Wetter in Gisborne

Mo. 10.02.2025
Mo. 10.02.2025
Mo. 10.02.2025
klarer Himmel
Mo. 10.02.2025
Di. 11.02.2025
leichter Regen
Di. 11.02.2025
leichter Regen
Di. 11.02.2025
leichter Regen
Di. 11.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 12.02.2025
wenige Schleierwolken

Hafenkarte: Gisborne

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Gisborne

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Gisborne mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
MS Artania Mo. 10.03.2025 08:00 20:00
Silver Moon So. 14.12.2025 08:00 17:00
Silver Nova So. 14.12.2025 09:00 19:00
Silver Nova So. 11.01.2026 09:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Fr. 30.01.2026 08:00 18:00
Silver Moon Mi. 16.12.2026 08:00 17:00
Silver Moon Fr. 29.01.2027 08:00 18:00
Silver Moon Di. 02.02.2027 09:00 18:00

Landausflüge in Gisborne

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Eastwoodhill National Arboretum
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Etwa 30 Min. Transfer zum Eastwoodhill National Arboretum. Der Naturpark beherbergt über 25.000 Arten exotischer und einheimischer Bäume, Sträucher und Kletterpflanzen, die auf dem 135 ha großen Gelände wachsen. Jede Jahreszeit bietet ihre eigene Farb- und Blütenpracht. Die riesige Baumsammlung in Eastwoodhill genießt internationale Anerkennung. Man kümmert sich um gefährdete Baumarten und hat sich dem Naturschutz sowie der Bildung und Forschung verschrieben. Während Ihres etwa 2-stündigen Aufenthaltes unternehmen Sie eine geführte Wanderung und genießen anschließend eine Erholungspause bei Kaffee/Tee oder Saft und Gebäck. Danach erfolgt der Transfer zurück zum Schiff.  
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Festes Schuhwerk empfohlen.  
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Gisborne und Wein
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Nach einer Einfuhrung in die Küstenstadt Gisborne fahren Sie zum Weingut Matawhero. Während eines gut 1-stündigen Aufenthaltes verkosten Sie 3-4 der hier produzierten Weine, begleitet von lokalem Käse und geniessen die Umgebung. Nach einigen Erklärungen und der Gelegenheit zum Fotografieren fahren Sie zurück in die kleine Stadt Gisborne und sehen bei einer Rundfahrt die am Wasser gelegene Statue von Captain James Cook, die an die Anlandung des berühmten Seefahrers erinnert.  
Bitte beachten:  Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Kulturelle Eindrücke
ca. 3h mit Essen

