George Town (Kaimanisland)


Wetter in George Town

Sa. 15.02.2025
klarer Himmel
Sa. 15.02.2025
klarer Himmel
Sa. 15.02.2025
leichter Regen
Sa. 15.02.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
So. 16.02.2025
So. 16.02.2025
So. 16.02.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
So. 16.02.2025
Mo. 17.02.2025

Hafenkarte: George Town

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in George Town

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in George Town mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Celebrity Equinox Mo. 24.02.2025 10:30 18:00
MSC Seascape Di. 25.02.2025 08:00 16:00
Celebrity Ascent Mi. 26.02.2025 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Reflection Mi. 26.02.2025 10:00 17:00
Freedom of the Seas Do. 27.02.2025 08:00 18:00
Serenade of the Seas So. 02.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Celebrity Summit Di. 04.03.2025 07:00 16:00
Brilliance of the Seas Di. 04.03.2025 11:00 19:00
Norwegian Jewel Mi. 05.03.2025 10:00 17:00
Carnival Venezia Do. 06.03.2025 08:00 17:00
Celebrity Eclipse Do. 06.03.2025 08:00 18:00
MSC Seascape Di. 11.03.2025 08:00 16:00
Celebrity Equinox Mi. 12.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Brilliance of the Seas Mi. 12.03.2025 11:00 19:00
Celebrity Ascent Mi. 12.03.2025 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Reflection Mi. 12.03.2025 10:00 17:00
Freedom of the Seas Do. 13.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Jewel of the Seas Mo. 17.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Carnival Legend Mo. 17.03.2025 07:00 15:00
Celebrity Reflection Mo. 17.03.2025 07:00 16:00
Norwegian Epic Di. 18.03.2025 10:00 18:00
Brilliance of the Seas Di. 18.03.2025 11:00 19:00
Norwegian Jewel Mi. 19.03.2025 10:00 17:00
Carnival Paradise Mi. 19.03.2025 08:00 15:00
Carnival Liberty Do. 20.03.2025 07:00 15:00
Celebrity Constellation Fr. 21.03.2025 07:00 16:00
MSC Seascape Di. 25.03.2025 08:00 16:00
Celebrity Beyond Mi. 26.03.2025 09:30 18:00
Carnival Horizon Mi. 26.03.2025 08:00 16:00
Celebrity Ascent Mi. 26.03.2025 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Reflection Mi. 26.03.2025 10:00 17:00
Freedom of the Seas Do. 27.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Carnival Legend Fr. 28.03.2025 08:00 16:00
Celebrity Summit Mo. 31.03.2025 09:00 18:00
Brilliance of the Seas Di. 01.04.2025 11:00 19:00
Norwegian Jewel Di. 01.04.2025 07:00 16:00
Carnival Paradise Mi. 02.04.2025 08:00 15:00
Carnival Liberty Do. 03.04.2025 07:00 15:00
Carnival Sunrise Do. 03.04.2025 09:00 16:30
Celebrity Ascent Mi. 09.04.2025 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Reflection Mi. 09.04.2025 10:00 17:00
MSC Seascape Do. 10.04.2025 08:00 16:00
Carnival Venezia Do. 10.04.2025 08:00 16:00
Freedom of the Seas Do. 10.04.2025 08:00 18:00

Landausflüge in George Town (Kaimanisland)

