Wetter in Hanoi

Do. 13.02.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 13.02.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 13.02.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 13.02.2025
Fr. 14.02.2025
Fr. 14.02.2025
Fr. 14.02.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Fr. 14.02.2025
leichter Regen
Sa. 15.02.2025
leichter Regen

Hafenkarte: Hanoi

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Hanoi

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Hanoi mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Celebrity Solstice Do. 20.02.2025 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 21.02.2025 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Mi. 12.03.2025 08:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 13.03.2025 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 17.03.2025 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 18.03.2025 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 13.11.2025 11:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 14.11.2025 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Sa. 22.11.2025 08:00 18:00
Celebrity Solstice So. 07.12.2025 11:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 08.12.2025 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 12.12.2025 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Sa. 13.12.2025 14:00
Diamond Princess Mi. 17.12.2025 08:00
Diamond Princess Do. 18.12.2025 07:00
Diamond Princess Fr. 19.12.2025 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Mi. 31.12.2025 11:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 01.01.2026 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 05.01.2026 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 06.01.2026 14:00
Diamond Princess So. 25.01.2026 08:00
Diamond Princess Mo. 26.01.2026 07:00
Diamond Princess Di. 27.01.2026 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Mi. 11.03.2026 11:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 12.03.2026 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 16.03.2026 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 17.03.2026 14:00
Coral Princess Mi. 01.04.2026 08:00
Coral Princess Do. 02.04.2026 07:00
Coral Princess Fr. 03.04.2026 07:00
Celebrity Millennium Sa. 14.11.2026 07:00
Celebrity Millennium So. 15.11.2026 18:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 28.12.2026 11:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 29.12.2026 20:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 04.01.2027 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 05.01.2027 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 22.01.2027 11:59
Celebrity Solstice Sa. 23.01.2027 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 28.01.2027 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 29.01.2027 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Di. 16.02.2027 11:59
Celebrity Solstice Mi. 17.02.2027 19:00
Celebrity Solstice So. 21.02.2027 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Mo. 22.02.2027 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 12.03.2027 11:59
Celebrity Solstice Sa. 13.03.2027 19:00
Celebrity Solstice Mi. 17.03.2027 07:00
Celebrity Solstice Do. 18.03.2027 14:00

Landausflüge in Hanoi

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Go Green- Cat Ba National Park & Tree Planting
Hanoi (Ha-Long-Bucht) / Vietnam
Level: 3
8 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 221€ / Kinder ab 221€

Cruise serene Halong Bay on a traditional junk until landing on Cat Ba Island, where you will hike through a national park and plant a tree. So visually spectacular that it has been deemed a World Heritage Site, the bay contains nearly 2,000 islands that rise precipitously out of the emerald-green waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. The largest island is Cat Ba, another World Heritage site with spectacularly dramatic natural features, including rugged limestone hills and narrow valleys blanketed with vegetation. The park’s bio-diversity is extraordinary, especially with regard to plants, many of which have medical uses. Even though the land is protected, more than a million people visit annually and affect the environment. You can do your part to reverse some of the damage by joining a forest clean-up. Afterwards, you will plant a tree in an area with minimal foot traffic so it can thrive for years to come. Following lunch at a local restaurant you will return to the ship via local ferry and coach.


  • Cruise on a traditional junk through Halong Bay, an island-dotted World Heritage site.
  • Walk through the forested national park on Cat Ba island, another World Heritage site.
  • Help protect the natural environment by participating in a light forest clean-up.
  • Leave your mark in a positive way by planting a tree in the national park.


  • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

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