ca. 3 Std. mit Essen
Während einer etwa 45-minütigen Rundfahrt durch die Kleinstadt Gisborne erhalten Sie erste Informationen über die Kultur und Geschichte der hier lebenden Maori (Angehörige der indigenen Bevölkerung Neuseelands). An der Zeremonialstätte "Ohako Marae" angekommen, erleben Sie die traditionelle Maori-Begrüßungszeremonie "P?whiri". Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über die formellen Reden "Whaik?rero" und den Stammesältesten "Kaum?tua" sowie den ortsansässigen Stamm "Ngai T?whiri". Die Nachkommen der ursprünglichen Siedler beenden die Zeremonie mit einem Gebet "Karakia". Alkoholfreie Getränke, Sandwiches, Brot und Fisch/Meeresfrüchte werden gemeinsam im Speisesaal "Wharekai" des Versammlungshauses eingenommen, bevor Sie mit vielen Eindrücken von der Maori-Kultur zum Schiff zurückfahren.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Bitte respektieren Sie die Kultur, indem Sie während der Zeremonie Sonnenbrille und Kopfbedeckung abnehmen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Muriwai Dampfeisenbahnfahrt
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Kurzer Busshuttle-Service zur Bahnstation. Erleben Sie ein Stück bewegte Vergangenheit auf einer unvergeßlichen Fahrt mit der historischen Muriwai Bahn, einer der schönsten Dampfeisenbahnen Neuseelands. Die 1897 gebaute "WA 165" kam 1911 nach Gisborne und wurde 1942 ausgemustert. Liebevoll restauriert erstrahlt sie heute wieder in ihrer viktorianischen Pracht. Während der Fahrt passieren Sie die Küste der Poverty Bay, sehen die Statue von Captain James Cook und genießen die Aussicht auf die Landzunge Young Nick’s Head (Te Kur?-a-P?oa). Die Fahrt bis zur ländlichen Maori-Siedlung Muriwai dauert etwa 40 Min. Genießen Sie unterwegs ein Glas Sekt. Bei Ankunft in Muriwai werden Sie von Maori-Schulkindern mit einer traditionellen "Kapa Haka" Darbietung empfangen. Nach dem Aufenthalt fahren Sie auf gleicher Strecke zurück, mit kurzem Bustransfer zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Etwa 20 Min. Transfer zum Küstenort Tatapouri. Die Riffökologie-Tour ist eine beliebte Unternehmung in dieser Gegend. Vor Ort werden Sie mit Watthosen ausgestattet und waten bei Ebbe langsam in das flache Wasser. Mit etwas Glück werden Sie von freundlichen Stachelrochen begrüßt und erleben diese in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung. Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über diese interessanten Meeresbewohner. Nach gut 1,5 Std. ziehen Sie sich wieder um und wärmen sich bei einem Heißgetränk auf, bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückfahren. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Die Tierbeobachtung ist wetter- und gezeitenabhängig. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Vielleicht haben Sie Freude daran, Land und Leute auf einer geführten Wanderung kennenzulernen. Ab der Pier gehen Sie entlang von malerischen Promenaden, entdecken kulturelle Sehenswürdigkeiten, wandern auf Berge und Aussichtspunkte oder genießen verschiedene Strände bis in das grüne Hinterland. Unsere Wanderungen sind eine Kombination aus verschiedenen Stopps fernab von touristischem Gedränge - seien Sie gewiss, dass Sie mit vielen neuen Eindrücken zurück an Bord kommen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Über den genauen Tourenverlauf, Distanzen und zu erwartende Höhenmeter informiert Sie Ihr Wanderguide an Bord. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Handtuch, Sonnenschutz, Wasser und Badesachen je nach Tour nicht vergessen. Je nach Wetterlage hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Gisborne Orientation
Gisborne / Neuseeland
Level: 2
1 Stunde
Erwachsene ab 56€ / Kinder ab 56€


Take an introductory drive through easy-going “Gizzy,” where a surf beach and a bottle of locally-made wine are never far from hand. These shores are legendary for their beauty, as you will see driving along the coast and past where the great explorer, Captain James Cook, first landed and met the native Maori people in 1769. Traveling up to the top of Kaiti Hill, you’ll be treated to glorious views of beach-lined Poverty Bay and of the white bluffs sitting across the turquoise water; that’s Young Nick’s Head, the first land sighted by Cook’s crew and named for the young lad who spied it. As your coach hugs the shoreline, Wainui and Okitu appear, two showy surfing beaches known for their impressive rollers – and the photogenic sand dunes of Lysnar Reserve. A few miles further out, the scenery changes dramatically as you come into Gisborne’s idyllic rural area. Enjoy the views as you drive along roads bordered by sweet-smelling orchards and award-winning vineyards, and see lush green fields dotted with fluffy sheep and quaint farmhouses. Back in the city, you’ll spin down tree-lined Gladstone Road, where the city shops, dines and people-watches. Hop off here if you’d like to solo-explore.


• Enjoy an introductory coach tour of Gisborne, a laid-back East Cape town that knows how to enjoy life.
• Pass gnarly surfing beaches, impressive dunes, New Zealand’s largest Maori meeting house, and Captain Cook’s 1769 landing spot.
• Enjoy panoramic views of Poverty Bay, Young Nicks Head and your ship from atop Kaiti Hill.
• Travel outside the city to where the vineyards and orchards flourish, and contented sheep graze.
• Hop off for independent exploring along the café-lined Gladstone Road or stay aboard back to the pier.


• Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Leading Gisborne Wineries
Gisborne / Neuseeland
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 105€


Taste the distinctive North Island terroir as you visit two leading Gisborne vineyards and sample their most characteristic wines. Blessed with a Mediterranean-style climate, fertile alluvial soil and low-altitude river plains, this area is fast becoming one of New Zealand’s largest wine-producing regions – renowned especially for its chardonnays and gewürztraminers. On this tour, you’ll have the delicious opportunity to find out what all the fuss is about. Traveling by coach from the pier, it’s a short but picturesque drive out into the rolling, green hills of wine country. At Bushmere Estate, where the Egan family has been growing grapes for over 40 years, you’ll sample their selections accompanied by a light antipasto platter. The tasting may include their elegant chardonnay redolent of nectarine and grapefruit, or an excellent gewürztraminer, known for its lychee flavor with a touch of honey and a lime/ginger finish. At Matawhero Wines, the offerings can be quite adventurous; founder Bill Irwin defied convention from the get-go in 1968, making wines of boutique standing and bringing acclaim to New Zealand’s prowess in the process. At one point, absolutely everyone was drinking Matawhero’s wines – even the Queen of England. You’ll sample their varietals while nibbling on complimentary cheeses.


• Travel out to Gisborne wine country and sample the wares at two prominent vineyards.
• At the family-run Bushmere Estate, taste wines of standout character created for generations.
• Visit the tasting room at Matawhero Wines, known for their inventive, renegade spirit – and a gewürztraminer fit for a Queen.
• Learn about the unique growing conditions that make this region heaven for chardonnay and gewürztraminer grapes.
• Nibble light antipasto and cheese.


• Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Steam Train To Muriwai
Gisborne / Neuseeland
Level: 1
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 134€


Relive the golden age of steam rail travel on a scenic vintage train journey with a charming Maori cultural performance at the turnaround point. Built in 1897, “WA 165” was brought to Gisborne in 1911, faithfully working the north line until its 1942 retirement to a children’s playground. Rediscovered and lovingly restored to original working condition, it runs again in all its Victorian glory. Stroll or shuttle over from the pier, settle into an upholstered seat in a heritage carriage, and toast your good fortune with a complimentary glass of sparkling wine or juice as you watch the passing scenery in the style of travelers a century ago. Traversing the Poverty Bay Coastline, you’ll pass the Captain Cook Statue and enjoy views across the bay to the famous Young Nick’s Head bluffs. The ride to the rural Maori settlement of Muriwai takes about 40 minutes, and on arrival, you’ll alight on a grass platform where you’ll enjoy a heartwarming performance of traditional songs and dances, often performed with the help of local school children. With the train now turned around, you’ll return to Gisborne – either disembarking at a downtown station for some solo exploring or riding on to the pier.


• Experience a roundtrip ride in early 20th-century style on a fully-restored heritage steam train.
• Seated in comfort, cross picturesque coastal terrain and fertile farmland en route to a rural settlement where Maori roots run deep.
• At Muriwai, enjoy an engaging performance of traditional songs and dance – often with the participation of local school children.
• On the return, opt to disembark at the Grey Street Railway Station for some independent exploring or stay onboard for the rest of the ride back to the pier.


• Wear weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Tatapouri Reef Walk & Stingray Feeding
Gisborne / Neuseeland
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 120€ / Kinder ab 120€


Do something you don’t do every day: wade out onto a rock shelf to watch stingrays, fish and octopuses glide gracefully around the shallow reef. You’ll be driven out from town along the scenic Pacific Coast Highway, past the surfing meccas of Wainui and Okitu Beach and on to where Tatapouri reef sits just off the shore. After an enlightening orientation and the donning of provided wading gear, you’ll walk with your guide out to a rocky reef shelf where the waters usually teem with Down Under’s most iconic marine life. Your guide will bring food to entice a visit from squadrons of gentle, magnificent short-tail stingrays and larger eagle rays to the water around you. These creatures mostly feed on local yellowtail kingfish, which in turn feed on jack-like trevally – silvery, blue-green, and highly sought after by fishermen due to their strong fight when on the line. With luck, you’ll be able to witness this entire underwater menagerie from where you stand – along with other undersea residents that frequent the reef. Afterwards, enjoy some refreshments and hear stories about the Maori who were fishing these waters for trevally long before the first Europeans arrived.