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Bootsfahrt zu den Stachelrochen
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Ein kurzer Bus- und etwa 30-minütiger Bootstransfer führt Sie zu einer Sandbank in der Mitte des North Sound, wo Sie im hüfttiefen Wasser auf die Familie der Südlichen Stachelrochen treffen, die z.B. vom National Geographic aufgenommen und dokumentiert wurden. Nach einer guten Stunde Aufenthalt kehren Sie per Boot und Bus zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Informationen in englischer Sprache.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Highlights von George Town
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Entdecken Sie die Kunst und Kultur der Kaimaninseln. Ein Rundgang durch die Straßen von George Town, der Hauptstadt von Grand Cayman, bringt Sie zur "National Gallery of the Cayman Islands", wo Sie eine Sammlung von Kunst und Skulpturen der Kaimaninseln bewundern können. Kurze Fahrt zur Camana Bay, wo Sie den Observation Tower besuchen, ein besonderes architektonisches Bauwerk mit aufwändigem Design und Glasmosaiken. Bis auf eine Höhe von über 22 m genießen Sie ungehinderte 360-Grad-Ausblicke auf den Seven Mile Beach, George Town und die Umgebung. Mit diesen schönen Eindrücken fahren Sie kurz weiter zu einer Rum-Destillerie und Rumkuchenfabrik, mit Gelegenheit zur Kostprobe der lokalen Produkte, bevor Sie mit dem Bus zurück zum Schiff fahren.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Einige Stufen im Observation Tower.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Höhepunkte Grand Cayman
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Zunächst fahren Sie entlang des Seven Mile Beach, einem der schönsten Sandstrände der Karibik, zur Camana Bay mit der Möglichkeit, den Observation Tower zu besteigen, ein besonderes architektonisches Bauwerk mit aufwändigem Design und Glasmosaiken. Bis auf eine Höhe von über 22 m genießen Sie ungehinderte 360-Grad-Ausblicke auf den Seven Mile Beach, George Town und die Umgebung. Auf der Weiterfahrt passieren Sie die Governor's Residence, genießen die türkisfarbenen Farben des Karibischen Meeres sowie den Ausblick auf weiße Sandstrände mit Fotostopp am Seven Mile Beach. Sie fahren nordwestlich zur "Hell", einer ungewöhnlichen Felsformation, in deren Nähe sich ein Postamt befindet, von dem Sie Ansichtskarten mit dem "Höllenstempel" verschicken können. Auf der Rückfahrt zum Schiff sehen Sie in George Town den Heroes Square, bevor Sie das Schiff erreichen.
Bitte beachten : Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Einige Stufen im Observation Tower.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Mangroven, Seesterne und Stachelrochen
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Kurzer Transfer zum Bootsanleger, wo Ihr Kapitän und die Crew des gut ausgestatteten Motorbootes Sie an Bord willkommen heißen. Nach einer kurzen Sicherheitseinweisung beginnt Ihre Rundfahrt mit Informationen vom Bootsführer zum Riff am North Sound. Sie erkunden die Kanäle der natürlichen Mangroven und erfahren Wissenswertes über die ökologische Bedeutung des natürlichen Lebensraumes und seiner Meeresbewohner. Nach dem Mangrovengebiet gelangen Sie zum "Starfish Point", um Seesterne im kristallklaren Wasser zu bewundern, bevor Sie weiter zur "Stingray City Sandbar" fahren. Dieses Gebiet ist von Stachelrochen bevölkert. Ihr Boot ankert und ein Mitglied der Crew geht ins Wasser, um Ihnen bei einer Fütterung die Südlichen Stachelrochen vorzustellen. Während der Rückfahrt zur Anlegestelle genießen Sie einen erfrischenden Rum- oder Fruchtpunsch. Danach erfolgt ein kurzer Transfer zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Informationen in englischer Sprache.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Schnorchelabenteuer und Stachelrochen
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Ein kurzer Bus- und etwa 30-minütiger Bootstransfer führt Sie zu einer Sandbank in der Mitte des North Sound, wo Sie im hüfttiefen Wasser auf die Familie der Südlichen Stachelrochen treffen, die z.B. vom National Geographic aufgenommen und dokumentiert wurden. Nach ausreichend Zeit zum Fotografieren fährt Ihr Bootsführer weiter zum Riffs, das die seichteren Gewässer des North Sound vor den viel tieferen Gewässern der North Wall schützt. Sie legen eine etwa 45-minütige Schnorchelpause an der Innenseite des Riffs ein, um die tropische Unterwasserwelt zu erkunden. Danach genießen Sie die erfrischende Bootsfahrt zurück und kommen nach einem kurzen Transfer wieder beim Schiff an.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Badesachen, Handtuch und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen. Schnorchelausrüstung wird gestellt. Informationen in englischer Sprache seitens des Bootsführers. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Strandaufenthalt Seven-Mile-Beach
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Ein etwa 15-minütiger Transfer bringt Sie zum Seven Mile Beach, einem der schönsten Sandstrände der Karibik. Etwa 3,5 Std. Aufenthalt zur freien Verfügung. Genießen Sie entspannt karibische Eindrücke. An einem reservierten Strandabschnitt stehen Liegestühle und Sonnenschirme für Sie bereit sowie eine Eistee-Getränkestation. Rücktransfer zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Badesachen, Handtuch und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen. Vorzeitige Rückfahrt per Shuttle-Service nach George Town möglich. Speisen und Getränke können am Strand gegen US-Dollar in bar erworben werden.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: September 2023)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Accessible Companion: Sea Turtles & Island Tour
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 192€


