Wetter in Honolulu

Fr. 17.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Fr. 17.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Sa. 18.01.2025
leichter Regen
Sa. 18.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Sa. 18.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Sa. 18.01.2025
klarer Himmel
So. 19.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung

Hafenkarte: Honolulu

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Honolulu

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Honolulu mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Pride of America Sa. 01.02.2025 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 08.02.2025 07:00 19:00
Queen Anne So. 09.02.2025 früh morgens
Queen Anne Mo. 10.02.2025 abends
Pride of America Sa. 15.02.2025 07:00
Pride of America Sa. 22.02.2025 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 01.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 08.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 15.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 22.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Ruby Princess Mo. 24.03.2025 07:00 23:00
Pride of America Sa. 29.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Grand Princess So. 30.03.2025 07:00 23:00
MS Europa 2 Do. 03.04.2025 18:00
MS Europa 2 Fr. 04.04.2025 22:30
Pride of America Sa. 05.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Ruby Princess Fr. 11.04.2025 07:00 23:00
Pride of America Sa. 12.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 19.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 25.04.2025 07:00 18:00
Pride of America Sa. 26.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Quantum of the Seas So. 27.04.2025 07:00
Silver Shadow Mo. 28.04.2025 08:00 00:00
Quantum of the Seas Mo. 28.04.2025 19:00
Silver Shadow Di. 29.04.2025 00:00 20:00
Silver Moon Di. 29.04.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Moon Mi. 30.04.2025 00:00 23:00
Royal Princess Mi. 30.04.2025
Royal Princess Do. 01.05.2025 18:00
Royal Princess Sa. 03.05.2025 07:00
Pride of America Sa. 03.05.2025 07:00
Royal Princess So. 04.05.2025 18:00
Celebrity Edge Di. 06.05.2025 07:00
Celebrity Edge Mi. 07.05.2025 18:00
Norwegian Sun Mi. 04.06.2025 06:00 23:59
Norwegian Sun Do. 05.06.2025 06:00 22:00
Pride of America Sa. 07.06.2025 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 14.06.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 21.06.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 28.06.2025 07:00 19:00
Pride of America Sa. 05.07.2025 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Sun Mi. 09.07.2025 06:00 23:59
Norwegian Sun Do. 10.07.2025 06:00 22:00

Landausflüge in Honolulu

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Aloha Kai Luau
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std. 
Am späteren Nachmittag startet die etwa 45-minütige schöne Landschaftsfahrt entlang der Küste nach Aloha Kai Luau. Hier erleben Sie eine eindrucksvolle Inszenierung eines hawaiianischen Festes ("Luau"), dessen Programm ein Festmahl im hawaiianischen Stil (in Buffetform inkl Softdrinks, Bier, Wein), Mitmach-Aktivitäten und eine Show mit eindrucksvollen traditionellen Tanzdarbietungen beinhaltet. Das "Luau" findet an einem besonders schönen Ort der Insel statt, unter dem weiten Sternenhimmel, mit Blick auf den weiten Ozean und vor der Kulisse der majestätischen Ko'olau-Berge. Nach der 3,5 stündigen Veranstaltung fahren Sie wieder zum Schiff zurück. 
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Bequeme geschlossene Schuhe und dem festlichen Charakter entsprechend schickere Freizeitkleidung empfohlen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

ca. 2h, Flugdauer ca. 1h

ca. 2 Std., Flugdauer ca. 1 Std. 
Nach kurzem Transfer und Check-in erkunden Sie die Insel Oahu aus der Vogelperspektive. Während Ihres Rundflugs genießen Sie Ausblicke auf den Waikiki Beach mit seinen leuchtend türkisfarbenen Korallenriffs, den erloschenen Vulkan von Diamond Head, auf die halbmondförmige Hanauma Bay, Halona Blowhole und die weißen Strände von Waimanalo Beach, Chinaman's Hat (eigentlich das Inselchen Mokolii) und die wunderschönen Korallenformationen in der Kaneohe Bay. Desweiteren sehen Sie die Klippen des Nuuanu Valley Regenwaldes, fliegen entlang der herrlichen Küste zu den Sacred-Wasserfälle und die Dole Ananasplantagen. Schließlich sehen Sie aus der Vogelperspektive Pearl Harbor, das Arizona Memorial und das Kriegsschiff Missouri. Anschließend Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Die Informationen erfolgen in englischer Sprache. Die Sitzplatzvergabe erfolgt durch den Piloten. Durchführung wetterabhängig.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

Landschaftsfahrt Oahu
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std. 
Sie fahren durch Honolulu und den Stadtteil Waikiki mit Blick auf die bekannte Bucht bis zum Diamond Head. An einem Aussichtspunkt haben Sie einen atemberaubenden Blick auf diese 232 m hohe Tuffsteinformation, das weltbekannte Wahrzeichen. Sie passieren die Hanauma Bay (ein erloschener Vulkankrater) und fahren auf kurvenreicher Straße durch einige der schönsten Landschaften der Insel bis zur Felsformation Halona Blowhole und genießen die Aussicht auf Sandy Beach, einen der schönsten Strände auf Oahu. Weiterfahrt auf reizvoller Strecke vorbei am Waimanalo Beach und entlang des Pali Highway. Am Pali-Aussichtspunkt genießen Sie den Panoramablick auf Windward Oahu genießen. Bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren, legen Sie noch einen kurzen Halt am Punchbowl-Krater ein. 
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

Panoramafahrt Honolulu
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std. 
Sie gewinnen auf dieser Stadtrundfahrt einen guten Eindruck der modernsten Metropole im Pazifik. Sie sehen das geschäftige Treiben im historischen Stadtviertel Chinatown, das Hawaii State Capitol, den 'Iolani-Palast und die Hawaiian Mission Houses, den berühmten Punchbowl-Krater (mit Fotostopp), wo sich der National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific befindet. Sie sehen die berühmte Statue von König Kamehameha I, das Rathaus und die Kirche Kawaihao. Bevor Sie wieder zum Schiff zurückfahren, legen Sie noch einen Halt an der University of Hawai'i at M?noa sowie am Aussichtspunkt Diamond Head ein. 
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

