Your Own

Leaving the Osaka Castle, proceed to Osaka’s city centre near the Dotonbori District. One of the symbols of Osaka and beloved by residents, Dotonbori is a dense area of restaurants and amusement spots located along the south bank of the Dotonbori Canal. Osaka is a food-lover's delight, and neon-lit Dotonbori offers hundreds of eateries. The area began as an entertainment district and still has Bunraku (puppet show) theatres, halls for Rakugo (comic story-telling) and, of course, movie theatres. The area is often featured in both domestic and foreign films, as it typifies the lively spirit of Osaka. After some free time here and lunch on your own, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately two miles (about 3.2 kilometres), at times over uneven, cobblestone, and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 40 steps at the Osaka Castle; the top floor of the Osaka Castle is accessible by steps only. Walking in the Dotonbori District is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Purchases of food, beverages, and/or souvenirs in the Dotonbori District is at each guest’s own expense. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the 3rd & 4th floors of the...
Silver Shore Privato: Kyoto by Car with Driver and Guide
Dauer: 9.5 Stunden
Code: KOB-M

Explore the iconic UNESCO World Heritage Sites and important cultural properties of Kyoto during this panoramic, full-day, Silver Shore Privato sightseeing tour via private car.

Kobe, Kyoto

Depart the pier with your driver and guide in a private, air-conditioned coach and begin your Silver Shore Privato tour with a scenic, approximately two-hour drive to historic Kyoto. Once the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto is a sophisticated city on the island of Honshu with thousands of classical Buddhist temples. It is also home to many gardens, Shinto shrines, palaces, and traditional wooden houses, a number of which have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Heian Jingu Shrine

Upon arrival in Kyoto, explore the city and its surrounds at your own pace. Your first stop is at the Heian Jingu Shrine (Shrine of Peace). Designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan, it was built in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of Kyoto (Heian-Kyo capital). The Heian Shrine is dedicated to two emperors: Emperor Kammu, the first emperor to rule Kyoto, and Emperor Komei, the last emperor to live out his reign in the city. Following your visit, re-board your coach and head to the Nijo Castle.  

Nijo Castle, Chinese Gate, Ninomaru Palace & Garden

The Nijo Castle is a fortification of cypress wood built in 1603 as the residence of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Hon-maru (Main Court) burned down in 1788. The only original part remaining is the Ninomaru (Second Court). The present 'Hon-maru', built in 1827, is a replica of the one that originally stood on the grounds of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is protected by a moat, stone walls, and ingenious nightingale floors, which chirp like a bird when walked upon to alert the guards of potential intruders. It is also renowned for its many cultural treasures dating from the 16th-century Momoyama Era, including the Karamon (Chinese Gate) and Ninomaru Palace & Garden.  

Local Restaurant, Japanese Lunch, Golden Pavilion

After a stop for a Japanese, set-menu lunch at a local restaurant, transfer to the Kinkaku-ji Temple (Golden Pavilion) for an exterior visit. Built as a villa during the Muromachi Period in 1397, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was later converted into a temple. The temple burned down in 1950 and was rebuilt in 1955. It is approximately 41 feet (about 12.5 metres) in height, and the second-and-third storeys are covered with approximately two tons (about 1.8 metric tons) of pure gold foil. The mirror reflection on the still pond in the garden is a marvellous site to behold. At the conclusion of your Silver Shore Privato excursion, re-board your private car and commence the approximately two-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This Silver Shore Privato tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.05 miles (about 1.7 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, 10 steps at the Heian Jingu Shrine, 20 steps at the Nijo Castle, and 50 steps at the Golden Pavilion. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must remove their shoes before entering the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Guests must be at least XX years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Due to ongoin...
Silver Shore Privato: Kyoto by Van with Driver and Guide
Dauer: 9.5 Stunden
Code: KOB-N

Explore the iconic UNESCO World Heritage Sites and important cultural properties of Kyoto during this panoramic, full-day, Silver Shore Privato sightseeing tour via private van.

Kobe, Kyoto

Depart the pier with your driver and guide in a private, air-conditioned van and begin your Silver Shore Privato tour with a scenic, approximately two-hour drive to historic Kyoto. Once the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto is a sophisticated city on the island of Honshu with thousands of classical Buddhist temples. It is also home to many gardens, Shinto shrines, palaces, and traditional wooden houses, a number of which have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Heian Jingu Shrine

Upon arrival in Kyoto, explore the city and its surrounds at your own pace. Your first stop is at the Heian Jingu Shrine (Shrine of Peace). Designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan, it was built in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of Kyoto (Heian-Kyo capital). The Heian Shrine is dedicated to two emperors: Emperor Kammu, the first emperor to rule Kyoto, and Emperor Komei, the last emperor to live out his reign in the city. Following your visit, re-board your van and head to the Nijo Castle.  

Nijo Castle, Chinese Gate, Ninomaru Palace & Garden

The Nijo Castle is a fortification of cypress wood built in 1603 as the residence of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Hon-maru (Main Court) burned down in 1788. The only original part remaining is the Ninomaru (Second Court). The present 'Hon-maru', built in 1827, is a replica of the one that originally stood on the grounds of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is protected by a moat, stone walls, and ingenious nightingale floors, which chirp like a bird when walked upon to alert the guards of potential intruders. It is also renowned for its many cultural treasures dating from the 16th-century Momoyama Era, including the Karamon (Chinese Gate) and Ninomaru Palace & Garden.  