This excursion is for guests that use a cane/walker, have limited mobility issues or for companions of those guest that have booked mobility equipment tour.

Those guests that are fully dependent on their mobility device please book: GEC_A2 ACCESSIBLE Mobility Equipment- Sea Turtles & Island Tour.

Tour includes step-free routes, shorter distances and no stairs. Accessible restrooms with wide doors for wheelchairs are present along the tour route. Vehicles are adapted with an access ramp (or lift where available) to accommodate a limited number of wheelchairs and/or mobility scooters. Guides are not allowed to push wheelchairs; therefore, guests needing special assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied.

Visit locales that reveal the stunning natural beauty and diversity of Grand Cayman, a British Overseas Territory. The tour will begin with an enlightening drive past the governor’s official residence and Seven Mile Beach, an affluent area with homes that reflect traditional Caymanian architecture. In time, you will stop at the Cayman Turtle Centre, a facility that breeds green sea turtles to release into the wild and learn about the conservation efforts to protect sea turtles. You will also learn about the conservation efforts of the facility and have a chance to tour the Caribbean Aviary, Butterfly Garden, Cayman Street and view the sharks at Predator Reef. You will then go straight to Hell, a desolate spot named for its hellish landscape of jagged black limestone. Be sure to stop at the whimsical post office and send a card postmarked from Hell. The atmosphere will lighten up considerably at the Tortuga Rum Factory, a shop that specializes in rum-based merchandise. Offerings include spiced rum cakes, rum-infused chocolates, and all sorts of complimentary samples.


• Drive through some of the island’s most picturesque areas in air-conditioned comfort.
• Hold sea turtles and learn about the efforts to protect them at a turtle conservation facility.
• Stop—just temporarily—in Hell, a hellish landscape of jagged black limestone.
• Sample rum-based cakes while browsing the merchandise at the Tortuga Rum Factory.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.

Accessible Mobility Equipment: Sea Turtles & Island Tour
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 192€


This excursion is for guests who are fully dependent on their mobility device. You will be required to supply your own wheelchair/scooter. Your mobility equipment (manual or electric) must not exceed the following dimensions: W 31", L35", H61".

Those guests that are companions, use a cane or walker, or have limited mobility issues must book the companion tour code: GEC_A1 ACCESSIBLE Companion: Sea Turtles & Island Tour.

Tour includes step-free routes, shorter distances and no stairs. Accessible restrooms with wide doors for wheelchairs are present along the tour route. Vehicles are adapted with an access ramp (or lift where available) to accommodate a limited number of wheelchairs and/or mobility scooters. Guides are not allowed to push wheelchairs; therefore, guests needing special assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied.