Pearl Harbor & Highlights Honolulu
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std. 
Sie fahren etwa 30 Minuten nach Pearl Harbor zum Besucherzentrum, dessen Ausstellungen umfassend über die Ereignisse des 7. Dezember 1941 informiert. Nach dem etwa 2,5 stündigen Aufenthalt besuchen Sie den Nationalen Gedenkfriedhof am Punchbowl Krater (National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific). Anschließend Weiterfahrt in das historische Viertel von Honolulu. Während der Rundfahrt sehen Sie u.a. den 'Iolani Palast, den Washington Place, das Hawaii State Capitol und die Statue des ersten Königs von Hawaii (Kamehameha I.). Danach Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten : Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

Polynesisches Kulturzentrum
ca. 7,5h ohne Essen

ca. 7,5 Std. ohne Essen
Sie fahren zunächst durch die Innenstadt von Honolulu und auf reizvoller Strecke entlang an Zuckerrohr- und Ananasfeldern mit Stopp an der Dole Plantage (Gelegenheit zum Einkauf). Die Fahrt führt entlang der Nordküste mit ihren Surfstränden (unterwegs Fotostopps). Sie erreichen nach etwa 2-stündiger Fahrtzeit das Polynesische Kulturzentrum L?'ie, ein Freilichtmuseum, das viele spannende Einblicke in der Leben der Polynesier vermittelt, denn hier wurden u.a. Dörfer von sieben polynesischen Inseln nachgebaut. Anhand von informativen Vorführungen und Aktivitäten erfahren Sie viel Wissenswertes über die polynesische Kultur und ihre Geschichte. Gelegenheit zum individuellen Mittagessen (nicht inkl.). Nach dem gesamt 3,5-stündigen Aufenthalt fahren Sie wieder zurück. Bevor Sie das Schiff erreichen, legen Sie noch einen Fotostopp am Nuuanu Pali Aussichtspunkt ein und genießen Sie den herrlichen Panoramablick auf die Windward Coast und Kane'ohe Bay. 
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2023)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Early Bird Pearl Harbor (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 85€

Before departing Honolulu spend some time at Pearl Harbor, one of Hawaii’s best-known landmarks, and the scene of the devastating aerial attack by Japan that drove the U.S. into WWII. The Pearl Harbor Visitor's center exhibit galleries bring visitors closer to the sights and sounds of the events leading up to the attack on Oahu and its aftermath. View dramatic photographs, artifacts of the battle, and other exhibits that invite visitors to imagine the experience of that tragic day. Enjoy panoramic city views on your drive to the airport.

Explore Oahu's Famous North Shore
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 95€


Discover Oahu's North Shore – surf mecca and home to the perfect wave. Travel past pineapple and sugar cane fields to the island's well-known surfing beaches, stretching for seven miles along this coast. They include Waimea Bay, a prominent spot in the early days of big wave surfing in the 1950’s, two-mile-long Sunset Beach, and the Banzai Pipeline, where waves breaking over a sharp reef make it one of the world’s most dangerous surfing scenes. Continue past shrimp farms, and catch a glimpse of the small island known as Chinaman's Hat for its interesting shape. Shop for irresistible macadamia nuts and other local products at the Macadamia Nut Farm Outlet. On your way to the airport drop by the Byodo Temple, a scale replica of a temple in Japan constructed entirely without nails and surrounded by a lovely and tranquil garden.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Explore Oahu's Famous North Shore (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 85€

Discover Oahu's North Shore – surf mecca and home to the perfect wave. Travel past pineapple and sugar cane fields to the island's well-known surfing beaches, stretching for seven miles along this coast. They include Waimea Bay, a prominent spot in the early days of big wave surfing in the 1950’s, two-mile-long Sunset Beach, and the Banzai Pipeline, where waves breaking over a sharp reef make it one of the world’s most dangerous surfing scenes.

Continue past shrimp farms, and catch a glimpse of the small island known as Chinaman's Hat for its interesting shape. Shop for irresistible macadamia nuts and other local products at the Macadamia Nut Farm Outlet. On your way to the airport drop by the Byodo Temple, a scale replica of a temple in Japan constructed entirely without nails and surrounded by a lovely and tranquil garden.

Grand Circle Island Tour (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
8 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 143€

Get to know Oahu as you circle the entire island, with views of the top sightseeing spots, including iconic Diamond Head, its 760-foot volcanic crater rim a part of the Honolulu skyline. View the coastal beaches along our South Shore, including Sandy Beach, a favorite for body surfers, and drive along the North Shore, home to the most celebrated surfing zones in the world, including the spectacular and treacherous Banzai Pipeline. Lunch is included.

Visit the Dole Plantation, and learn the story of James Dole, who established his first pineapple plantation on Oahu in 1900 and turned it into a worldwide agricultural empire. Stroll through the pineapple variety garden, sip some delicious juice, and shop for all sorts of local products, including Dole’s own specialty chocolates, and of course pineapples.

Oahu's Famous Sites, Bites & Sips (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
6 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 288€ / Kinder ab 240€


Settle in for a definitive look at the natural wonders of southeastern Oahu and enjoy an inspiring lunch and wine tasting. Along the way, you will pause at vantage points that present absolutely breathtaking vistas of the ancient volcano Diamond Head, the volcanically formed Halona blowhole and Hanuama Bay, a nature preserve within an ancient volcanic crater. Besides shaping the island’s landscape, volcanoes have left mineral deposits in the soil that make it exceptionally fertile. Your lunch at the Uahi Grill in Kailua will feature ingredients that flourish on the island’s farms and in the surrounding sea. The soil is also ideal for growing grapes for wine as you will discover at a tasting at Oeno Winery. The wines will be thoughtfully paired with handmade chocolates. Before taking off for the airport, you will see a statue of Hawaii’s first ruler, the legendary King Kamehameha I, and the battlefield where his victory in 1795 led to the unification of Hawaii.


