Wetter in Hamburg
Hafenkarte: Hamburg
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Hamburg
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Hamburg mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Landausflüge in Hamburg

Wichtigste stationen
- Bootstour auf der Alstersee
- Sightseeingtour im Bus
- Jungfernstieg
- Renaissance-Gebäude des Rathauses und der Börse
- Moderner Teil der Stadt
- St. Pauli und Reeperbahn
Das programm
Wir starten unserer Erkundungstour durch das pulsierende Hamburg mit einer Bootstour auf der berühmten Alstersee. Vom Deck unseres Bootes aus betrachten wir die Stadt aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive als von Land. Während der Bootsfahrt sehen wir wunderschöne Villen, üppige Parks, moderne Wohnhäuser und unberührte Ufer.
Wir gehen wieder an Land und setzen unsere Erkundung der Stadt mit einer Sightseeingtour durch Hamburg fort, auf der wir die interessantesten und malerischsten Orte der Hansestadt entdecken.
Wir fahren durch Wohnviertel und über den Jungfernstieg, die berühmte Flaniermeile mit Luxusboutiquen und Kaufhäusern.Nun geht es weiter zu den Renaissance-Gebäuden des Rathauses und der Börse, um uns dann in den modernen Teil der Stadt zu begeben, wo wir Parks und Gärten, den Fernsehturm, den Justizgebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und vieles mehr sehen werden.
Die Stadtrundfahrt endet auf St. Pauli und der Reeperbahn, dem berühmten Vergnügungs * und Rotlichtviertel der Stadt.
Danach steht uns etwas freie Zeit in der Innenstadt zur Verfügung, bevor wir in den Hafen zurückkehren.
- Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Reservieren Sie bitte frühzeitig.
Wichtigste stationen
- Holstentor
- Sieben Türme
- Heiligen-Geist-Hospital
- Rathaus
- Marienkirche
- Historisches Kaffeehaus 'Niederegger'
Das programm
- Wir verlassen den Hafen mit dem Bus und fahren in die Hansestadt Lübeck, wo wir den faszinierenden historischen Stadtkern entdecken können, der 1987 von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde.
- Wir kommen zu Fuß durch Gassen und Höfe, die von der Bedeutung und der wirtschaftlichen Stärke der Hanse im neunzehnten Jahrhundert zeugen.
- Unsere Führung bringt uns vor das Holstentor, dem berühmtesten Tor der fünf mittelalterlichen Stadtmauern. Wir sehen die sieben Türme der fünf großen Kirchen, die die charakteristische Silhouette der Stadt bilden. Dann gehen wir weiter zu dem alten Heiligen-Geist-Hospital, das um 1280 von reichen Geschäftsleuten gegründet wurde und erreichen das alte Rathaus und die Marienkirche, in der die größte mechanische Orgel der Welt steht.
- Die Führung endet im Kaffeehaus 'Niederegger'. Wir haben hier die Möglichkeit uns zu setzen und eine Tasse Kaffee zu trinken sowie Marzipan zu genießen, welches hier von Hand zubereitet wird.
- Vor unserer Rückfahrt zum Flughafen Hamburg haben wir genügend Zeit, um auf eigene Faust die steingepflasterten Straßen sowie zahlreiche elegante Geschäfte von Lübeck zu erkunden.
- Der Ausflug endet am Flughafen.
- Dieser Ausflug ist für Gäste, welche in Hamburg aussteigen. Wenn das Schiff um 8.00 Uhr ankommt, mit Flügen nach 17.00 Uhr.
Wichtigste stationen
- Holstentor und die sieben Türme
- Heiligen-Geist-Hospital
- Rathaus und Marienkirche
- Konditorei Niederegger
- Freie Zeit in der Innenstadt
Das programm
- Wir verlassen den Hafen mit dem Bus und fahren in die Hansestadt Lübeck, wo wir den faszinierenden historischen Stadtkern erkunden können, der 1987 von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde.
- Wir schlendern durch geschichtsträchtige Gassen und Innenhöfe, die von der Bedeutung und der wirtschaftlichen Stärke der Hanse im Spätmittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit zeugen.
- Unsere Führung bringt uns vor das Holstentor, dem berühmtesten Tor der fünf mittelalterlichen Stadtmauern. Wir sehen die sieben Türme der fünf großen Kirchen, die die charakteristische Silhouette der Stadt bilden.
- Dann gehen wir weiter zu dem alten Heiligen-Geist-Hospital, das um 1280 von reichen Geschäftsleuten gegründet wurde und erreichen das alte Rathaus und die Marienkirche, in der die größte mechanische Orgel der Welt steht.
- Die Führung endet in der geschichtsträchtigen Konditorei Niederegger wo sich alles ums Marzipan dreht. Hier können wir Kreationen aus Marzipan bewundern.
- Am Nachmittag haben wir vor unserer Rückfahrt in den Hamburger Hafen genügend Zeit, um auf eigene Faust die steingepflasterten Straßen von Lübeck mit ihren zahlreichen feinen und schicken Geschäften zu erkunden.
- Die Reiseführer verlassen die Gäste in Lübeck.
- Die Fahrt nach Lübeck dauert ca. 1,5 Stunden.
Wir besichtigen die berühmte und faszinierende Stadt Berlin, wo wir die unzähligen Denkmäler und symbolträchtigen Orte bewundern, die Ausdruck der langen und bewegten Geschichte dieser modernen Großstadt sind. Trotz zahlreicher Fotostopps bleibt danach noch etwas Zeit für einen Einkaufsbummel.
Wichtigste stationen
- Schloss Charlottenburg
- Brandenburger Tor
- Reichstag
- Tiergarten
- Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas
- Topographie des Terrors?
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Führerbunker
- Berliner Mauer
Das programm
- Wir erreichen die lebendige und kosmopolitische Stadt Berlin und unternehmen eine Sightseeingtour zu den bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Hauptstadt des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands.
- Auf dem Weg sehen wir das Schloss Charlottenburg, das größte historische Gebäude, das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Berlin wieder aufgebaut wurde.
- Danach geht es weiter zu einigen der symbolträchtigsten Wahrzeichen Berlins, unter anderem dem Brandenburger Tor, das mit seinem stattlichen neoklassizistischen Aussehen seit über zwei Jahrhunderten ein absolutes Highlight der Stadt ist, sowie zum Reichstag, dem Sitz des Deutschen Bundestages.
- Dann wir der Große Tiergarten besuchen, das Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas, die Topographie des Terrors? und Checkpoint Charlie, dem berühmten Grenzübergang, der den sowjetischen und US-amerikanischen Sektor verband.
- Wir auch die Berliner Mauer und die Führerbunker besuchen, der unterirdischen Luftschutzräume in Berlin, die Adolf Hitler in den letzten Wochen des nationalsozialistischen Regimes in Deutschland als Führerhauptquartier dienten.
- Während der Tour haben wir auch Zeit zum Einkaufen und Souvenireinkaufen.
- Die Reiseführer erwarten die Gäste in Berlin. Während der Hin- und Rückfahrt wird eine lokale Begleiterin anwesend sein.
- Der Transfer im Bus nach Berlin dauert ca. 4 - 4.30? Stunden pro Strecke.
- Dieser Ausflug beinhaltet ein Lunchpaket, welches von unseren Mitarbeitern an Bord vorbereitet wird.
Wichtigste stationen
Renaissance-Gebäude des Rathauses und der Börse
Moderner Teil der StadtHauptkirche St. Michaelis
Kramer Amtsstuben
St. Pauli und Reeperbahn
Einkaufsbummel (optional)
Das programm
- Wir starten unseren Ausflug mit einer Sightseeingtour durch Hamburg, auf der wir die interessantesten und malerischsten Orte dieser großen und lebendigen Stadt Norddeutschlands entdecken.
- In der Innenstadt liegt der romantische Alstersee, den man so inmitten der Großstadt gar nicht erwartet, danach fahren wir durch Wohnviertel und über den Jungfernstieg, die berühmte Flaniermeile mit Luxusboutiquen und Kaufhäusern.Nun geht es weiter zu den Renaissance-Gebäuden des Rathauses und der Börse, um uns dann in den modernen Teil der Stadt zu begeben, wo wir Parks und Gärten, den Fernsehturm, das Justizgebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und vieles mehr sehen werden.