Visit locales that reveal the stunning natural beauty and diversity of Grand Cayman, a British Overseas Territory. The tour will begin with an enlightening drive past the governor’s official residence and Seven Mile Beach, an affluent area with homes that reflect traditional Caymanian architecture. In time, you will stop at the Cayman Turtle Centre, a facility that breeds green sea turtles to release into the wild and learn about the conservation efforts to protect sea turtles. You will also learn about the conservation efforts of the facility and have a chance to tour the Caribbean Aviary, Butterfly Garden, Cayman Street and view the sharks at Predator Reef. You will then go straight to Hell, a desolate spot named for its hellish landscape of jagged black limestone. Be sure to stop at the whimsical post office and send a card postmarked from Hell. The atmosphere will lighten up considerably at the Tortuga Rum Factory, a shop that specializes in rum-based merchandise. Offerings include spiced rum cakes, rum-infused chocolates, and all sorts of complimentary samples.


• Drive through some of the island’s most picturesque areas in air-conditioned comfort.
• Hold sea turtles and learn about the efforts to protect them at a turtle conservation facility.
• Stop—just temporarily—in Hell, a hellish landscape of jagged black limestone.
• Sample rum-based cakes while browsing the merchandise at the Tortuga Rum Factory.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.

Allura Catamaran & Stingray Adventure
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 3
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 95€


Cruise the Allura catamaran to Stingray City, a collection of shallow sandbars teeming with southern stingrays that are used to humans petting them. On the way there, the crew will brief you on how best to maximize the experience. Once you reach the sandbars, you will be free to interact with these graceful, docile creatures according to your comfort level. You may feed them, stroke their sandpaper-like skin or simply watch the stingrays glide along by flapping their sides like wings. The choice is yours. Although some people are apprehensive about being in the water with stingrays, these creatures are actually quite shy. Many of the same ones frequent the crystal-clear waters at Stingray City and have even been named after famous “Rays,” such as Ray Charles. Southern stingrays are fascinating creatures with flat, diamond-shaped bodies. They use electro-receptors and their heightened sense of smell to locate prey buried in the ocean floor.

• Visit a series of shallow sandbars with so many stingrays that it’s called Stingray City.
• Discover some of the reasons these bashful creatures are so misunderstood.
• Feed and touch the stingrays or simply observe them from a distance.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a bathing suit underneath.
• Bring a towel and sunscreen.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Cayman Bicycle Adventure & Coral Beach
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
Duration 4 hrs
Erwachsene ab 139€ / Kinder ab 101€


Ride a bicycle around the beautiful West Bay district, stopping along the way at attractions that best characterize Grand Cayman. You will begin at Morgan’s Harbor and before long pedal down country lanes and through lovely residential neighborhoods. The winding route will become a bit more rugged as you approach Boatswain’s Bay, where phosphate mining once flourished. Other points of interest include the Cobalt Coast, which was named for the sea’s brilliant blue color, and Hell, an infernal-looking expanse of jagged black limestone that lies inland. You will also stop to sample a selection of cakes infused with locally distilled rum before traveling on to Seven Mile Beach, a crescent-shaped stretch of sand on the island’s west coast. You might lie back in a lounge chair and bask in the sun, stroll along the lengthy shoreline and take a refreshing swim in the sea. You could also dine on your own.

• Pedal a bicycle along a spectacularly scenic route in the island’s West Bay district.
• Follow the shoreline through beautiful areas such as Boatswain’s Bay and the Cobalt Coast.
• Stop in Hell, an ungodly looking spot named for its jagged black limestone formations.
• Spend free time relaxing on Seven Mile Beach.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Discover Cayman
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
2 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 66€

Two of Grand Cayman's most popular activities, visiting the Turtle Farm and literally going to Hell, are included on this cruise tour. Sit back, relax and enjoy the highlights of Grand Cayman.