• Travel by coach along the Pacific Coast Highway past premier-grade surf beaches to Tatapouri.
• Wearing supplied waders, take a guided walk out to a shallow shelf surrounded by clear water and reef.
• Watch in wonder as your guide uses food and fish-whispering to attract graceful rays, octopuses and other marine life to where you’re standing.
• Observe these gentle creatures gliding in the shallows so close you could even touch them.
• Post-adventure, enjoy refreshments and hear stories about ancient Maori fishing tricks.


• Wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing that can get wet.
• Low-heeled shoes that can get wet and a second dry pair to change into are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Eastwoodhill Arboretum
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: GNZ-E

Explore the abundant, diverse flora and bird species of New Zealand during this picturesque, half-day excursion to the spectacular Eastwoodhill Arboretum.

Gisborne, Eastwoodhill Arboretum

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute drive through idyllic farmland and expansive vineyards en route to the Eastwoodhill Arboretum, created by William Douglas Cook. Part of the National Arboretum of New Zealand Eastwoodhill is home to the largest collection of Northern Hemisphere flora in the Southern Hemisphere. This vast, 324-acre (about 131-hectare) flourishing garden and botanical collection complex boasts over 3,500 species of mature trees, shrubs and climbers from the Northern Hemisphere for nature lovers to view and photograph. One of the most popular attractions in the area, Eastwoodhill hosts more than 8,000 visitors a year.

Arboretum Walking Tour, Flora and Bird Species

Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour of the arboretum. Along the way, learn about the plants and their botanicals, and observe and learn about the birdlife drawn to the serenity of this environmental sanctuary. From the petite goldfinch to the protected, native kereru and stately Australian magpie, amateur ornithologists should bring their binoculars, as the bird sightings here are plentiful.

Homestead Garden, 4WD Tour, Discovery Centre

Next, take an approximately 30-minute stroll through the Homestead Garden and a 4WD tour, followed by light refreshments. Before departing, visit the Discovery Centre, which boasts both permanent and seasonal collections, and is the ideal place to learn more about the area's history and conservation efforts. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking, at times over gravel, grassy and undulating surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 20 steps at the Eastwoodhill Arboretum. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and a weatherproof coat or jacket from the ship. Guests must be at least 4'10" (about 1.48 metres) tall to participate on this tour. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions; the 4WD tour portion takes place in an open-air vehicle, and does not operate in the rain. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Exclusive Steam Train to Muriwai
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.75 Stunden
Code: GNZ-H

The Golden Age of rail travel is celebrated on one of the last steam trains in New Zealand-the sole surviving WA Class locomotive.

Steam Train Ride to Muriwai

A short shuttle ride from the pier brings you to the station where you will be welcomed aboard one of the restored, heritage carriages for a memorable 40-minute steam train ride down the picturesque Poverty Bay coastline to Muriwai. Travel past the Captain Cook Statue, view samples of the produce grown in this fertile area and views across to your ship and Young Nick's Head to reach Muriwai.

Vintage Rail WA 165

Built in 1897 in the Dunedin railway workshops, WA 165 was brought to Gisborne in 1910 to work the steep sections of rail to the north. It worked on that line until 1942, before being turned into the star attraction in a children's playground. But around 1986, this beautiful piece of equipment was rediscovered and fully restored by the local vintage railway enthusiasts.

Welcome Drink, Scenic Views, Photo Opportunities, Maori Cultural Performance

Settle into upholstered seats and toast to your good fortune with a glass of bubbles as you sit back and enjoy the scenery enhanced by informative commentary during your ride. Upon reaching Muriwai, as small settlement 25km south of Gisborne, alight on the grass platform and enjoy several photo opportunities as well as a lively Maori cultural performance. This performance features songs and dances of the local iwi (tribe) and often includes school children who bring a special sweetness to the ceremony.

Your train will be turned around as you enjoy the show before embarking the steam train for the final time to make the return journey to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves approximately 300 meters of walking with a steep steps to negotiate to board/de-board the carriage. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility but not those guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and bottled water from the ship. The Steam Train-Ride does not have A/C. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.    