• Behold the natural beauty of southeastern Oahu from several scenic overlooks.
• Enjoy a lunch of local favorites at a restaurant in Kailua with an island vibe.
• Savor a wine tasting paired with Hawaiian chocolates at the island’s only winery.
• See a statue of King Kamehameha I, the revered monarch that successfully unified Hawaii.
• Transfer to the airport in plenty of time for your flight.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Panoramic Honolulu
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
2 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 66€


This tour offers guests the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with the most notable sights in Honolulu and Waikiki, all from the comfort of an air-conditioned vehicle. Start off from the pier with a drive through Honolulu and the heart of Waikiki, viewing the legendary Waikiki Beach. Next, continue on to Diamond Head for a stop at the Diamond Head lookout where you can take in breathtaking views of this world-famous landmark. Making your way into the Koolau mountain range which rises above the city, you will stop at the Pali lookout for some spectacular views of the windward side of Oahu. Next, it's on to the Punchbowl National Cemetery for a drive through this beautiful yet somber reminder of the brave men and women who have served our country. Set in an extinct volcano, this cemetery honors America's fallen heroes from WWI, WWII, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Traveling back to the center of Honolulu, you will view such attractions as Iolani Palace, the Royal palace of the Hawaiian Monarchy and the only royal palace located in the United States, as well as the impressive King Kamehameha statue, Honolulu City Hall, The State Capital Building, China Town, Kawaiahao Church and the quaint homes of the early missionaries. Following your city tour, you will be transferred back to the cruise ship pier.


• Admire the most renowned attractions in and around Honolulu.
• Drive past iconic Diamond Head.
• Glimpse Oahu’s verdant windward side from a mountain lookout.
• See the only royal palace in the United States.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Pearl Harbor & City Highlights
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 95€


Relive moments in history with a visit to Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial during this tour that concludes with a view of the city's most notable landmarks. Traveling by coach from the pier, you will first visit the Arizona Memorial Visitors Center where you will view a film that depicts the events of the 1941 attack. Afterwards, board a Navy launch for the short ride to the Memorial itself, where you'll disembark for an unforgettable and thoroughly moving experience. Your tour continues with a drive through the Punchbowl Crater where you can experience the serenity of the Punchbowl National Cemetery, viewing from your coach the "Courts of the Missing," the chapel and detailed mosaic maps of the Pacific theaters in action in World War II and Korea. From Pearl Harbor, you will have a guided drive through Honolulu City’s highlights. See Aloha Stadium, the downtown district, Chinatown, the Kawaiahao Church, the City Hall, the State Capitol, the Governor’s Mansion and Iolani Palace, the former residence of Hawaii’s last two monarchs. Continue on for a drive through of Punchbowl, home to a National Cemetery honoring the fallen of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War. Following your city tour, your coach will return you back to the pier where your tour concludes.


• Better understand the attack on Pearl Harbor and its ramifications.
• Drive through Punchbowl National Cemetery, which lies in an extinct volcanic crater.
• View landmarks in Honolulu such as Chinatown and Iolani Palace.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Pearl Harbor & Honolulu City (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
6 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 95€

Explore Honolulu’s highlights – from Pearl Harbor and the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific to Hawaii’s first Christian church, and Iolani Palace and Washington Place, both former residences of the Hawaiian monarchy.

Pearl Harbor is one of Hawaii’s best-known landmarks and the scene of the devastating aerial attack by Japan that drove the U.S. into WWII. The Pearl Harbor Visitor's center exhibit galleries bring visitors closer to the sights and sounds of the events leading up to the attack on Oahu and its aftermath. These galleries display personal memorabilia, dramatic photographs, artifacts of the battle, and other exhibits.

In central Honolulu stand face to face with the larger-than-life statue of King Kamehameha I, the leader who united the Hawaiian Islands into one royal kingdom. Just across the street you’ll see the Iolani Palace, residence of Hawaii's last two monarchs. European in design, it boasted Hawaii’s first electric lights, flush toilets and internal phone system. Also nearby is Kawaiahao Church, Hawaii's first Christian house of worship, built of coral slabs from the offshore reefs.

At the heart of the downtown historic district you will notice the elegant Washington Place, now a museum, and once home to Liliuokalani, Hawaii’s last queen. Drive through the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, in the extinct volcanic crater known as the Punchbowl. It is the final resting place of some 53,000 veterans who lost their lives in 20th century wars, including those who died during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Enjoy panoramic city views on your drive to the airport.

Pearl Harbor & USS Missouri (Airport Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 143€

Celebrate the honor, valor and courage of the World War II US servicemen on this special tour. This nostalgic journey takes you to the two places that marked the beginning and the end of the war for the United States - Pearl Harbor and the USS Missouri.

The 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor will unfold in detailed narrations and photos. From here you'll travel across the Ford Island Bridge to the historic USS Missouri battleship, nicknamed the 'Mighty Mo.' Explore the passages, rooms and corridors on a self-guided tour.

Pearl Harbor & USS Missouri (Designated Hotel Drop Off)
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 143€

Celebrate the honor, valor and courage of the World War II US servicemen on this special tour. This nostalgic journey takes you to the two places that marked the beginning and the end of the war for the United States - Pearl Harbor and the USS Missouri. The 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor will unfold in detailed narrations and photos. From here you'll travel across the Ford Island Bridge to the historic USS Missouri battleship, nicknamed the 'Mighty Mo.' Explore the passages, rooms and corridors on a self-guided tour.