Your tour begins in George Town - this prosperous capital ranks as the fifth-largest financial center in the world - with a guided drive along Seven Mile Beach, briefly stopping along the way to capture once-in-a-lifetime snapshots. Continue on to quaint local neighborhoods on your way to the Gingerbread House, followed by a stop at Hell, a small tourist village known for its unusual inferno rock formations.

After a 'hell' of an experience, you'll visit the Turtle Farm, home of the world-famous green sea turtle. On the way back to the pier, you’ll make a brief stop at one of Cayman's rum cake outlets.

Dolphin Encounter With Stingray Sandbar
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 114€

The Dolphin Encounter is a unique opportunity to meet these incredible mammals up close and personal in waist-deep water. Experience first-hand the connection of a lifetime, while our marine mammal specialist guides you through all the fun and excitement. While enjoying the encounter, you will also gain important knowledge about conservation and education about bottlenose dolphins. Following a brief educational session into the world of our dolphins, you will also gain important knowledge on the conservation of our amazing dolphins and be given demonstration on proper hand placements for each behavior to better prepare our guests for a great experience. Our Dolphin Encounter program is specially designed for visitors of all ages looking for an in-water experience with a dolphin. In this program, guests will be able to experience multiple behaviors, including an unforgettable hug, the infamous hand target and a heartfelt handshake with our playful friend. Guests will be standing on a submerged platform for the entirety of the program.

Our talented photographers will be there during the entire program capturing your experience of a lifetime. Before heading back to your ship, relax on a motorized boat with shaded areas while you head to Cayman's famous Sand Bar to interact with southern stingrays in their own natural habitat.

Dolphin Swim with Stingray Sandbar
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 172€ / Kinder ab 124€

Take a short drive in air-conditioned comfort to Dolphin Discovery where you’ll begin your journey of fun and excitement. The highlight of your stay will be when you see the family of beautiful bottlenose dolphins at play in their natural habitat. You’ll begin your Dolphin Swim experience with a brief orientation, and then enter deep water where you’ll be introduced to these friendly dolphins. Get ready for an experience of a lifetime! Feel the magical thrill of "riding" the dolphin belly to belly. Get to know the dolphins and even enjoy a kiss or two. Professional Photographers are there to capture your memories and experience of a lifetime.

Next, you’ll take a short bus ride over to the Yacht club where you’ll board a spacious boat with shaded areas for a 30 minute ride to Grand Cayman’s famous Stingray City Sandbar. Here you’ll interact with and feed dozens of Southern Stingrays in the wild. Then return to the Yacht club before being transported back to George Town for optional shopping.

Glass Bottom Boat Historical Shipwrecks
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
1 Stunde
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 76€


Cruise the crystal-clear waters off George Town in a glass-bottom boat and view two shipwrecks and all sorts of marine life without getting wet. It won’t take long to reach the wreck of the Cali as this grain freighter was scuttled in the shallow waters just outside George Town harbor. The scattered pieces of the ship, which have become an artificial reef for countless tropical fish, will be easy to see. A hurricane sank the Balboa in 1932 and the shattered skeleton of this lengthy freighter lies close by on the ocean floor. Its sunken hull was dynamited a few decades later to keep the harbor clear for navigation. This shipwreck is also teeming with marine life as is Cheeseburger Reef. Located just off shore, the reef is humorously named for a fast-food burger restaurant nearby. You can expect to see an array of colorful species there, ranging from brilliant blue tangs to neon parrotfish.


• View the underwater wonders off Grand Cayman in a glass-bottom boat.
• Cruise over two shipwrecks that have become artificial reefs teeming with marine life.
• Learn about the ships’ histories and how they ended up on the ocean floor.
• Observe the abundant marine life that inhabits Cheeseburger Reef.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Gourmet Tour - Caribbean Cuisine, Art, Culture, And Rum Tasting
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 269€ / Kinder ab 153€


Become immersed in the pleasures of local life through a remarkable variety of authentic experiences. You will see the artistic side of the islands while browsing the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands, whose collection ranges from modernist paintings to traditional crafts made with natural materials. George Town’s vision of the future will be on display from atop the observation tower that rises 75 feet above Camana Bay, a cutting-edge New Urbanist town designed around the principles of sustainability. The views will be especially panoramic as the topography of Grand Cayman is flat. The distilling of rum on the island is also a relatively new enterprise as you will discover by tasting a variety of premium spirits made from local ingredients. Still, it is the cuisine that may be the most revealing. The menu for your meal at the 1908-built Grand Old House will include courses that are classics and others that are highly inventive.