Gisborne & Wineries
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: GNZ-B

Nestled on the most easterly tip of New Zealand's North Island, Gisborne's wine region is celebrated for classic Chardonnays. Your half-day tour visits two family-owned businesses, shining examples of Gisborne's wine renaissance.

Bushmere Estate

Depart the pier area with your driver-guide onboard a comfortable motor coach and set off through the verdant hills of Gisborne's wine region. Located in the Central Valley region of Gisborne, Bushmere Estate is a family-owned winery, growing grapes for over 40 years. This spectacular 42-acre vineyard primarily grows Chardonnay grapes, but smaller plantings of Gewurztraminer, Viognier, Pinot Gris, Montepulciano and Sangrovese can be found on the premises as well. In addition, the family owns part of a nearby vineyard where they source the grapes for their own full-bodied Merlot. Wander the vineyard, the family estate, and the cellars as you learn about the family's venture into winemaking. At your tasting session, take a moment to admire the wine bottle's label; the logo depicts three elements - earth, water and sun, all vital to the growing of grapes. As you sip and savor, enjoy a delightful antipasto platter as an accompaniment.

Matawhero Winery

Only a short, 15-minute drive away you will be introduced to Matawhero Wines, established in 1968 by Bill Irwin. It began by defying convention and made wines of boutique standing and international acclaim and in doing so, changed the face of New Zealand winemaking forever. Since its first vintage in 1975, Matawhero has produced many excellent and often adventurous wines. Following in Bill's pioneering footsteps, son Denis imparted his colourful style and won fame for his Gewürztraminer - everyone was drinking it, even the Queen of England. Today, revived by the Searle family, Matawhero is true to the founders' determination, producing individualistic wines of world class standard. Learn more about the family's commitment to sustainable wine producing as you sample their varietals while nibbling on complimentary cheeses.

Your tour concludes with a relaxing drive through the scenery around Gisborne before returning to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Walking at the wineries is on some unpaved surfaces and gravel paths and there are a few steps. We suggest wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes and well as sun protection. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. Depending on time, scenic drive may be missed. Order of tour may vary.

Gisborne City Cycling
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: GNZ-F

Experience the rustic beauty and charm of Gisborne City in a unique new way during this scenic and invigorating bicycle excursion.

Gisborne City, Bicycle Tour, Light Refreshments

Receive your safety briefing and bicycling instructions, don your safety helmet and high-visibility vest, and begin your guided, approximately 6.5-mile (about ten-kilometre) bicycling adventure through charming Gisborne, a beloved vacation town renowned for its rustic charm. Peddle your comfortable touring cycle through the well-maintained streets with your guide, taking in views of key city landmarks, historical sites and tranquil rivers. Light refreshments are served during the tour.

Captain Cook Monument, City Centre, Landmarks and Historical Sites, Poverty Bay, Three Rivers

Gisborne's residents boast their city is the first to see the sun each morning, but there's more than just the sunrise that makes Gisborne so special. The largest settlement in Eastland, Gisborne played an important part in the European history of New Zealand, for it was here in 1769 that Captain James Cook first set foot on New Zealand soil. A memorial to Cook stands on the foreshore, a monument seen during your ride. Your route is based around the city centre. Located at the north end of Poverty Bay, Gisborne is often called the 'City of Rivers' because three different rivers, one of them the country's shortest, all converge in the centre of town. See the rivers as you cycle part of the river trail. In addition, take in spectacular panoramic views of the bustling harbour and main beaches, Midway and Waikanae, both popular surfing hubs.

Waterfront, Cook's Landing Site

Next, your ride continues along the historic waterfront, the place where the first Maori explorers set foot in Aotearoa. See where legendary explorer Captain James Cook met with the Maori people almost 250 years ago. Maori culture is alive throughout Gisborne, and many old traditions are still evident in parts of the city.