Pearl Harbor Behind The Scenes
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 2
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 385€ / Kinder ab 337€


Become immersed in details of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that marked America’s entry into World War II and stand on the deck of the USS Missouri, the battleship on which the Japanese later surrendered. To better understand the devastation of the attack and the soldiers’ immediate response, you will browse the fascinating exhibits in the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, a repository of aircraft used during World War II. You may see a B-25 bomber, a P-40 fighter and bullet-riddled hangars that survived the attack. Later, you will see the Ford Island Control Tower that broadcast the chilling words, “Air raid Pearl Harbor. This is no drill.” Nearly four years later, the Japanese signed the final surrender on the deck of the “Mighty Mo,” as the USS Missouri became known. You can not only stand on that deck, but also explore the decks below for a glimpse into life aboard the last battleship that the United States built.


• Browse the restored fighter planes and helicopters in the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum.
• See bullet-riddled hangars that survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
• View the control tower that announced the attack on Pearl Harbor over the airwaves.
• Meander the decks of the USS Missouri, where the Japanese signed the final surrender.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Scenic Shores & Sea Cliffs
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 95€


Discover how volcanic eruptions have shaped the coastal landscape east of Honolulu by viewing its stunning natural attractions in air-conditioned comfort with occasional stops along the way. You will first drive past iconic Diamond Head, which the Hawaiians call Le‘ahi, which means “point of the ahi fish,” a reference to this volcanic cone resembling the dorsal fin of a tuna. Ahead lie the precipitous volcanic ridge Makapu’u Point and seaside Waimanalo, a homelands community whose residents are mostly of Hawaiian descent. Once you turn inland, you will ascend into the verdant Ko’olau Mountains, eventually stopping at Nuuanu Pali Lookout, which offers a sky-high view of Oahu’s beautiful windward coast. While still in the mountains, but at a lower elevation, you will pass Queen Emma’s 19th-century summer retreat.


• Enjoy a panoramic drive through the beautiful volcanic landscape east of Honolulu.
• Admire the gorgeous landscape from atop a lookout high in the Ko’olau Mountains.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Waikiki Transfer
Honolulu / Oahu
Level: 1
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 76€


Transfer to Honolulu’s spectacular Waikiki neighborhood and spend hours exploring on your own. You will find every imaginable store within easy walking distance, including shopping malls and one-of-a-kind boutiques. The same goes for restaurants as most every type of cuisine is available from authentic Polynesian to traditional Italian.


• Enjoy a short transfer to the upscale Waikiki neighborhood and explore it on your own.
• Focus on the experience that sounds most interesting to you with no need to rush.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
A Luau Experience
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 5.75 Stunden
Code: HNL-001

Experience an unforgettable luau featuring traditional Hawaiian food, entertainment, and fun during this deluxe, half-day evening excursion.

Private Beach Estate, Lei Greeting, Mai Tai, Island Games, Crafts & Activities

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive to an approximately 12-acre (about 4.8-hectare) private beach estate. Upon arrival, receive a lei greeting, then walk to the estate’s secluded beach for a refreshing Mai Tai drink. Afterward, discover the traditions of ancient Hawaii by taking part in authentic island games, crafts, and activities.

‘Shower of Flowers’, ‘Hukilau on the Beach’, Net-Fishing Techniques, Imu Ceremony

Following the delightful ‘Shower of Flowers’, participate in the ‘Hukilau on the Beach’ and learn the net-fishing techniques of ancient Hawaii. Next, be seated and enjoy the time-honoured techniques of underground oven cooking at an Imu Ceremony in the estate’s Imu Amphitheatre.

Luau, Hawaiian and Polynesian Singing & Dancing, Cove Marketplace, Shopping

As the sun melts into the sea, proceed for your Luau experience, a traditional Hawaiian luau replete with sumptuous island specialities. Afterward, sit back and be amazed whilst award-winning performers entertain you with an unforgettable display of Hawaiian and Polynesian songs and dances. Before you leave, stop by the on-site marketplace to browse for souvenirs and gifts. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking, at times over uneven and sandy surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. Walking at the private beach estate is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. This tour operates during evenings only. This tour is not exclusive to Silversea guests. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.     

Behind the Scenes Exclusive: Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum and Missouri
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-O

Go behind-the-scenes of the Pearl Harbour Aviation Museum and USS Missouri during this exclusive, half-day sightseeing tour with lunch.

Honolulu, Aviation Museum

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the Pearl Harbour Aviation MuseumUpon arrival, you are welcomed with a complimentary mimosa, then escorted on an exclusive, behind-the-scenes Pearl Harbour experience that explores the site of the attack that changed the world on December 7, 1941.

Pearl Harbour Footage, Hangars, Displays, Exhibits, World War II Aircraft, Cockpit Visit

During your visit, re-live that fateful morning through rare footage of the attack on Pearl Harbour, and videos of American and Japanese aircraft engaged in aerial combat. Stand on the hallowed grounds of the Pearl Harbor battlefield, the only American battlefield in World War II. Visit the hangars that withstood the attack, still marked with bullet holes. View the many displays and exhibits built in honour of those who gave their lives that day, and browse the gift shoppe for souvenirs and other mementoes available for sale. Learn about the little-known, harrowing battle on the small island of Niihau. Go behind the scenes of the historic C-47 and B-17, known as the 'Swamp Ghost', and sit in the cockpit of an aircraft.  