Local Restaurant, Japanese Lunch, Golden Pavilion

After a stop for a Japanese, set-menu lunch at a local restaurant, transfer to the Kinkaku-ji Temple (Golden Pavilion) for an exterior visit. Built as a villa during the Muromachi Period in 1397, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was later converted into a temple. The temple burned down in 1950 and was rebuilt in 1955. It is approximately 41 feet (about 12.5 metres) in height, and the second-and-third storeys are covered with approximately two tons (about 1.8 metric tons) of pure gold foil. The mirror reflection on the still pond in the garden is a marvellous site to behold. At the conclusion of your Silver Shore Privato excursion, re-board your private van and commence the approximately two-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This Silver Shore Privato tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.05 miles (about 1.7 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the van, 10 steps at the Heian Jingu Shrine, 20 steps at the Nijo Castle, and 50 steps at the Golden Pavilion. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must remove their shoes before entering the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Photography/videography is not permitted inside the Ninomaru Palace at the Nijo Castle. Due to ongoing ...
Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Full-Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-W

For those guests interested in touring Kyoto independently, we are pleased to provide this opportunity for a full day's discovery of the city and its surrounding areas at your leisure, in the comfort of your own private van. Enjoy the flexibility of creating your own itinerary in which to explore this fascinating region of Japan with friends and family, if you wish.

Your full-day outing includes an air-conditioned van with a driver and an English-speaking guide. Participation is limited for comfort to up to 2 guests per car. Price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party need reserve this program.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Half-Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-V

Spend a half day exploring Kobe at your leisure. In the comfort of your own private car, discover the city and its surrounding areas with a knowledgeable guide. Create your own itinerary, see sights at your own pace with friends and family if you wish, and learn about this fascinating part of Japan.

Your half-day outing includes an air-conditioned van with driver and an English-speaking guide. Participation is limited for comfort to up to 2 guests per car. Price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party need reserve this program.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 Hours prior to arrival in Kobe. The number of vehicles is limited. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Please see the Tour Office on board to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-Y

For those guests interested in touring Kyoto independently, we are pleased to provide this opportunity for a full day's discovery of the city and its surrounding areas at your leisure, in the comfort of your own private van. Enjoy the flexibility of creating your own itinerary in which to explore this fascinating region of Japan with friends and family, if you wish.

Your full-day outing includes an air-conditioned van with a driver and an English-speaking guide. Participation is limited for comfort to up to 4 guests per van. Price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party need reserve this program.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 Hours prior to arrival in Kobe. The number of vehicles is limited. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Please see the Tour Office on board to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-X

Spend a half day exploring Kobe at your leisure. In the comfort of your own private van, discover the city and its surrounding areas with a knowledgeable guide. Create your own itinerary, see sights at your own pace with friends and family if you wish, and learn about this fascinating part of Japan.

Your half-day outing includes an air-conditioned van with driver and an English-speaking guide. Participation is limited for comfort to up to 4 guests per van. Price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party need reserve this program.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 Hours prior to arrival in Kobe. The number of vehicles is limited. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Please see the Tour Office on board to arrange your individual itinerary.

The Kobe Beef Dinner Experience
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: KOB-J

Savour a delicious Japanese Kobe beef dinner during this unforgettable, half-day epicurean excursion.

Kobe, Teppanyaki Restaurant

Depart the pier for the short drive to a renonwned Teppaniyaki restaurant. Kobe beef is one of several breeds of Wagyu which are bred throughout the country, and often associated with the area in which they are raised. The Wagyu served here is produced from pedigreed Tajima breed cattle which were born and slaughtered in the Hyogo Prefecture. Despite popular rumour, the cows here are not usually fed beer or massaged with sake. Once slaughtered, the meat must pass a series of requirements and only the highest grades of meat with exceptionally high levels of fat marbling earn the Kobe Beef label, which is a strictly-guarded trademark.

Teppanyaki-Style, Kobe Beef Dinner

Kobe beef is world-renowned for its mouth-watering flavour, tenderness, and high amount of intramuscular fat, giving the meat its marbled appearance. Kobe beef is one of the most popular regional speciality foods in Japan, and one of the best ways to enjoy it is Teppanyaki-style, where the food is freshly-prepared in front of you and served on heated iron plates. Upon arrival at the Kobe Beef restaurant, you are welcomed and seated for your Teppanyaki-style, Kobe beef dinner. After this delightful repast, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 109 yards (about 100 metres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the restaurant; a lift is available at the restaurant. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear smart-casual, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and Japanese Yen or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Although credit cards are mostly accepted, Japanese Yen is required for any purchases; guests are advised to exchange money at the airport prior to the cruise. Proper attire is required to enter temples and shrines; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 20 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Kobe may be basic, and local conditions may be challenging; coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other ports. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique, less-touristic destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in this area is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring regions, as vehicles and guides are brought in from the whole region. This may be reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Additional beverages are available at the restaurant at each guest’s own expense. This tour is available in the evening only. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

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