Following a photo stop at the National Heritage Cook's Landing Site, commence the short ride back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of bicycling for approximately 6.5 miles (about ten kilometres), at times over uneven surfaces and curbs. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition and able to ride a bicycle for long distances at a steady pace. This tour is not recommended for pregnant guests, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking or sport shoes, and bring sun protection, raingear, bottled water, a day pack, and windbreaker from the ship. Guests must be at least ten years old to participate on this tour. Bicycles, safety helmets, high-visibility vests and ponchos (in the event of rain) are provided; safety helmets and vests must be worn the entire time whilst bicycling. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. The tour sequence and timings may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Gisborne Town & Coastal Drive
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: GNZ-D

Discover the spectacular beauty and landmarks of Gisborne during this panoramic orientation drive.

Gisborne, Sightseeing Drive, Captain Cook Landing Spot

Depart the pier with your driver-guide for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive through sunny Gisborne, a pleasant way to spend the day taking in the best of the city's most popular attractions and coastal sights. New Zealand's most easterly city, Gisborne played an important role in European history, as it was here that Captain James Cook first set foot in New Zealand in 1769. A popular vacation destination, Gisborne is known for its rustic charms and picturesque scenery. The shores of Gisborne are legendary for their beauty and history. Drive past the spot where Captain Cook, the English explorer, first landed and met the native Maori people.

Marae, Titirangi Hill, Poverty Bay, Young Nick's Head, Wainui and Okitu Beaches, Lysnar Reserve

Next, travel up Titirangi (Kaiti) Hill for a photo stop. En route, pass by a stately Marae (Maori meeting-house), considered to be the largest in New Zealand. Upon reaching the top of Titirangi Hill, take in spectacular panoramic views over Poverty Bay and Young Nick's Head, the first piece of land sighted by James Cook's crew and named for the young lad who spotted it, as well as your anchored ship in the harbour. Continue along the shoreline to admire two of the area's premier beaches, Wainui and Okitu, which are renowned for their impressive waves and draw top surfers to their sands. After a photo stop at the sand dunes of the Lysnar Reserve, re-board your coach and head to Gisborne's idyllic rural area.

Orchards, Vineyards, Plains, Farmland, Grazing Sheep, Gladstone Road

Thirty percent of all wines produced in New Zealand come from this region. Drive along roads bordered by sweet-smelling orchards, award-winning vineyards and lush, fertile plains. In addition, see fields dotted with adorable fluffy sheep happily grazing beside quaint farmhouses. Returning to the city, drive down the main shopping street, the tree-lined Gladstone Road. Named after former British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone, this boulevard houses boutiques, souvenir stores brimming with handcrafted gifts, surf shops and colourful outdoor cafes that are ideal for a bite to eat and people watching. Following your tour, you may opt to return directly to the pier, or remain in town for shopping and further exploration, and return to the ship on your own.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking, at times over gravel surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and a weatherproof coat or jacket from the ship. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Historic Boat Cruise in Gisborne Harbour
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: GNZ-I

Summer’s calm reveals the classic beauty of Gisborne’s Poverty Bay Harbour. So will this 1.25-hour cruise aboard the MV Takitimu. A heritage vessel built in the early 1920s, the Takitimu is believed to be the oldest pilot vessel in New Zealand still in active operation.

A stout yet graceful pilot/tug working boat, her crisp white planking, teak brightwork, and original fixtures and fittings have been painstakingly restored to proper shipshape by a group of volunteers who adopted the restoration as a passion project in 2001 – some serving as her skipper, as well. At 45 feet in length, 11 feet of beam, and 19 tons displacement, the Takitimu readily accommodates the 20-odd passengers who sign on for one of her spins around stunning Poverty Bay. In fact, she typically brings a huge smile to their faces.

Captain James Cook is credited with devising the Poverty Bay’s name when he arrived in the 1700s, apparently because 'it afforded us no one thing we wanted'. While the moniker soon appeared on maps and charts of the day, once Europeans settled in the area, they hoped to change it to something that might serve as a better advertisement for this fertile corner of the North Island. Alas, history and habits are stubborn, and the name Poverty Bay prevailed.

Once your classic-style circuit around the bay is complete, your modern ship is just a short walk away along the Wharf.

Please note: This easy excursion involves only a short distance of round-trip walking along the Wharf, with a step or two to board the boat. The tour is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable footwear. Soft drinks, water, and snacks are provided while onboard. Toilets onboard only accessible by ladder.