Ford Island Control Tower, Lunch, USS Missouri, Surrender Deck, Visit Below-Deck, Special Gift

Your museum visit includes access to the historic Ford Island Control Tower, which is not open to the public. After a boxed lunch served at the museum and a comfort stop, re-board your coach and transfer to the nearby USS Missouri for an exclusive tour. Upon arrival, stand on the Surrender Deck of the USS Missouri, where the 'Articles of Surrender' was signed and World War ll came to an end. Discover the details about the Kamikaze attack on the 'Mighty Mo' and explore lower decks to see what Navy life was really like. At the conclusion of your visit, stop by the gift shoppe at the USS Missouri, then re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.5 miles (about 2.4 kilometres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and many steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Security restrictions at Pearl Harbour are enforced. Purses, backpacks, fanny packs, bags, iPad cases, camera cases, clutch wallets, and other items offering concealment are not permitted on this tour, no exceptions. Wallets must be the size of a regular cell phone. A valid, government-issued photo ID is required to participate on this tour. Storage is not permitted on the vehicle; no exceptions. The Control Tower at the Pearl Harbour Aviation Museum is not wheelchair-accessible. Photography/videography is not permitted whilst driving across the bridge to Ford Island. USS Arizona tickets are not included on this tour, and no stop at the Pearl Harbour Visitors Centre is included.

Bishop Museum Full-Access Pass
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-P

Discover the unique natural beauty, history, and culture of Hawaii at your leisure during this immersive, half-day, all-access excursion to the Bishop Museum.

Honolulu, Bishop Museum, All-Access Pass

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the Bishop Museum. Upon arrival, receive a briefing about the museum and its buildings, galleries, and fragile contents, then take a self-guided tour of this expansive, approximately 14-acre (about 5.6-hectare) campus. Along the way, your All-Access Pass enables you to explore everything this wonderful museum has to offer, including four different gallery buildings, an outdoor endemic plant garden, and more.

Hawaiian Hall, Science Adventure Centre, Pacific Hall, Watumull Planetarium

At the Hawaiian Hall, learn about Hawaiian gods, legends, and beliefs, the realm where people live and work, and the importance of the land and culture in everyday life. The Science Adventure Centre explores areas of science for which Hawaii has earned international recognition, including volcanology, oceanography, and biodiversity. At Pacific Hall, learn about the origins, migrations, and linguistics of the Pacific people, and view a wide array of cultural artefacts. The Watumull Planetarium is a fascinating interactive experience that makes it fun to learn about space, space exploration, and other planets.

Special Exhibits, Na Ulu Kaiwi'ula Garden, Shop Pacifica, Café by Highway Inn

Afterward, you may opt to explore other displays and special exhibits, or take a stroll through Na Ulu Kaiwi'ula Garden to view and learn about plants important to Hawaiian culture. When you are through exploring, visit Shop Pacifica to browse a collection of Hawaiian and Pacific apparel, gifts, and cultural items, or stop by the Café by Highway Inn, a local favourite offering a menu of Hawaiian plates, poke bowls, sandwiches, and snacks at your own expense. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.5 miles (about 0.8 kilometres), at times over uneven, natural, and grassy surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, and over 100 steps at the Hawaiian and Pacific halls. Walking at the Bishop Museum is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least four years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The Bishop Museum is closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Diamond Head Hiking Trek
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: HNL-F

Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the iconic Diamond Head Crater during this scenic and invigorating hiking trek.

Honolulu, Diamond Head Crater, Guided Hiking Trek

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the iconic Diamond Head Crater. Upon arrival and after a comfort stop, begin your guided hiking trek to the approximately 760-foot-high (about 231-metre-high) summit of this world-renowned volcanic crater. During your ascent, learn about the evolution of this volcanic crater and its impact on Hawaiian history, European discovery, the origin of its ubiquitous name, and modern-day military uses of the 'Gibraltar of the Pacific'.

Panoramic Summit, Mountains, Waikiki, Honolulu, Pacific Ocean, Certificate of Achievement

Upon arrival at Diamond Head's panoramic summit, a stop is made to enjoy amazing, 360-degree views and photo opportunities across Waikiki, Honolulu, emerald-green mountains, and the sparkling, aquamarine water of the Pacific Ocean below. To forever preserve your memory of successfully hiking to the summit of the world-famous Diamond Head Crater, you are presented with a 'Certificate of Achievement' for your effort.

Diamond Head Descent, Tunnel, Passageway

Following your summit visit, begin your descent back down to the crater floor, then exit to the exterior of the crater through an approximately 225-foot-long (about 69-metre-long) narrow tunnel and passageway. At the conclusion of your hiking trek, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of hiking for approximately 1.4 miles (about 2.25 kilometres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, and two concrete stairways of 74 steps and 99 steps. This tour is recommended for active guests in good physical condition. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with back and/or neck problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with a fear of heights, guests with claustrophobia, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, sturdy, and flat, closed-toe walking or hiking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least five years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Restroom facilities are not available during the hiking portion of this tour; a comfort stop is recommended upon arrival at the Diamond Head Crater, and before commencing your hike. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary.

Explore Oahu’s North Shore
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 6.5 Stunden
Code: HNL-E

Experience the splendid scenery, history, and flavours of the North Shore of Oahu during this fun-filled, full-day sightseeing and tasting experience with lunch.

Honolulu, Ko'olau Mountains & Cliffs, Byodo-In Temple, Peacocks, Swans, Koi Carp

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute drive through the majestic Ko'olau Mountains, one of the two mountain ranges on Oahu, en route to the Byodo-In Temple. Upon arrival, take a guided tour of the temple, a cultural landmark that symbolizes Hawaii's heritage and historical connection with Japan. Located in the fabled Valley of the Temples, the temple grounds are at the foot of the lush, emerald-green Ko'olau Cliffs, and home to wild peacocks, swans, and hundreds of Japanese koi carp.

Kualoa Ranch, Malaekahana Bay, Eastern-Oahu Coastline

Next, re-board your coach and transfer to the Kualoa Ranch, home to over 4,000 acres (about 1,619 hectares) of incredible natural beauty, the Kualoa Ranch features secret beaches, hidden valleys, majestic mountains, ancient Hawaiian cultural sites, historic ranch buildings, secluded gardens, and spectacular panoramic vistas. Following your visit, re-board your coach and stop by the Kahuku Fruit Stand for a refreshment and fresh fruit. Afterward, head towards Malaekahana Bay. Upon arrival, marvel at breath-taking views of the wild and rugged eastern-Oahu coastline.