• Browse the extraordinary works at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands.
• Take in the sweeping views from atop the observation tower at Camana Bay.
• Sample a selection of tasty rums distilled on the island.
• Savor a multi-course meal of Caymanian cuisine at a restaurant in a historical house.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Gourmet Tour - Snorkeling, Majestic Stingrays & Local Lunch
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
Duration 3 hrs
Erwachsene ab 269€ / Kinder ab 134€


Behold the wonders underwater while snorkeling two vastly different reefs and swim with stingrays in their natural habitat. The waters off Grand Cayman are teeming with marine life, which you will observe in an ever-changing parade of tropical fish. There is no telling what you will encounter while snorkeling, but chances are you will see neon-colored parrotfish, striped sergeant majors and silvery yellow French grunts, whose name refers to the noise they make by grinding their teeth. You may even spot a sea turtle or two. For sure, you will see southern stingrays at Stingray City, a series of sandbars where you can stand in the shallows and interact with these typically shy marine creatures. You might feed them or simply allow the stingrays to brush by gracefully. Either way, it will be exhilarating and provide you with plenty to talk about while enjoy a buffet lunch on Kaibo Beach.


• Cruise into the sheltered turquoise waters of North Sound.
• Observe countless marine creatures while snorkeling two different reefs.
• Interact with southern stingrays while standing in the shallows of Stingray City.
• Enjoy a traditional Caymanian buffet lunch while relaxing on Kaibo Beach.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a bathing suit underneath.
• Bring a towel and sunscreen.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Gourmet Tour - Stingray City Sandbar, Caribbean Breeze & Lunch
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 259€ / Kinder ab 134€


Cruise to a collection of sandbars in the North Sound to swim with stingrays and enjoy a tropical lunch onboard while overlooking a secluded beach at another idyllic location. As you cruise through the sheltered waters off George Town, you will feel a cool sea breeze on your skin and a genuine sense of adventure. Your first destination will be the aptly named Stingray City, which is typically teeming with native southern stingrays. While standing in the shallows of the sandbars, you can interact with the stingrays however you are most comfortable. Stingrays are quite shy and docile, although people often mistakenly think otherwise. Continuing on, the captain will drop anchor at Starfish Point, whose shallows attract countless numbers of starfish. They should be easy to spot in the crystal-clear sea. In keeping with the theme, the menu for lunch will feature fresh seafood prepared according to traditional Caymanian recipes.


• Cruise into the sheltered turquoise waters of North Sound.
• Visit a series of shallow sandbars with so many stingrays that it is called Stingray City.
• Feed and touch the stingrays or simply observe them from a distance.
• Enjoy a seafood lunch and open bar while anchored off secluded Starfish Point.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a bathing suit underneath.
• Bring a towel and sunscreen.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Highlights, Hell & Seven Fathoms Distillery
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 56€


Drop by three attractions that best represent the unique character of Grand Cayman, an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. In the island’s northwestern interior, you will get a good look at an eerie expanse of jagged black limestone that was named for its appearance – Hell. There is even a Hades-themed post office where you can send a card from Hell. A slice of heaven awaits you at a nearby rum cake factory, where you will sample delicious Tortuga-brand cakes infused with rum. A tour will reveal the array of products made there, including rum liqueur coffees and red-hot pepper sauces. You will enjoy another tasting at Seven Fathoms, a distillery that ages its spirits on the ocean floor at a depth of 42 feet or seven fathoms. The ocean keeps the casks at a constant temperature and the currents gently rock the spirits inside to extract the optimal flavors from the oak barrels.