- Während der Tour legen wir Fotostopps ein, um Denkmäler und Ausblicke auf unseren Erinnerungsfotos festzuhalten.
- Die Besichtigung von außen der Kirche St. Michaelis, die von den Hamburgern liebevoll „Michel“ genannt wird, ist ein absolutes Muss. Es ist die evangelische Hauptkirche der Stadt und eines der architektonisch wichtigsten Gebäude in Deutschland.
- Die Tour geht in den Kramer Amtsstuben weiter, einem Komplex aus fünf Gebäuden, der zwischen 1620 und 1676 von einer Vereinigung Hamburger Kaufleute als Unterkunft für deren Witwen gebaut wurde. Sie sind sehr gut erhalten, so dass wir uns vorstellen können, wie das Leben Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts war.
- Danach erreichen wir St. Pauli und die Reeperbahn, dem berühmten Vergnügungs * und Rotlichtviertel der Stadt.
- Am Ende unseres Ausflugs können diejenigen aussteigen, die noch einen Einkaufsbummel durch die Boutiquen der Innenstadt machen wollen. Alle anderen kehren zum Schiff zurück.
- Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Reservieren Sie bitte frühzeitig.
Wichtigste stationen
Fahrt mit einem Alster-Boot
Geführte Stadtrundfahrt: Jungfernstieg, Renaissance-Gebäude Rathaus und Börse, weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten
St. Pauli-Viertel, Reeperbahn
Das programm
Auf unserem Ausflug entdecken wir die pulsierende Stadt Hamburg. Wir gehen an Bord eines Alster Bootes, von dem aus wir die Stadt aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive betrachten können als von Land. Während der Bootsfahrt sehen wir wunderschöne Villen, Parks, moderne Wohnhäuser und unberührte Ufer.
Nachdem wir das Boot verlassen haben, wartet ein Bus auf uns, mit dem wir eine interessante geführte Rundfahrt durch die Stadt unternehmen werden.
Auf der Fahrt kommen wir an bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt vorbei, dem Jungfernstieg, der Straße 'Neuer Wall' mit zahlreichen Luxusboutiquen und Einkaufszentren, den Renaissance-Gebäuden, das Rathaus und die Börse; danach sehen wir die Parks und Gärten, den Fernsehturm, das Messegelände, den Justizpalast aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert und das St. Pauli-Viertel.
Die Tour endet im Stadtzentrum, wo uns der Reiseleiter verlässt und wo wir Freizeit in der Stadt haben werden, bevor wir zum Flughafen fahren.
- Der Ausflug endet am Flughafen.
- Dieser Ausflug ist für Gäste, welche in Hamburg aussteigen. Wenn das Schiff um 8.00 Uhr ankommt, mit Flügen nach 16.00 Uhr.
Wichtigste stationen
Binnen-und Außenalster
Renaissance-Gebäude Rathaus und Börse
Moderner Teil der Stadt
St. Michaeliskirche
Kramer Amtsstuben
St. Pauli-Viertel, Reeperbahn
Das programm
- Unsere Sightseeing-Tour durch Hamburg bringt uns zu den interessantesten Sehenswürdigkeiten dieser Stadt. In der Innenstadt sehen wir uns die Binnen-und Außenalster an. Dann gehen wir durch die Wohnviertel bis zum Jungfernstieg, der berühmten Straße der Mode, in der es zahlreiche Luxusboutiquen und Kaufhäuser gibt. Nun geht es weiter zu den Renaissance-Gebäuden des Rathauses und der Börse, um uns dann in den modernen Teil der Stadt zu begeben, wo wir Parks und Gärten, den Fernsehturm, den Justizpalast aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert und vieles mehr sehen werden.
- Während der Tour sind natürlich Pausen zum Fotografieren vorgesehen, um Monumente und Panoramen zur Erinnerung auf Bildern zu verewigen.
- Die Besichtigung von außen der St. Michaeliskirche, die von den Hamburgern liebevoll ?Michel? genannt wird, ist obligatorisch. Es ist die erste evangelische Kirche der Stadt und eines der wichtigsten Gebäude Deutschlands.
- Die Tour geht im Kramer Amtsstuben weiter, einem Komplex aus fünf Gebäuden, der zwischen 1620 und 1676 von einer Vereinigung Hamburger Kleinhändler als Unterkunft für deren Witwen gebaut wurde. Sie sind sehr gut erhalten, so dass wir uns vorstellen können, wie das Leben Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts war.Am Ende des Ausflugs fahren wir zum Flughafen.
- Dieser Ausflug ist den Gästen vorbehalten, die in Hamburg ausschiffen.
- Dieser Ausflug ist für Gäste, welche in Hamburg aussteigen. Wenn das Schiffum 8.00 Uhr ankommt, mit Flügen nach 14.00 Uhr.

Explore the considerable highlights of Schwerin, a fairytale city founded in the 12th century around a collection of sparkling lakes. After a leisurely drive inland to the historical state capital, you will arrive at the 635-room Schwerin Castle. The castle is the former residence of the grand duke and the present seat of parliament of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Pomerania. Lush gardens and verdant parkland surround the multi-domed castle, which sits majestically overlooking the coast of an island. Inside, you may browse the heavily gilded dining hall, the lavish floral room and the precious paintings that line the walls of the castle’s Sylvester Gallery. The displays of weaponry, porcelain and silver are equally spectacular. More architectural wonders await you on the guided walk through Schwerin’s atmospheric downtown, including the 19th-century Mecklenburg State Theater and the Gothic-style cathedral, the city’s oldest building. Time will also be allotted for you to wander about Schwerin independently and perhaps dine on your own.
• Settle in for a leisurely drive through the extraordinarily green Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state.
• Visit Schwerin Castle, a former royal residence that is now the state’s seat of parliament.
• Enjoy an enlightening walk through Schwerin’s historical downtown.
• Spend free time exploring Schwerin landmarks on your own.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Drive through Hamburg on an enlightening panoramic tour of its architectural treasures and then visit a notorious concentration camp nearby where more than 100,000 people were imprisoned. After departing from the pier, you will soon begin touring Hamburg, a sprawling city that Charlemagne founded in 810 A.D. Even though much of the city was destroyed in the fire of 1842 and by Allied bombing during World War II, there are plenty of historical sites that remain. As an introduction to Hamburg’s charms, you will drive through the 100-year-old Gothic-style warehouse district near the harbor. Known as the Speicherstadt, it is the world’s largest complex of warehouses, most of which are made of beautiful red brick. Continuing on, you will see Germany’s oldest stock exchange and the ornate town hall. A neo-Renaissance masterpiece with 647 rooms, it is the symbolic heart of Hamburg. A more somber setting awaits you at nearby Neuengamme Concentration Camp, which operated for nearly seven years until Allied troops arrived in May 1945. The camp was designed to carry out extermination through labor. It is the hope of the local people that your visit here will continue to encourage enlightenment through the documentation of the events at this memorial museum. As Winston Churchill famously said, "The further backward you can look, the further forward you are likely to see." After a short guided introduction you have time to explore the memorial on your own before heading back to the ship.
Gain a broad understanding of Hamburg by driving past its most intriguing landmarks and by touring iconic St. Michael’s Church and the phenomenal town hall. After departing from the pier, you will soon begin touring Hamburg, a sprawling city that lies on the Elbe River. Charlemagne founded Hamburg in 810 A.D., so there are plenty of historical sites even though much of the city was destroyed in the fire of 1842 and by Allied bombing during World War II. As an introduction to Hamburg’s charms, you will drive through the 100-year-old Gothic-style warehouse district near the harbor. Known as the Speicherstadt, it is the world’s largest complex of warehouses, most of which are made of beautiful red brick. After your panoramic coach tour, you will arrive at the town hall for a visit of both its exterior and interior. This impressive neo-Renaissance masterpiece, with more than 647 ornate rooms, is the symbolic heart of Hamburg. Then, visit St. Michael’s Church, whose soaring clock tower has loomed over the city since the 1680s. The organs inside are remarkable, especially the largest one with five keyboards. Then, it’s one spectacular photo opportunity after another. You will pause briefly at the modest 17th-century almshouse for the widows of shopkeepers, gorgeous Alster Lake downtown, and you will pass by the telecommunications tower named after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. Afterwards, you will return to the pier.