Kahuku, Sunset Beach, Haleiwa, Pipeline

Leaving Malaekahana Bay, re-board your coach and drive to Kahuku. Along the way, look for Hawaii's abundant bird and sea life. From here, your drive continues along the North Shore's scenic coastline, where you may see turtles basking in the sun. Pass by Sunset Beach, Haleiwa, and the Pipeline, the 'Triple Crown of Surfing', where only the best-and-bravest surfers in the world dare to go. Between the months of October and mid-March, waves here can reach as high as 50 feet (about 15 metres).

Tsue's Kitchen, Lunch, Dole Pineapple Plantation

Take a break from your sightseeing with a delicious lunch at Tsue's Kitchen, and a chance to try some of the best, locally-farmed shrimp for which the North Shore is renowned. Hawaii is famous for its sautéed garlic shrimp, one of a selection of flavourful plates from which to choose at Tsue's Kitchen. After lunch, re-board your coach for a drive through the colourful and historic town of Haleiwa. Up the road and past the pineapple fields is your last stop, the historic Dole Plantation, where pineapple-themed gifts and refreshments are available for purchase. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.5 miles (about 0.8 kilometres), at times over uneven, sandy, and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the bus. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and bottled water from the ship. Proper attire is required to enter the temple; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, wildlife and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. The tour sequence may vary.

Hawaii’s Royal History
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-G

Explore the royal history of Hawaii during this scenic and informative, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Honolulu, Nu'uanu Valley, Tropical Rainforest, Pali Lookout

Depart the pier for the scenic drive into the lush Nu'uanu Valley and through a tropical rainforest to the world-renowned Pali Lookout, your first stop on this unforgettable journey to the see the crowned jewels of this thousand-year-old, former sovereign nation. The Nu'uanu Pali was the site of the Battle of Nu'uanu, one of the most important battles in Hawaiian history, when King Kamehameha I conquered the island of Oahu and brought it under his rule.

Tree-Tunnel, Royal Mausoleum, Hawaiian Mission Houses

After a photo stop here, re-board your coach and drive through a spectacular tree-tunnel to Hawaii's sacred Mauna 'Ala (Royal Mausoleum), the final resting place of six of the kingdom's last eight ruling monarchs. Royal history would not be complete without understanding the role Christian missionaries played in shaping the islands. Transfer to the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site & Archives (HMH) for a guided tour of three restored houses, two of which are the oldest houses in Hawaii. Along the way, learn about the research archives which provide a unique glimpse into 19th-century Hawaii, both on-site and online. HMH was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965.

Kawaiahao Church, King Kamehameha Statue, Iolani Palace

Next, a short walk brings you to the Kawaiahao Church and King Kamehameha Statue. After photo stops here, proceed on-foot for the highlight of your tour, a self-guided visit inside a true Hawaiian treasure, the Iolani Palace. The only royal palace in the United States, it was the official residence of the Hawaiian Kingdom's last two monarchs; King Kalakaua, who built the palace in 1882, and his sister and successor, Queen Lili'uokalani. Before leaving, you can browse the gift shoppe for a memento of your visit. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.5 miles (about 0.8 kilometres), at times over uneven, natural, and cobblestone surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the bus, at least 100 steps at the sites visited, and tight stairwells inside the Hawaiian Mission Houses. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Proper attire is required to enter the Iolani Palace; bathing suits, profane t-shirts, and revealing clothing are not permitted. Guests must be at least for years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Flash photography, videotaping, audio recording, and tripods with extended lenses are not permitted inside the Iolani Palace. The Iolani Palace and Hawaiian Mission Houses are closed on Sundays, Mondays, and major holidays and this stop will be replaced with a visit to the Bishop Museum. The tour sequence may vary.

Honolulu City Orientation
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-R

Experience the spectacular natural splendour and sights of Honolulu from the comfort of your coach during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Honolulu City, Chinatown, Civic Centre, Capitol Building, Iolani Palace, Missionary Homes

Depart the pier for a scenic sightseeing drive through cosmopolitan Honolulu City. Along the way, discover the most modern metropolis in the Pacific, a compact and truly captivating city. Experience the hustle and bustle of Chinatown, the historical Civic Centre including the state Capitol Building, Iolani Palace, the only palace on American soil, and Missionary homes.

Punchbowl Crater, National Memorial Cemetery, King Kamehameha Statue, City Hall, Kawaiahao Church

Next, proceed for a look at the famous Punchbowl Crater, site of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. From here, cruise past the famous King Kamehameha Statue, seen in many episodes of the TV series, Hawaii Five-O, along with Honolulu City Hall, the Kawaiahao Church, and many other renowned local landmarks. Your coach tour of Honolulu concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking, with five steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair, but may not be suitable for guests prone to motion sickness. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests will remain on the coach for the entire duration of this tour. There are no restrooms on board the coach, nor are comfort stops made during this tour; please make a comfort stop before boarding. The tour sequence may vary.

Oahu by Helicopter
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-Q

Embrace the amazing natural beauty of Hawaii in a unique new way during this exhilarating helicopter flight-seeing excursion.

Honolulu, Blue Helicopter Check-In, Helicopter Flight-Seeing Tour, Hawaiian Islands

Depart the pier for the short transfer to the Honolulu Heliport, and your awaiting helicopter. Upon arrival at helipad, proceed for check-in at the Blue Helicopter check-in and retail store. After check-in, meet your pilot and receive your safety and flight instructions, then board your helicopter for a scenic and exhilarating, approximately 45-minute flight-seeing experience over some of the most exquisite natural scenery in the Hawaiian Islands.