• Stop in Hell, an ungodly looking spot named for its jagged black limestone formations.
• Sample a selection of moist cakes made with flavored rums at the Tortuga rum cake factory.
• Taste a selection of spirits aged on the ocean floor, which imparts them with unique flavors.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Island Charm, Distillery & Beach Break
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 172€


Enjoy the surrounding natural beauty and irrepressible charm of George Town through signature attractions that present an overall picture of the capital of the Cayman Islands. A cultural dance performance will set the stage for your exploration, which will include an enlightening tour of a rum distillery and a tasting of the spirit. Still, it is the island’s tropical scenery that may leave the most lasting impression. While pausing for photos at Camana Bay, you will see how this New Urbanist town naturally complements its seaside setting. A bit inland, you will visit Hell, a sinister-looking patch of jagged black limestone that lives up to its name. There is even post office if you wish to send a card from Hell. In contrast, Seven Mile Beach will seem paradisiacal. You will be free to relax however you wish on this long crescent of white sand that rims the beautiful turquoise sea.


• Enjoy a scenic drive in and around George Town with enlightening stops along the way.
• Watch a cultural dance performance and tour a rum distillery.
• Pause for photos in lovely Camana Bay and at a hellish-looking patch of black limestone.
• Relax on Seven Mile Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches on Grand Cayman.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Kaibo Sun & Sand Break
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
2 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 163€ / Kinder ab 134€


Relax however you please on Kaibo Beach, a gorgeous stretch of sugar-white sand where it will be easy to find your own slice of paradise. A short but spectacularly scenic cruise across the sheltered waters of the North Sound will bring you to the private beach, which is known for its idyllic setting and extraordinary restaurants within easy walking distance. Once you settle in, you will be free to do most anything you wish. You might lie back on a lounge chair or upgrade to a VIP day bed, stroll along the shore and take a refreshing swim in the sea. Although there is no obligation to do anything other than relax, you could rent a kayak or paddleboard if you are feeling more adventurous. Similarly, you can take advantage of the abundant restaurants nearby and dine on your own. Fresh seafood is on all the menus and the ice-cold drinks include tropical favorites.


• Cruise across the typically calm waters of the North Sound to lovely Kaibo Beach.
• Spend free time relaxing as you see fit on a gorgeous stretch of sand.
• Dine on your own at one of the restaurants just steps away.
• Rent a kayak or paddleboard to explore the waters just off shore, if you wish.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Land And Sea
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 153€ / Kinder ab 105€


See the natural wonders of Grand Cayman that lie below the water’s surface, along the coast and inland and come away with an understanding of the island’s many charms. For a look at the teeming marine life that inhabits the coral reefs, you will glide through the sea in an air-conditioned Nautilus semi-submersible submarine. Expect to see an ever-changing parade of brightly colored fish, an old shipwreck and perhaps a sea turtle or two. Back on shore, you will pause for photos at gorgeous Seven Mile Beach and then go straight to Hell, a sinister-looking patch of jagged black limestone that lives up to its name. There is even post office there, if you wish to send a card from Hell. Grand Cayman is also known for its outstanding rum cakes, several of which you can sample along with a variety of premium rums that may be flavored with coconut or banana.


• View the underwater wonders while gliding over reefs in a semi-submersible submarine.
• Walk along crescent-shaped Seven Mile Beach and snap photos of the gorgeous scenery.
• Stop in Hell, an ungodly looking spot named for its jagged black limestone formations.
• Sample a selection of premium rums and moist cakes made with flavored rums.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Let's Take a Selfie - Grand Cayman
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 105€

Start this amazing tour at Pedro’s Castle, the oldest remaining structure in Grand Cayman from the “pirate days” with an original Caribbean great house and multiple gardens. Discover the unique heritage and culture of Cayman via this lovingly restored window into the 18th century, definitely the perfect place for an amazing photo shoot!