See Hamburg’s highlights by riding a double-decker bus around the city. Sightsee from your seat, as the bus will loop back to your starting point. Charlemagne founded the city on the Elbe River in 810 A.D. and its historical landmarks include the gothic-style Speicherstadt, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the world’s largest complex of warehouses. Then, there is the Reeperbahn entertainment district, where the Beatles played long before they became famous, the Music Hall, and the edge of the harbor, offering breathtaking vistas of the Hamburg skyline. If you love the outdoors, you will enjoy the view of the Outer Alster Lake, a serene naturally beautiful spot. Explore a range of historical landmarks and the park-like setting of Outer Alster Lake.
• See Hamburg’s highlights by riding a double-decker bus around the city Sightsee from your seat.
• Explore a range of historical landmarks and the park-like setting of Outer Alster Lake.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Admire Hamburg from two unique perspectives: while cruising along the shores of its main urban lake, and while driving past its most historical highlights. After departing from the pier, you will soon notice the abundance of waterways throughout the city. The Elbe River connects Hamburg to the North Sea, and the city boasts an extensive network of Venice-like canals. The prevalence of water keeps Hamburg’s 1,400 parks and gardens flourishing, as you will see at leafy Planten un Blomen park downtown, which you pass during your panoramic coach tour. Then, it’s on to Alster Lake, where you will enjoy a leisurely cruise across its serene waters, presenting you with a different perspective of the city. The lake was formed in the 12th century after the Alster River was dammed. Today, small pleasure vessels often sail the waters and joggers follow the paths along the shore. Following your cruise, you will resume driving through Hamburg, passing the most iconic landmarks, which miraculously survived a devastating fire in 1842 and World War II bombings. One highlight is certainly St. Michael’s Church, whose soaring clock tower has loomed over the city since the 1680s. However, locals consider the 647-room town hall, a neo-Renaissance masterpiece, to be the symbolic heart of Hamburg. As a contrast to its opulence, you will also visit a modest 17th-century almshouse for the widows of shopkeepers. Before returning to the pier, you will have some brief free time in the city center to perhaps pick up a souvenir or two.
Settle in for a panoramic drive through Hamburg with stops at landmarks that define this sprawling city on the Elbe River. Charlemagne founded Hamburg in 810 A.D., so there are plenty of historical sites even though much of the city was destroyed in the fire of 1842 and by Allied bombing during World War II. Fortunately, Hamburg was beautifully rebuilt in both instances, as you will discover while driving through the downtown and taking in the extraordinary skyline of this second-largest city in Germany. One of the highlights will be pausing for photos of the refurbished Elbphilharmonie from the outside, whose bold design features a giant glass-encased concert hall set atop a massive brick warehouse. Time will also be allotted for a more in-depth exploration of St. Michaelis and surroundings on your own during your leisure time, an enormous Baroque church with Germany’s largest clock tower. From the observation deck just above the clock, you will enjoy the ultimate 360° view of Hamburg.
• Enjoy an enlightening drive through Hamburg, a city largely rebuilt after World War II.
• Hear entertaining narration that describes the sights and the history of Hamburg.
• Photo Stop at the modern Elbphilharmonie concert hall, which sits atop a historical brick warehouse.
• Spend free time exploring St. Michaelis on your own, whose bell tower offers a stunning view of Hamburg.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Drive through the most characteristic areas of Hamburg in the evening when the city is beautifully illuminated and celebrate the occasion with a hearty Bavarian dinner. You will pass historical landmarks such as the Speicherstadt – a UNESCO World Heritage site that is the world’s largest complex of warehouses – and contemporary icons that include the Elbphilharmonie, whose bold design features a giant glass-encased concert hall set atop a massive brick warehouse. Time will be allotted for photo stops at the massive 647-room town hall and at St. Michaelis, an enormous Baroque church with Germany’s largest clock tower (depending on the time, an inside visit will not be possible). Afterwards, you will settle in for an delicious Bavarian meal at Hofbräuhaus, a traditional beer hall in the heart of Hamburg. Although the menu changes periodically, you can expect to dine on succulent schweinshaxe, which are roasted skin-on pork knuckles, and Knödel potato dumplings. A cold liter of beer will perfectly complement the meal.
• Enjoy an enlightening drive through Hamburg at night when the city is most radiant.
• See the Speicherstadt, a massive warehouse complex that is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
• View the modern Elbphilharmonie concert hall, which sits atop a historical brick warehouse.
• Enjoy a traditional Bavarian dinner and a Maß of beer, which equals a full liter.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Spend hours exploring the attractions in Hamburg that sound most appealing with no schedule to follow but your own. With a map in hand and recommendations from the guide, you can maximize your time in the city that Charlemagne founded on the Elbe River in 810. After being dropped off in the Hamburg-Mitte city center, you might browse the countless attractions within the Speicherstadt, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is the world’s largest complex of warehouses. Narrow canals and bridges crisscross the district, making it easy to meander about at your leisure. Other options well worth seeing include the exquisite Jungfernstieg shopping street, Germany’s oldest stock exchange, the 647-room town hall and St. Michaelis, an enormous Baroque church that features Germany’s largest clock tower. With so many waterways, downtown Hamburg is lush and full of parks and gardens. Any of them is a great choice if you wish to relax in an urban oasis. Explore Hamburg however you wish by spending hours of free time in the city center. Maximize your time by using the complimentary map and advice from the tour escort. Browse the shops in the Speicherstadt warehouse district if you wish. See historical sites such as St. Michaelis church and Germany’s oldest stock exchange.
• Explore Hamburg however you wish by spending hours of free time in the city center.
• Maximize your time by using the complimentary map and advice from the guide.
• Browse the shops in the Speicherstadt warehouse district if you wish.
• See historical sites such as St. Michaelis church and Germany’s oldest stock exchange.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Immerse yourself in the historical and architecture splendor of Lubeck, a remarkably scenic city founded in 1143 on the Baltic coast of northern Germany. After departing from the pier, you will settle in for a leisurely 90 minute drive to Lubeck, a major trading center of the Hanseatic League that once controlled commerce here. Despite damage from World War II, many of Lubeck’s important buildings survived, earning the Old Town of the city a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for its historical urban character. The basic structure of the Old City remains unaltered, including its 15th- and 16th-century patrician houses, churches and salt storehouses on the Trave River. You will enter Lubeck’s original downtown through the iconic Holstentor gate and then cross the picturesque River Trave before you will discover such highlights as the historic Holy Ghost Hospital, the best-preserved medieval hospital in Germany. St. Jacob´s Church, easily recognized by its four spherical globes, was built for seamen who needed a place to worship. Continuing on, you will pass by the St. Mary’s Church. The brick basilica is so distinctive it served as the model for other Gothic-style churches throughout the Baltic. Another stop will be made at the Brewery Brauberger, where you can linger over a stein of beer, learn about the brewing process and crunch on a pretzel. Incredibly, Lubeck was home to about 180 breweries in 1450, but Brauberger is one of the few that remains. Nearby, you will also find the Rathaus, one of the oldest town halls in Germany. Its distinctive blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles make it a must-see destination. Finally, you will enjoy a bit of free time to stroll about on your own and perhaps grab a quick bite to eat before its time to rejoin your coach and return to the pier.
Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Hamburg, many of them iconic attractions that define the city. To ensure the best possible results, a selfie expert guide will offer tips so you can capture just the right angle, lighting and composition for every shot. Selfie sticks and selfie photo frames are also available. Your pictures will be ideal for posting on social media and sharing in other ways.
As you walk and ride through Hamburg, you will pause at designated selfie stops that include:
• Speicherstadt warehouse district
• City Hall
• St. Michaelis Church
• Elbphilharmonie concert hall
• World’s largest model railway
• Take inspiring selfies at the most photogenic attractions in Hamburg,
• Follow tips from your selfie expert guide to ensure the very best pictures.