Waikiki & Waimanalo Beaches, Turquoise Coral Reefs, Diamond Head, Hanauma & Kaneohe Bays

After lift-off, your 'Blue Skies of Oahu' helicopter flight-seeing tour soars over Waikiki Beach and its turquoise coral reefs en route to a stunning, bird's-eye view overlooking the extinct volcano of the iconic Diamond Head. From here, continue over the crescent-shaped Hanauma Bay, white-sand Waimanalo Beach, the Chinaman's Hat, and beautiful coral formations in Kaneohe Bay.

Nu'uanu Valley Rainforest, Sacred Falls, Pineapple Plantation, Oahu Beaches, Wartime Memorials

Next, soar over the cliffs of the Nu'uanu Valley Rainforest, then glide along the breath-taking coastline to Sacred Falls and the panoramic Dole Pineapple Plantation. Fly along the eastern and windward coasts of Oahu to see some of the most incredible and inviting beaches in Hawaii. Finally, enjoy sweeping and dramatic views over Pearl Harbour, the USS Missouri, and Arizona Memorial, where the submerged USS Arizona lies beneath the Arizona Memorial. Following your flight-seeing tour, return to the helipad, then re-board your coach for the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 100 yards (about 91 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and board/de-board the helicopter. This tour is not suitable for guests with a fear of heights, guests prone to airsickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship; for the best picture-taking, guests are advised to wear darker colours to reduce window reflection. minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. Guests must carry their passports and ship's ID at all times. Each helicopter seats a maximum of two guests. Guests weighing more than 260 pounds (about 118 kilograms) will be required to pay for 1.5 seats to participate on this tour. Due to weight and balance limitations, as well as individual safety and comfort, seating is assigned at the pilot's discretion. A window seat is not guaranteed. The total flight time is approximately 45 minutes; flight times can vary based on flight conditions. Due to weight, balance, and safety requirements, it is imperative that accurate weights for all guests are forwarded 48 hours prior to flight, at latest. Guests may be asked to stand on scales. If the weights differ by more than 10% over what was sent, the right is reserved to refuse travel and there is no refund. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions, and may be cancelled by the pilot on short notice. The pilot makes the final decision regarding the continuation of flight, and may terminate the flight at any time if deemed unsafe to fly. The tour sequence, flight paths, and timings may vary due to weather or air traffic control.

Pearl Harbor & Punchbowl
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HNL-T

Explore Pearl Harbour, the Punchbowl Crater, and other renowned wartime and local landmarks of Honolulu during this panoramic sightseeing tour.

Honolulu, Pearl Harbour Visitor Centre, Displays, Exhibits, Gift Shoppe

Depart the pier for the approximately 30-minute drive to the Pearl Harbour Visitor Centre. During your guided tour, relive the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, through rare footage of the attack on Pearl Harbour. Visit the many displays and exhibits built in honour of those who gave their lives that day, then stop by the on-site gift shop to browse the souvenirs and other mementoes available for sale. Following your visit, re-board your coach and head to the Punchbowl Crater.

Punchbowl Crater, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

Upon arrival, proceed for a scenic drive through the Punchbowl Crater, site of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. It serves as a memorial to honour those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who gave their lives for their nation.

Iolani Palace, King Kamehameha Statue, City Hall, Kawaiahao Hawaiian Church, Local Landmarks

Next, re-board your coach for a picturesque sightseeing drive through the historic district of Honolulu City. Along the way, pass by the Iolani Palace, the only royal palace in the United States, Washington Place, and the State Capitol Building before a photo stop at the famous King Kamehameha Statue, seen in many episodes of the TV series, Hawaii Five-O. In addition, see Honolulu City Hall, the Kawaiahao Hawaiian Church, and many other locally-renowned local landmarks. Following your tour, commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.5 miles (about 0.8 kilometres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and many steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship; high heels, dresses, and skirts are not recommended, and swimsuits are not permitted. Guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Security restrictions at Pearl Harbour are enforced. Purses, backpacks, fanny packs, bags, iPad cases, camera cases, clutch wallets, and other items offering concealment are not permitted on this tour. Wallets must be the size of a regular cell phone. Storage is available at the Pearl Harbour Visitors Centre for $5 USD per bag. Guests should allocate at least one (1) hour to secure and collect bag from storage. Storage is not permitted on the vehicle; no exceptions. A valid, government-issued photo ID is required to participate on this tour. USS Arizona tickets are not included on this tour; guests will need to purchase them independently via the Recreation.gov website.

Pearl Harbor & USS Missouri
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: HNL-S

Relive the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, during this captivating, half-day sightseeing tour of the Pearl Harbour Visitor Centre and USS Missouri.

Honolulu, Pearl Harbour Visitor Centre, Displays, Exhibits

Depart the pier for the approximately 30-minute drive to the Pearl Harbour Visitor Centre. During your self-guided tour, relive the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, through rare footage of the attack on Pearl Harbour, visit the many displays and exhibits built in honour of those who gave their lives that day, and browse the souvenirs and other mementoes available for sale. Following your visit, board a Ford Island shuttle bus for the transfer to the nearby USS Missouri.

USS Missouri, Exhibits, Memorabilia, Activities, Surrender Deck

Berthed on the former 'Battleship Row' at Ford Island, the approximately 887-foot-long (about 270-metre-long) USS Missouri battleship is a living museum that offers guests a glimpse into the past, and the experience of being aboard a ship that is alive with history and modern technology. Throughout your visit, you are educated and entertained with exhibits, memorabilia, and activities that give you a sense of what life at sea was like aboard the world's last, and most celebrated, battleship. Upon arrival, stand on the Surrender Deck of the USS Missouri, where General Douglas MacArthur stood when Japanese officials signed and presented him with the 'Articles of Surrender' on September 2, 1945, that ended World War II.