Tatapouri Reef & Stingrays
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: GNZ-C

Experience this interactive reef tour that immerses you in the dynamic marine ecosystem that surrounds the waters of New Zealand's East Coast. Explore Tatapouri Bay, home to stingrays (whai), eagle rays and other reef dwellers, on this fascinating and educational tour.

Tatapouri Bay, Wainui Beach

Board a comfortable motor coach with your driver-guide and travel north along the Pacific Coast highway to your coastal destination, Tatapouri Bay, enjoying views of Wainui Beach along the way. Only 30-minutes away, you will find Dive Tatapouri, a family-owned operation. Be greeted warmly by the staff upon your arrival and be outfitted in waders (high-waisted waterproof pants) and then take to the water with your knowledgeable guide to explore Tatapouri Bay's fascinating reef at low tide.

Tatapouri Reef & Stingrays

Be led by your guide to the nearby rocky reef shelf, where they will attract the stingrays with food. It only takes a few handfuls of food and the stingrays will be right next to you. Keep a keen eye out for short-tail stingrays, eagle rays, octopus, conger eels, yellowtail kingfish and more. You'll be amazed at the grace and gentleness of these wild sting rays and eagle rays swimming in their natural environment. The experience is perfectly safe as a naturalist guide will be with you at all times. Learn also about the rich marine life in this area, which has been harvested by the local Maori people for many hundreds of years.


At the completion of the day, light refreshments are served, and the naturalist will stay to speak with you further about the environment and about the Maori people and their settlements along the coastline.

Re-board your coach and relax on the scenic drive back to the pier area.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Walking at the beach and into the water you may encounter uneven surfaces. You will be in shallow water, up to your waist for most guests, for the encounter. Approximately 250 metres (273 yards) of leisurely walking is required. We suggest wearing comfortable clothing and water shoes and well as sun protection. Bring a towel and bottled water with you from the ship. Guests must be 6 years of age to participate. Wildlife sightings cannot be guaranteed although very common.

Waipura Farm Adventure
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: GNZ-A

Just a short drive away, yet worlds apart from Gisborne city life, explore Waipura Station, a sprawling 2,100 acre (849 hectare) working sheep and beef farm in a rural setting. Watch a sheep shearing demonstration and see the ranch hands herd the sheep alongside their working dogs. Enjoy morning tea and experience what the Kiwi considers a classic meal break between breakfast and lunch.

Waipura Station

Travel by mini-coach with your driver-guide to an idyllic destination to experience the lives of a fourth-generation farming family. Your hosts, Graham, Anne, Caroline and Jo welcome you warmly as do the 3,000 sheep and 300 heads of cattle that call this pastoral paradise home. Your hosts are keen to answer any of your questions as they orient you to this lush, hilly property and show you around the 110-year-old homestead built from native New Zealand timber and surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Sheep Shearing

An up-close encounter at the woolshed is an opportunity to observe a sheep shearing demonstration. Witness the remarkable dexterity and speed with which the shearers expertly and painlessly remove the long woolly coats of the animal. Sheep farming is a lead industry in this region and here you will learn the fascinating journey from sheep to bale and beyond.

Sheepdog Demonstration

Then it's on to the paddock to observe the shepherd muster a mob of sheep on horseback with their trusty farm dog assistants aiding in this process. Note how the highly trained "eye" dog doesn't bark but instead stares at the sheep to make them do exactly what he and the shepherd want.


After working up an appetite in the field, your hosts graciously invite you to a classic Kiwi home-baked smoko, a mid-morning break and light meal served to sheep shearers in New Zealand to tide them over between breakfast and lunch.

Optional Drop Off in Gisborne City Centre

At the conclusion of the day, bid a fond farewell to your new friends and relax on your drive back to Gisborne. Guests will have an option of disembarking in the city centre before returning to the ship independently, or stay on the motor coach and return to port (time permitting).

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Walking at the farm is on some unpaved surfaces and loose stone areas plus there are 6 steps to enter/exit the woolshed. Approximately 50 metres (164 feet) of leisurely walking is the surface area covered. We suggest wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes and well as sun protection. Order of tour may vary.

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