• Learn the historical significance of the locales while enjoying their dramatic settings.
• Behold the red-brick Speicherstadt, the world’s largest complex of warehouses.
• Explore St. Michaelis, an enormous Baroque church with Germany’s largest clock tower.
• See Elbphilharmonie, a giant glass-encased concert hall atop a massive brick warehouse.
• Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
• Be sure your phone or camera is fully charged.
Explore glorious Lubeck, a city of such important historical character that it has earned a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for its entire Old Town Island. After departing from the pier, you will settle in for a leisurely 90 minute drive to Lubeck, a major trading center of the Hanseatic League that once controlled commerce here. Despite damage from World War II, many of Lubeck’s medieval buildings survived. In fact, the basic structure of the Old City remains unaltered, including its 15th- and 16th-century patrician houses, churches and salt storehouses on the Trave River. Enter Lubeck’s original downtown through the iconic Holstentor gate and then meet your guide for a walking tour of this amazing city. As you make your way through the atmospheric narrow streets, you will pass landmarks such as the Rathaus, one of the oldest town halls in Germany. Its distinctive blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles make it a must-see destination. Take in the beauty of St. Peter’s Church, an 800-year-old landmark now used solely as an event center, and then pass by the St. Mary’s Church. The brick basilica is so distinctive it served as the model for other Gothic-style churches throughout the Baltic. Stop to sample marzipan gateau at a local cafe. According to local lore, marzipan became popular here in the early 15th century when a famine forced bakers to make bread from almond meal, the chief ingredient in marzipan. The cafe’s marzipan gateau recipe is a closely guarded secret and after one taste of this creamy dessert you will understand why. Before re-boarding your coach for the return to the pier, you’ll have a bit of free time to look around on your own or perhaps grab a quick bite to eat.
Enjoy a leisurely drive past the key landmarks in Germany’s second-largest city with stops for shopping and to explore Hamburg’s beloved St. Michael’s church. After departing from the pier, you will soon begin touring Hamburg, a sprawling city on the meandering Elbe River. Charlemagne founded Hamburg in 810 A.D., so there are plenty of historical sites even though much of the city was destroyed in the fire of 1842 and by Allied bombing during World War II. Fortunately, it was beautifully rebuilt in both instances, as you will discover through landmarks such as Germany’s oldest stock exchange, the opulent 647-room town hall, and the 100-year-old Gothic-style warehouse district that borders the harbor. Known as the Speicherstadt, it is the world’s largest complex of warehouses, most of which are made of beautiful red brick. Other highlights nearby include Lake Alster and the exquisite shopping street Jungfernstieg. Its name comes from a time long ago, when families would stroll the promenade here on Sundays with their unmarried family members (“jungfer” in German means “single”). The Jungfernstieg is located nearby the townhall, where you will be given some free time. Following your free time to shop along Jungfernstieg, you will drive the Reeperbahn, a street known for its nightlife. The Beatles played in clubs here long before becoming famous. Then it’s on to the extraordinary St. Michael’s, an enormous Baroque church with distinctive features such as Germany’s largest clock tower. As a contrast, you will also visit a modest 17th-century almshouse for the widows of shopkeepers.

"I Want to Hold your Hand" and show you Hamburg. So "Come Together" and take a trip down memory lane as you spend "A Day in the Life" of the famous Beatles' Hamburg as they knew it back then.
During this tour you will follow the footsteps of The Beatles and discover where the band first became famous in the early 1960's.
Hamburg City Drive
Once you have boarded your coach "There's a Place" we want to show you before heading for the famous Reeperbahn which is Hamburg's most famous street and today one of the world's largest red-light districts.
With your "Ticket to Ride" you will follow on the trail of the 'Fab Four' passing by some of Hamburg's highlights including the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg's new Concert Hall perched on a former warehouse, the Speicherstadt, Hamburg's century old UNESCO listed Warehousing Quarter, the town hall and the Alster Lakes, lending themselves to spectacular views of the city centre.
St Pauli, Reeperbahn
"It Won't be Long" before you arrive to St Pauli, the suburb and home to the Reeperbahn - today this street together with the "Grosse Freiheit" and "Herbert Strasse" are referred to as "the mile of sin" and are a well know attractions worldwide as it is here where The Beatles began their career here in 1962.
Your guide will take you on a 'Magical Mystery Tour' to discover where the band first found fame and you will have the opportunity to enjoy some tales about their early experiences. On the 18th August 1960, the band played their first concert as 'The Beatles' at the Indra Club in Hamburg which your guide will show you (outside only).
You will then pass by the Beatles square where the statues of the famous '5' Beatles are awaiting in pose for a picture with you.
Bratwurst and Beer
As it's been a "Hard Day's Night", you will have an opportunity to savour a typical German "Bratwurst" at an Imbiss (stand-up, take-away restaurant).
Before having to "Get Back" and having to say "Goodbye" and "Goodnight" it's time to enjoy a German beer at a local pub. The evening will end with a light quiz before returning you safely to the ship.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking at times over uneven ground and cobblestoned streets. Guests must be over 18 years old to participate in the tour and must carry a picture ID.
Train Ride to Berlin
Meet your local escort who will accompany you on your short coach transfer to Hamburg's train station and during the train ride to Berlin, a journey that lasts approx. 2 hours.
During your journey to Berlin your escort will be at your assistance providing you with general information.
Berlin sightseeing: Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Bebel Platz
Upon arrival in Berlin you will meet your Berlin tour guide and one of the first photo stops will be at original remnants of the Berlin Wall (1). In the early 1960's with the approval of the Warsaw Pact, East German soldiers occupied the Soviet sector of Berlin and started sealing it off from the west. After being a barrier that divided the city and its people for almost 30 years, the wall was finally opened in 1989.
Another photo stop will be made at Checkpoint Charlie (2), possibly the world's best-known Allied Checkpoint for Allied military, foreigners and diplomats on foot or by car. Then drive to Bebel Platz (3). It was here, where in 1933 the Nazis ordered the book burning of hundreds of free authors, publishers, philosophers and scientists. Here a symbolic underground library is left empty with the space for 20.000 books that were estimated to have gone up in flames. You will have the opportunity to step out of the coach for a photo stop.
Potsdamer Platz, Holocaust Monument, Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag
You will also pass by the Potsdamer Platz (4), formerly a no man's land between East and West where the first gap in the Berlin Wall was made in 1989. Today a pristine block of futuristic glass-and-steel skyscrapers includes the headquarters of Sony Europe and Europe's first traffic light built in 1924. A few blocks away from here and close to the site where Hitler's bunker was hidden, a somber memorial commemorates the Jews who perished in Europe during the Second World War.
At the Holocaust Memorial (5), only opened in 2005, you will have the opportunity for a photo stop before making your way over to the famous Brandenburg Gate (6) that more than any symbolizes Berlin's history. Close by you will have the opportunity to see the Reichstag (7) building which is Germany's seat of Parliament and today well known for having the world's largest glass dome, designed by the famous architect, Sir Norman Foster.
Charlottenburg Palace
Those with a fondness for Prussian history will enjoy the outside visit to the Charlottenburg Palace (8) - here you will have a few moments for a photo stop of the oldest surviving Prussian palace that reflects the former splendor and grandeur of the Hohenzollern dynasty.
West Berlin, Kurfuerstendamm, Berlin's Hauptbahnhof
A drive into the former western part of Berlin, will take you along the Kurfuerstendamm (Ku-Damm), which is also West Berlin's most famous street. Here you will pass by the Emperor William Memorial Church (9) (also known as the 'hollow-tooth'), which has since the 2nd World War, served as a stark reminder of the damage done by the war. Close by you will pass by the largest department store on the continent of Europe, KaDeWe. This shopping paradise is a legend and had its 100th birthday in 2007.
A short drive will get you to Berlin's Hauptbahnhof (Main Train Station) (10), which was opened early in 2006. With more than 80 shops that are all open 7 days a week, the building has been dubbed an architectural and logistical wonder, with trains arriving and departing in all directions every 90 seconds.