Guns, Missile Launchers, Gift Shoppe

Next, discover the details about the Kamikaze attack on the 'Mighty Mo'. Stand in the shadows of the battleship's 16-inch (about 40-centimetre) guns that pummelled Inchon, Korea, and see where 28 Tomahawk missiles were launched during the Gulf War. Afterward, explore the lower decks for an up-close look at what Navy life was really like. Before you leave, stop by the gift shoppe at the USS Missouri, then re-board the Ford Island shuttle bus for the short transfer back to the Pearl Harbour Visitors Centre. Upon arrival, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately one mile (about 1.6 kilometres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and many steps at the sites visited; a lift is available. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship; high heels, dresses, and skirts are not recommended, and swimsuits are not permitted. Guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Security restrictions at Pearl Harbour are enforced. Purses, backpacks, fanny packs, bags, iPad cases, camera cases, clutch wallets, and other items offering concealment are not permitted on this tour, no exceptions. Wallets must be the size of a regular cell phone. Storage is available at the Pearl Harbour Visitors Centre for $5 US per bag. Storage is not permitted on the vehicle; no exceptions. A valid, government-issued photo ID is required to participate on this tour. Photography/videography is not permitted whilst driving across the bridge to Ford Island. USS Arizona tickets are not included on this tour; guests will need to purchase them independently via the Recreation.gov website. Guests will need to take the Ford Island shuttle bus from the Pearl Harbour Visitors Centre to the USS Missouri, and are required to get back on the Ford Island shuttle bus from the USS Missouri to the Pearl Harbour Visitors Station in time for the return transfer to the cruise ship pier.

Ausflüge mit MSC
72€ Erw. / 50€ Kind
Ausflugscode: HDH11

Ihr Abenteuer beginnt mit einer Fahrt in die malerische Surferstadt Haleiwa an der berühmten North Shore. Hier haben Sie Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um die vielen Geschäfte, Boutiquen und Cafés in dieser kultigen North-Shore-Stadt zu erkunden. Vielleicht probieren Sie sogar ein hawaiianisches Rasiereis bei Matsumoto s, das seit über 70 Jahren die Besucher begeistert. Als Nächstes fahren Sie ein kurzes Stück zur Green World Coffee Farm, wo Sie die Möglichkeit haben, den vor Ort angebauten Kaffee zu probieren. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, durch den üppigen Kaffeegarten zu schlendern oder den Geschenkeladen zu durchstöbern. Ihr letzter Halt ist die Dole Plantation, eine historische Ananasplantage, wo Sie die Möglichkeit haben, über das weitläufige Gelände zu wandern, bevor Sie die etwa 45-minütige Fahrt zurück zum Schiff antreten.

Bitte beachten Sie: Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie bequeme Schuhe tragen. Legere Resort-Kleidung wird empfohlen. Der Eintritt für das Labyrinth, die Zugfahrt und die geführte Gartentour auf der Dole Plantation ist nicht im Preis dieser Tour enthalten. Die Anzahl an Reiseleitern mit anderen Sprachkenntnissen als Englisch ist eingeschränkt. Sollte in Ihrer Sprache kein Reiseleiter zur Verfügung stehen, wird der Ausflug in Englisch stattfinden.

62€ Erw. / 43€ Kind
Ausflugscode: HDH12

Genießen Sie eine geführte Tour zu einigen der schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Oahu, darunter der belebte Waikiki Beach, der Diamond Head, die Waimanalo Bay und der Pali Lookout, von dem aus Sie einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Insel haben. Ihre Tour beginnt mit einer Fahrt durch das Herz des Urlaubsgebiets am Waikiki Beach, einem belebten Gebiet mit Hochhäusern, Luxusresorts und Restaurants. Der Strand ist berühmt für sein warmes und wolkenfreies Klima, seine Wellenbrecher und den atemberaubenden Blick auf den Diamond Head. Auf dem Weg zum Pali Lookout in den zerklüfteten Ko olau-Bergen fahren Sie an der 75 Hektar großen Waimanalo Bay Recreation Area und dem Waimanalo Beach vorbei, die sich an der Windküste Oahus befinden. Dieser atemberaubende Aussichtspunkt mit heftigen Winden und beeindruckenden Ausblicken auf die Insel soll der Legende nach Schauplatz einer Schlacht im Jahr 1795 gewesen sein, bei der König Kamehameha I. Tausende seiner Gegner zwang, von den Klippen in den Tod zu springen.

Bitte beachten Sie: Es wird empfohlen, dass die Gäste bequeme Schuhe tragen. Legere Resort-Kleidung wird empfohlen. Die Anzahl an Reiseleitern mit anderen Sprachkenntnissen als Englisch ist eingeschränkt. Sollte in Ihrer Sprache kein Reiseleiter zur Verfügung stehen, wird der Ausflug in Englisch stattfinden.

37€ Erw. / 26€ Kind
Ausflugscode: HDH10

Erkunden Sie auf eigene Faust die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Waikiki, dem berühmten Strandabschnitt von Honolulu. Sie fahren mit dem Reisebus nach Waikiki, wo Sie an einem zentralen Ort abgesetzt werden. Von dort aus haben Sie etwa 3½ Stunden Zeit, um die Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Dieses belebte Touristengebiet ist gesäumt von Hochhäusern, Luxusresorts und Restaurants sowie dem berühmten Waikiki Beach, der sich über fast 2 Meilen entlang der Südküste Oahus erstreckt. Er ist berühmt für seinen typisch sonnigen Himmel, die Brandung und den atemberaubenden Blick auf den Diamond Head, einen erloschenen Vulkan, der um 1800 von Seefahrern benannt wurde, die das Glitzern der Kalzitkristalle im Lavagestein für Diamanten hielten. Nach dem Besuch dieses ikonischen Strandes treffen Sie den Reisebus an dem Ihnen zugewiesenen Rückgabepunkt für die Fahrt zurück zu Ihrem Schiff.

Bitte beachten Sie: Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie bequeme Schuhe tragen, einen Badeanzug, ein Handtuch und Sonnencreme mitbringen. Legere Resort-Kleidung wird empfohlen. Strandstühle und Sonnenschirme sind nicht im Preis dieser Tour enthalten.

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