German Lunch
Enjoy a typical German lunch in a local Berlin pub-style restaurant before you continue your exploration of Berlin, covering sights that you have not seen in the morning.
Start your return journey to Hamburg by train in the late afternoon.
Please Note: This tour includes a little to moderate amount of walking and is therefore suitable for passengers with walking difficulties. However, guests need to be able to climb in/out of the coach on their own. The tour includes numerous stops where guests are required to get on/off the coach.
At the quayside you will meet your E-L-S Escort who will accompany you on your short coach transfer to Hamburg’s train station & during the train ride to Berlin, a journey that lasts approx. 2-2,5 hours.
During your transfer to Berlin your Escort will be at your assistance providing you with general information en-route, a city map of Berlin as well as a light snack.
For more independent guests who wish to explore Germany's capital at their own pace, without a guide, we offer a roundtrip transfer.
On arrival at Berlin main train station your escort will assist you with directions and purchasing public transport tickets for your day in Berlin (if needed / at own expense). You will be given a meeting time for the return journey. You will have approximately 5-6 hours to do as you please.
Please note: Comfortable shoes are highly recommended. No guided tour applies, only transportation to Berlin. An official escort will be on the train and will provide some information about Berlin and places to visit. Maps will be provided. It is strongly suggested to bring local currency, EURO, as not all shops accept US currency or credit cards.
Shops will be closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays; only some souvenir shops, cafés and restaurants will be open.
Start your return journey to Hamburg by train in the late afternoon.
Notes for guests
- The train ride between Hamburg & Berlin takes approx. 2-2,5 hours one way.
- Please note that guests are responsible to be back at the pre designated time and spot as set upon drop off with the E-L-S Escort
- We do not recommend this tour to guests confined to a wheelchair, unless guests are able to climb in/out of the coach on their own. Guests also have to be able to get around in Berlin on their own.
- Shops will be closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays; only some souvenir shops, cafés and restaurants will be open.
- Please note that not all shops/restaurants accept credit cards. If they do, the common cards accepted are Visa & Master Card.
- Whilst the toilets in restaurants are usually free of charge, it is common to pay a 0,50 € admission. Public toilets usually cost 0,50- 1 €.
- Order of the Tours - please note that the order of the tours might vary due to traffic, guests good timing etc. It is up to the E-L-S Tour Guide’s discretion to alter the order of the tours at any time, should the need arise in order to improve the quality. However, the contents of the tour as offered by E-L-S will remain unchanged and no visit/sight will be omitted.
- Guests should be sensitized that Germany has in general a lot of traffic in their cities and along the Autobahnen – Streets are constantly worked on/repaired/maintained especially during the Spring/Summer – therefore traffic/delays/negotiating traffic should always be expected.
“Welcome to Bremen…” a fascinating city with a 1000-year history; a fairytale-like city center and a cavernous 600 year-old wine cellar.
Bremen Walking Tour
Leaving Hamburg, this tour begins with a drive along the famous German Autobahn heading towards Bremen. Upon arrival, start your guided walk through the old town and admire its beautiful historic buildings and monuments that are typical of Hanseatic culture.
Have a look at the graceful statue of the Knight Roland who has been smiling down on the market place since 1404. This symbol of freedom is Germany's largest 'Roland' and the best known of the 27 that can be found worldwide. Conveniently situated in the center of town is the beautiful Market Square, where the architectural styles of 5 different eras are visible. Take a picture from here of the 13th century St. Petri Cathedral (Bremer Dom) before your guide shares interesting titbits about bygone eras such as the story about Bremen's music making animals. Pose for a photo at the bronze statue of the Bremer Stadtmusikanten (Bremer Town Musicians), sculpted in 1951.
Follow your guide into the “Schnoorviertel”, the oldest residential quarter still intact with its picturesque, tiny, little burgers houses', some dating back to the 15th century, cozy taverns and small shops.
Bremer “Ratskeller”, Wine and Chocolate Tasting
Your city walk will be rewarded with an exciting visit to the famous Bremer “Ratskeller” (wine cellar) that boasts the world largest collection of fine German wines. Since its foundation in 1405 in the vaults of the town hall, the Ratskeller has devoted itself exclusively to the preservation of German wine culture. A unique collection of 1200 different varieties of wine documents the efforts of generations and makes the Ratskeller an institution for connoisseurs home and abroad. The Ratskeller restaurant offers over 650 different German wine choices on their wine menu and with more than 600 years of age, it is Germany's oldest wine cellar.
Enjoy a tour of the cavernous 600 year-old vaults and listen to your specialist wine guide whilst enjoying tasting a selection of different wines and along with your wine tasting you will be handed appropriate, suiting the wine, chocolates to taste made by a small local chocolatier.
Meander through the cellars and admire this ancient atmosphere … unique and certainly for wine lovers …..
German Dinner in the Wine Cellar Restaurant
Before returning to your ship with an unforgettable experience of the “hidden treasures” of Bremen sit back and relax during a traditional German dinner which will also be served in the wine cellar restaurant of the town hall.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking at times over uneven ground and cobblestoned streets. The coach ride between Hamburg and Bremen takes approx. 1,5 hrs one way depending on traffic.
This tour will acquaint you with the Hanseatic city of Hamburg from the land side as well as from the water side.
Hamburg by Coach
Travel towards the city centre by coach and enjoy a brief panoramic tour. Pass by the City Hall, Germany's oldest Stock Exchange, the Speicherstadt (UNESCO Warehouse Quarter), the Jungfernstieg, one of the most elegant and luxurious shopping areas in the city. Continue along the world-famous Reeperbahn, this street, together with the Grosse Freiheit and Herbert Strasse, are referred to as 'the mile of sin'.
St Michael's Church
Stop for a visit to St Michael's Church, the largest Baroque church in northern Germany. St Michael's has five organs, one of which was said to be the largest in the world until the end of WWII.
Hamburg by Boat
Continue your tour towards the Alster lake, where you will join an exclusive Alster Cruise boat for a relaxing cruise on Hamburg´s waterways. Commence a voyage on Inner and Outer Alster lakes and pass exclusive residential areas of the city, while your guide presents interesting and fascinating stories about Hamburg. Learn about the city of Hamburg, both its modern economics and ancient seafarer traditions.
Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 219 yards (about 200 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and embark/disembark the boat. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, however the boat is not wheelchair accessible.
Embark on this exclusive tour giving you the opportunity to see some of Hamburg’s highlights, followed by a visit to one of the most well-known landmarks – Hamburg's Philharmonic Hall, the Elbphilharmonie.
Enjoy a panoramic drive of Hamburg, during which you’ll see some of the city’s most important sites including Germany’s oldest stock exchange and St Nicolai Church.
Pause to capture photos of the impressive Neo Renaissance Rathaus which today is the seat of the Government of Hamburg. Afterwards, continue driving through Hamburg’s most famous street, the Reeperbahn, today one of the world’s largest red-light districts and home to yet another architectural marvel, the Dancing Towers.
Pass by beautiful St. Michael’s Church with its fascinating Baroque architecture before making your way to the historic Speicherstadt, the world's largest warehouse district and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Conclude your panorama tour with an inside visit to the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg’s spectacular Concert Hall, affectionately known as the "Elphi". Participate in a guided inside visit to this architectural masterpiece and see the main concert hall to find out more about its magnificent design & acoustics.
Enjoy the wonderful views of the harbour and city from the Plaza, the main visitor platform.
Savour a glass of beer or sparkling wine before returning to the ship with wonderful memories of Hamburg.
Begin with the approx. 1.5 hour drive to Bergen-Belsen, the concentration camp where Anne Frank and her sister Margot were interned and died.
Memorial Centre Bergen-Belsen
Near the small towns of Bergen and Belsen, you will reach the Memorial Centre Bergen-Belsen which is located on the historic premises of the former concentration camp and surrounded by army training grounds.
At first the countryside appears peaceful and quiet with very few locals living close by. This is what led the Nazi Regime of Germany to build a camp for French and Russian POW's next to an army training complex. Conditions in the camp were so bad that inmates struggled for survival and many died of diseases.
Guided Walking Tour of the Bergen-Belsen Camp
From the time Bergen-Belsen Camp was taken over by the SS until its liberation by British forces in early 1945, over 70,000 POW's, Jews and other “political enemies” of the regime died in this camp, mostly due to the hard-living conditions, lack of food, diseases and at the hand of the guards. Despite Bergen-Belsen not having been a termination camp like Auschwitz, the number of victims of the atrocities is staggering and among them the deported German-Dutch Jews Anne and Margot Frank died in this camp shortly before the camp was liberated by the Allied forces.
Your tour will include a guided walk of the premises including the Obelisk and Wall of Names, the Room of Silence and the symbolic graves of Anne and Margot Frank.
Free Time to explore
Step into the Information Center, where your guide will conduct a brief orientation, afterwards spend the remainder of the time exploring the center at your own esteem.
Your visit to this very well-presented exhibition in the Information Centre includes a presentation of hundreds of artifacts recovered from the grounds belonging to former prisoners. Permanent audio-visual interviews of former camp inmates can be heard, including sequential photos covering the history of the POW camp. You will also be able to follow the development of the camp by Royal Air Force aerial photography and learn about the victims and the perpetrators' fates.
Please note: This tour includes approximately 2 hours of walking, at times over uneven ground and therefore, it is not recommended to mobility challenged guests.
When choosing this tour please keep in mind that this is a visit to a former concentration camp and sensitive material including some graphic images and displays on the atrocities of war will be displayed. The tour is not recommended for children under the age of 14.
Bergen-Belsen is located at approximately 1,5-hour drive from Hamburg.
Once known as the "Queen of the Hanseatic League", the Free Imperial and Hanseatic City of Luebeck is steeped in history and tradition. Luebeck is a city, which is simply beautiful. The old town on its oval island is one of the most impressive intact examples of medieval Gothic architecture. Luebeck's proud old patrician houses and redbrick churches are now included on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list.
Drive approx. 75 minutes to Luebeck along one of Hamburg's popular Autobahn.
Lübeck Walking Tour, St Mary's Church, Town Hall
On arrival in this beautiful old island town, surrounded by the river Trave and a channel, proceed on a historical walk of the Old City. Enjoy the medieval ambiance of the "Altstadt" (old city) with its well-known Holsten Gate, the landmark of Luebeck and one of the few relics of the city fortress. Pass by the majestic St. Marien Church, which represents an example for many redbrick churches along the Baltic Sea and admire the Gothic "Rathaus" (city hall) known to be one of the oldest in Germany. During your walk, you will notice that the redbrick Gothic architecture still dominates the old town today.
Hanseatic Alleyways
Another attraction that your guide will explore with you is one or two of the most impressive of the 82 "Wohngaenge" (Alleyways). Similar to other big cities in the late Middle Ages, Luebeck had its share of day-laborer who mostly lived in small houses, usually called "Buden" (huts), which were crowded together on corner lots, behind town houses or in the yards surrounded by residential blocks. The inconspicuously located living areas were called "Gaenge" (passageways). The merchants, the middle class and the church were quick to realize the fountain of wealth that a house with a built-up yard represented and unavoidable trade with the tiny residential passageways with exorbitant rents took on astonishing forms. It was left up to the landlord just how many families he would squeeze into the tiny flats, and how many Buden he would have built behind his house. In the 15th Century, the general population grew and the number of residents in Luebeck increased by about a quarter, which lead to the construction of more passage quarters. There were more than 180 passageways in Luebeck at the close of the 17th century.
Niederegger Marzipan
What would a visit to Luebeck be, without having tasted some famous Luebeck Marzipan ?
Visit the Niederegger Café, an institution in Luebeck and famous for its delicious marzipan. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea along with a piece of Niedereggers celebrated marzipan-nut gateaux.
After this treat, you may wish to get some marzipan souvenirs from the "Marzipan Palace", Niederegger's shop, filled with beautiful Marzipan presents and chocolates to the top.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximate 2,000 yards (about 1,829 metres) over mostly cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 15 steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Shops in Germany are closed on Sundays.
This tour does not include lunch; however, some free time will be available for you to purchase something to eat independently.
Travel o Lueneburg, a medieval town, situated on the river Ilmenau and certainly, a secret treasure south of Hamburg.
Situated in the middle of Northeast Lower Saxony, approximately 50 kilometres south of Hamburg, Lueneburg has about 70,000 residents. The city, rich in tradition, has an over 1,000-year old history, which is closely connected with salt, the "white gold" of the Middle Ages. The salt mines made Lueneburg a rich and powerful town and an important member of the Hanseatic League.
Luneburg Walking Tour
To learn more and to appreciate the beauty of this medieval city, your guide will take you on an orientation tour of the "Old Town" on foot. The many important historical buildings, with well preserved brick patrician houses, built in the north Gothic style, testify the prosperity of the city in the Middle Ages. Even today, salt plays an important role in Lueneburg's status as a spa town, many illnesses are treated through salt and water therapies.
Walk through small cobbled streets and alleyway and view the historical town hall "Rathaus", dating back to 1297. Admire fascinating buildings and merchant houses, steeped in cultural history such as the St Nicolas' Church, built in the 15th century, the wooden mill and Lueneburg's landmark, the Old Crane.
Free Time
During your time at leisure, you may spend exploring the medieval, quaint town centre with its numerous pretty medieval houses & quaint shops on your own, before you return to Hamburg with fond memories of this insider tip, Lueneburg.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximate 3km over mostly cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Shops in Germany are closed on Sundays.
Leave the pier for an approximately 30 minutes’ drive to Hamburg’s trendy suburb of Eppendorf, located in north of Hamburg close to the Alster lake, where the cooking school “Cucina Cornelia Poletto” was established in March 2013 by Cornelia Poletto.
Cornelia Poletto’s Cooking Class and German Lunch
Here you will have the opportunity to learn how to cook a German 4-course meal during an exclusive cookery course, taught and instructed by Cornelia Poletto herself. Whilst cooking with Cornelia, she will give you useful information about foods and products and may reveal valuable kitchen tricks.
Following your cooking experience, enjoy your self-made, “home-cooked” German menu at a long table.
Celebrity Chef Cornelia Poletto
After graduating from high school, Cornelia Poletto attended a hotel school in Bavaria. After her apprenticeship, Cornelia Poletto returned to Hamburg and became Souschef at the former Hamburger starred restaurant Anna e Sebastiano by Anna Sgroi: at the age of 31 years, Cornelia received her first award. She became very famous in Germany through various popular TV-Cookery-Shows.
Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 800 metres, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair.
Enjoy a panoramic tour of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany's second-largest metropolis and one of Europe's biggest ports. Elegant and cosmopolitan Hamburg is a city of palatial office buildings, magnificent promenades, international musicals and extravagant shopping malls and the famous Reeperbahn in St. Pauli.
Hamburg Sightseeing
During your scenic drive, see the City Hall, Germany's oldest Stock Exchange, the Speicherstadt, as well as the Jungfernstieg, one of the elegant and luxury shopping areas.
St. Pauli and Reeperbahn
Drive past the St. Pauli Landungsbruecken, where the old sailing vessels used to dock. Continue your journey along the world famous Reeperbahn, where at the beginning of the 17th century the "Reepers" made rigs. Nowadays referred to as "the mile of sin" where 'The Beatles' began their career in 1962.
St. Michael's church
See St. Michael's church, which was destroyed a number of times in the past, but then always reconstructed. Also known as the "Michel" by the locals, this church is the largest North German Baroque church and Hamburg's main landmark.
During your drive, admire beautiful historic buildings and monuments that are typically Hanseatic, together with the city's modern architecture, the latest addition and dubbed as its new landmark, is the Elbphilharmonie.
Your tour will conclude on the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach.
Experience the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg from a different perspective - Hamburg, Germany's greenest city with its many spacious lawns, lovely parks and its up-market villa suburbs along the Elbe River.
This is one of the finest tours, especially for guests that love to combine light outdoor activities with a touch of culture.
Hamburg Panoramic Drive
Start with a brief orientation tour of Hamburg by coach giving you the opportunity to see some of the highlights of this bustling city centre such as the City Hall, Germany's oldest Stock Exchange, the Speicherstadt, the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg's new concert hall, as well as the Jungfernstieg, one of the elegant and luxury shopping areas.
You will also drive past the St. Michael's church, Hamburg's main landmark and the largest north German Baroque church. Continue your journey along the world famous Reeperbahn, where at the beginning of the 17th century the “Reepers” made rigs. Nowadays this street together with the “Grosse Freiheit” and “Herbert Strasse” are referred to as “the mile of sin” and are a well-known attraction worldwide.
E-bike along the Elbe River
Once the panorama tour of Hamburg is complete, you disembark the coach and "saddle" your e-bikes for an easy, leisurely cycle along the promenade of the Elbe River and its green residential suburbs.
Enjoy the lovely view of the Elbe River, which accompanies you during most of your cycle. Your guide will point out the remains of a World War II Submarine Bunker which was partially destroyed by British bomb disposers after the war, as well as old villas, houses partially lining the shore. Witness the water traffic on this busy river, passing boats and perhaps large container ships that are about to enter Hamburg port. Continue your cycle further west until you enter "your port of call" - a traditional German pub/restaurant.
German Beer and Blankenese
Enjoy a refreshing German beer or some thirst-quenching cool drink during your well-deserved comfort stop.
Your guide will point out the "Treppenviertel" of Blankenese, a picturesque one-time fishing village with Mediterranean charm and colorful houses, depicting many architectural styles on a hill side above - time permitting and depending on guests' fitness, your guide will take you up some of the stairs on foot for lovely views onto the Elbe River.
Your tour will continue to the Elbvororte (suburbs of the river Elbe), one of Hamburg's most up-market and luxurious residential areas, where former captains, pilots and other seaman reside - cycle through the lovely tree lined streets of those suburbs with its many pretty, old villas, half-timbered houses a lot of them more than 100 years old and beautifully restored and typical German family homes before returning your e-bikes and coaches back to the ship.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of bicycling for approximately 10 to 15 kilometres, at times over uneven, unpaved, natural and cobblestone surfaces, off-road trails, hills and inclines and roads with cars. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and able to ride an adult-sized bicycle. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guest with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable sportswear with flat, closed-toe sport shoes, and bring sun protection, raingear. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour. Guests are advised to bring small change in Euro coins, as some shops do not accept foreign currencies nor credit cards for small purchases. Guests may have to pay for public restroom facilities, usually up to one Euro per-person. Shops are closed on Sundays and bank holidays. Guests should be aware of local traffic rules; cycling route may include parks and roads with cars, actual route may vary depending on local conditions and fitness level of the group. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. Helmets are not compulsory in Germany, however will be provided to guests upon request. This tour operates in all weather conditions; guests should be prepared for the possibility of rain. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Explore Hamburg at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore Hamburg at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore Hamburg at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited up to 4 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore Hamburg at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited up to 4 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Damit Sie Ihre Kreuzfahrt stilvoll und elegant beenden können, bevor Sie den Flughafen erreichen und nach Hause zurückkehren, begrüßt Sie Hamburg mit seinem Charme, seinen Parks und seiner Schönheit auf dieser etwa fünfstündigen Tour. Verlassen Sie das Schiff und machen Sie sich bereit, Hamburg, die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands, mit einem Programm zu entdecken, das zwischen Bustouren, Spaziergängen und einem leckeren Mittagessen in einem schönen Restaurant im Grünen wechselt. Die etwa halbstündige Fahrt mit dem Bus bringt Sie ins Stadtzentrum, von wo aus Sie eine etwa zweieinhalbstündige Tour zu Fuß und mit dem Bus unternehmen. Sie passieren die HafenCity, die alte Speicherstadt, Wahrzeichen wie die Michaelskirche und das historische Rathaus, bevor Sie die beschauliche Alster erreichen. Weiter geht es mit einem ca. 45-minütigen Spaziergang durch das elegante, aber gemütliche Pöseldorf in der Nähe der Alster. Sie kommen an der berühmten Milchstraße vorbei, wo sich neben anderen eleganten Villen und exklusiven Boutiquen auch die Villa von Jil Sander und die ehemalige Andy Warhol Galerie befinden. Sie werden auch den Yu-Garten besuchen, ein chinesisches Teehaus mit einem wunderschönen Garten, ein architektonisches Highlight. Entlang der Alster in Richtung Norden erreichen Sie schließlich das Restaurant ¿The Locks¿. Das ehemalige Herrenhaus der Locks liegt direkt am Alsterwanderweg und kombiniert moderne Küche mit frischen regionalen und saisonalen Produkten. Nachhaltige Lebensmittel werden groß geschrieben und die Küche des Locks serviert nur Fleisch aus artgerechter Haltung mit Herkunftsnachweis. Genießen Sie ein köstliches Zwei-Gänge-Mittagessen auf der Terrasse - sofern das Wetter es zulässt - und die entspannte Atmosphäre, bevor Sie den Bus besteigen und zum Flughafen fahren.
Hinweis: Dieser Ausflug ist nur für Gäste des MSC Yacht Clubs verfügbar. Dieser Ausflug ist nur für Gäste, die in Hamburg landen und einen Flug ab 17.00 Uhr haben. Die Dauer der Tour beinhaltet auch die Zeit, um den Flughafen zu erreichen. Gäste mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten werden gebeten diese dem Ausflugsbüros mindestens zwei Tage vor der Einschiffung mitzuteilen. Im Mittagessen enthaltene Getränke: Wasser, Softdrinks, Bier (unbegrenzt) und ein Glas Wein. Dieser Ausflug führt über Kopfsteinpflaster und ist nicht für Gäste mit Gehbehinderung geeignet.
Freuen Sie sich auf eine angenehme, 1,5-stündige Panoramafahrt durch die zauberhafte Landschaft Deutschlands bis zur Hansestadt Lübeck. Erkunden Sie das charmante, historische Stadtzentrum, das auch zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe zählt. Schlendern Sie durch die eleganten Gassen und Höfe aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, die von der Pracht jener Zeit zeugen, als Lübeck das Zentrum der Hanse war, des damals mächtigsten Handelsbündnisses der Welt. Zu den Höhepunkten zählen das weltbekannte Holstentor, die sieben Turmspitzen der fünf Lübecker Kirchen, das auf das Jahr 1280 zurückreichende Heiligen-Geist-Hospital und die Marienkirche, in der sich die größte mechanische Orgel der Welt befindet. Gönnen Sie sich nach Ihrer Erkundungstour ein typisches deutsches Mittagessen, bevor Sie Ihren Reiseleiter in Lübeck zurücklassen und wieder nach Hamburg zurückkehren.
Hinweis: Dieser Ausflug endet für Transitreisende am Hafen. Für ausschiffende Gäste, die einen Flug nach 19:00 Uhr gebucht haben, endet er am Flughafen. Die Dauer des Ausflugs schließt die Transferzeit zum Flughafen ein. Transitreisende in Hamburg, die diesen Ausflug vor ihrer Kreuzfahrt buchen und bezahlen möchten, benutzen bitte den BuchungsCode HAM12T. Wenn Sie in Hamburg ausschiffen, benutzen Sie bitte den BuchungsCode HAM12D. Der Ausflug umfasst Wege über unebenes Kopfsteinpflaster und ist daher für Reisende mit eingeschränkter Mobilität ungeeignet. Gäste mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten werden gebeten diese dem Ausflugsbüros mindestens zwei Tage vor der Einschiffung mitzuteilen. Das leichte Mittagessen kann zu verschiedenen Zeiten am Vormittag stattfinden.
Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands auf die lebendigste und direkteste Art zu erkunden: mit dem Fahrrad. Das äußerst abwechslungsreiche Stadtbild von Hamburg hat viel zu bieten: Ihre Tour beginnt mit einem Ausblick vom Fahrrad aus auf den Fischmarkt und die St.-Pauli-Landungsbrücken, ehe Sie sich nach Nordwesten wenden und zur Binnen- und Außenalster radeln. Dabei durchqueren Sie das Viertel St. Pauli, in dem sich auch die berühmt-berüchtigte Reeperbahn befindet, und kommen unterwegs an den Tanzenden Türmen vorbei. Nach einer Fahrt um die Alsterseen legen Sie am Platz vor dem Rathaus eine wohlverdiente Pause ein. Hier haben Sie Zeit, um die Gegend zu Fuß auf eigene Faust zu erkunden, ehe Sie sich wieder auf das Fahrrad schwingen und durch das Viertel Altona ans Elbufer fahren. An einem der Cafés am Flussufer wartet eine weitere Pause auf Sie, nach der Sie den Fluss entlangfahren und dabei den Ausblick auf das Ufer, die Villen am Wasser, Jachten und Waldland genießen, während Sie zum Schiff zurückfahren.
inweis: Bei diesem Radausflug werden etwa 45 km zurückgelegt. Der Ausflug ist nur für Transitgäste im Hamburger Hafen buchbar. Minderjährige Kinder, die mindestens 155 cm gross sind, können mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Eltern-Erziehungsberechtigten an dieser Tour teilnehmen.
Wenn maritimer Flair auf elegante Boulevards trifft, wenn prunkvolle Villen neben einem der bekanntesten Rotlichtviertel Europas stehen und die Großstadtbebauung durch Grünflächen und weitläufige Parkanlagen aufgelockert wird, dann kann nur von einem Ort die Rede sein: der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Ihr Ausflug beginnt mit einer Fahrt durch das elegante Stadtentwicklungsprojekt HafenCity und durch die angrenzende Speicherstadt, Hamburgs historisches Lagerviertel. Steigen Sie dann an Bord eines Bootes, um die Aussicht auf die architektonische Skyline der Stadt vom Wasser aus zu genießen, während Sie auf dem See und den Kanälen von Hamburg fahren. Anschließend geht es wieder mit dem Bus weiter: Eine Rundfahrt führt sie zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie zum Beispiel dem Rathaus, dem Botanischen Garten ¿Planten un Blomen¿, der Reeperbahn und dem schicken Jungfernstieg. Mit einem Halt an der Kirche St. Michaelis (¿Michel¿), dem Wahrzeichen der Stadt, sowie einem Bummel durch die Krameramtsgasse mit ihren historischen Häusern aus dem 17. Jahrhundert geht Ihr Ausflug zu Ende.
Hinweis: Der Ausflug endet für Transitgäste am Hafen. Für abreisende Gäste, deren Rückflug nach 17.00 Uhr stattfindet, endet er hingegen am Flughafen. Die Ausflugsdauer schließt die Transferzeit zum Flughafen ein. Wenn Sie diesen Ausflug vor Ihrer Kreuzfahrt buchen und bezahlen, benutzen Sie bitte die BuchungsCodes wie folgt: HAM04T: wenn Sie Transitgast sind oder HAM04D: wenn Ihre Reise in Hamburg endet. Der Ausflug ist nur für Transitgäste im Hamburger Hafen buchbar.
Erleben Sie Hamburg auf diesem Ausflug zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Ihr Besuch der größten Hafenstadt und zweitgrößten Stadt Deutschlands beginnt am Rathaus aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert und führt weiter zur ältesten deutschen Börse und in die Speicherstadt mit ihren herrlichen Lagerhäusern im Stil der typisch norddeutschen Backsteingotik. Anschließend sehen Sie die elegante Flaniermeile Jungfernstieg, den exklusiven Bezirk der Außenalster sowie die Landungsbrücken von St. Pauli, an denen früher die Segelschiffe anlegten. Danach geht es weiter zur weltberühmten Reeperbahn, einem Rotlichtviertel, das nach den Seilern (Reepschlägern) benannt ist, die hier im 17. Jahrhundert ihrem Handwerk nachgingen. Am Ende des Ausflugs besuchen Sie die Kirche St. Nikolai, deren Ruine heute Mahnmal für die Opfer des Krieges ist sowie die Kirche St. Michaelis (¿Michel¿) und schließlich die Krameramtsgasse, ein altes Stadtviertel, das im 17. Jahrhundert als frühe Form sozialen Wohnungsbaus für Witwen entstand.
Hinweis: Der Ausflug endet für Transitgäste am Hafen. Für abreisende Gäste, deren Rückflug nach 16.30 Uhr stattfindet, endet er hingegen am Flughafen. Die Ausflugsdauer schließt die Transferzeit zum Flughafen ein. Wenn Sie diesen Ausflug vor Ihrer Kreuzfahrt buchen und bezahlen, benutzen Sie bitte die BuchungsCodes wie folgt: HAM01T: wenn Sie Transitgast sind oder HAM01D: wenn Ihre Reise in Hamburg endet. Bitte tragen Sie für die Besichtigung der religiösen Stätten angemessene Kleidung, die die Schultern und Knie bedeckt. An gesetzlichen Feiertagen oder bei speziellen Veranstaltungen besichtigen die Gäste der Kirche von außen.
Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands auf die lebendigste und direkteste Art zu erkunden: mit dem Fahrrad. Das äußerst abwechslungsreiche Stadtbild von Hamburg hat viel zu bieten: Ihre Tour beginnt mit einem Ausblick vom Fahrrad aus auf den Fischmarkt und die St.-Pauli-Landungsbrücken, ehe Sie sich nach Nordwesten wenden und zur Binnen- und Außenalster radeln. Dabei durchqueren Sie das Viertel St. Pauli, in dem sich auch die berühmt-berüchtigte Reeperbahn befindet, und kommen unterwegs an den Tanzenden Türmen vorbei. Nach einer Fahrt um die Alsterseen legen Sie am Platz vor dem Rathaus eine wohlverdiente Pause ein. Hier haben Sie Zeit, um die Gegend zu Fuß auf eigene Faust zu erkunden, ehe Sie sich wieder auf das Fahrrad schwingen und durch das Viertel Altona ans Elbufer fahren. An einem der Cafés am Flussufer wartet eine weitere Pause auf Sie, nach der Sie den Fluss entlangfahren und dabei den Ausblick auf das Ufer, die Villen am Wasser, Jachten und Waldland genießen, während Sie zum Schiff zurückfahren.
Hinweis: Bei diesem Radausflug werden etwa 45 km zurückgelegt. Der Ausflug ist nur für Transitgäste im Hamburger Hafen buchbar. Minderjährige Kinder, die mindestens 155 cm gross sind, können mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Eltern-Erziehungsberechtigten an dieser Tour teilnehmen.
Die freie Hansestadt ist Deutschlands zweitgrößte Metropole und sein größter Hafen. Hamburg ist eine elegante und weltoffene Stadt mit großen Bürogebäuden und herrlichen Promenaden. Sie bietet international bekannte Theater, weiträumige Parkanlagen, extravagante Einkaufszentren und natürlich das berühmte Rotlichtviertel ¿Reeperbahn¿. Ihre Stadtrundfahrt mit verschiedenen kurzen Fotostopps beginnt am schönen Rathaus aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert, führt Sie zur ältesten Börse Deutschlands und anschließend in die bezaubernde Backsteingotik der Speicherstadt, Hamburgs historischem Lagerviertel. Danach geht es weiter zur eleganten Shoppingmeile Jungfernstieg und, wenn noch Zeit bleibt, in den exklusiven Bezirk der Außenalster. Auf dem Weg zur weltberühmten Reeperbahn kommen Sie auch an den Landungsbrücken von St. Pauli vorbei, an denen früher die Segelschiffe anlegten.
Hinweis: Der Ausflug endet für Transitgäste am Hafen. Für abreisende Gäste, deren Rückflug nach 14.00 Uhr stattfindet, endet er hingegen am Flughafen. Die Ausflugsdauer schließt die Transferzeit zum Flughafen ein. Wenn Sie diesen Ausflug vor Ihrer Kreuzfahrt buchen und bezahlen, benutzen Sie bitte die BuchungsCodes wie folgt: HAM05T: wenn Sie Transitgast sind oder HAM05D: wenn Ihre Reise in Hamburg endet.