The tour then goes to Hell Geological Site, a unique natural wonder of rugged blackened limestone, estimated to be 10-15 million years old. There is nowhere else in the Caribbean where phytokarst and limestone have come together to form something as Hell. You’ll also go to Hell Post Office to take good selfies in one of the most visited tourist attractions on the island!

Finally, you’ll have a photo stop at Seven Mile Beach, enjoy yourself in the white sandy beach and clear blue waters of one of “The Caribbean’s Best Beaches”, you will have no problem finding a peaceful space all your own right in the middle of it all to snap the perfect memories..

Visit Georgetown’s most epic spots to snap your selfies while enjoying and learning about its history and culture!

Selfie Spots:
• Pedro’s Castle
• Hell Geological Site and Rock Formations
• Hell Post Office
• Seven Mile Beach

Mangrove Kayak Adventure
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 56€


Paddle a kayak along beautiful mangrove-lined Camana Bay and spend free time in the waterfront town of the same name. After a briefing to ensure that you maximize the experience, you will ease into a two-seat kayak and follow the guide into the bay. The mangroves are protected because of their environmental benefits. You will notice that the exposed intertwined roots of the mangroves form a protective cage of sorts above the water, which provides an ideal breeding area for fish and other marine life. Mangroves also stabilize the coastline and filter the water, keeping it crystal-clear. It makes for a wonderfully serene setting. Be sure to look for wildlife, especially birds that find shelter in the thick mangroves. Upon arriving in the town of Camana Bay in the heart of Seven Mile Beach, you will be free to explore on your own. The shopping is excellent in this delightful setting with a New Urbanism design.


• Kayak through environmentally protected Camana Bay, which is lined with mangrove forests.
• Enjoy the serenity of the setting while looking for wildlife that thrives in the mangroves.
• Explore the town of Camana Bay, which features an appealing New Urbanism design.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Reef & Wreck Snorkel
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 3
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 85€


Observe schools of brightly colored fish and other marine life while snorkeling a barrier reef and a shipwreck that serves as an artificial reef. The reefs off Grand Cayman are teeming with sea life, and you will likely see an abundance of creatures that may include stingrays and sea turtles, especially loggerhead and green turtles as their numbers have dramatically increased in the last two decades. Tropical fish are also plentiful and many of them are easy to identify because of their distinct colors. You might see brilliant blue tangs, neon-colored parrotfish and Spanish hogfish, a species whose colors change as they age. If you spot purple-and-yellow ones, they are juveniles. The shipwreck also attracts huge numbers of fish as it has provided them with a sheltered habitat for decades. Because it lies on the ocean floor just 25 feet below the surface, it offers an excellent, easy-to-reach snorkeling site.

• See an abundance of neon-colored fish and other marine life while snorkeling a reef.
• Snorkel around a shipwreck that now serves as an artificial reef teeming with fish.
• Look for loggerhead and green sea turtles, whose numbers have increased recently.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring a towel and sunscreen.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Reef Snorkel & Stingray Sandbar
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
3 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 85€


Interact with southern stingrays on a shallow sandbar and observe an abundance of other marine life by snorkeling a barrier reef off Grand Cayman. A scenic cruise along beautiful Seven Mile Beach will bring you to Stingray City, a collection of sandbars teeming with stingrays. These graceful creatures may look somewhat ominous, but they are docile and shy, often burying most of their flat bodies in the sand. While swimming with the stingrays, you might feed them, run your hands over their sandpaper-like skin or simply allow them to brush by. The stingrays that inhabit this particular sandbar are quite friendly and accustomed to sharing the water with people. After cruising to a nearby reef, you will see many of the other marine creatures that live in the crystal-clear waters. Among the most colorful are queen parrotfish, red-and-white striped squirrelfish and silvery yellow French grunts, whose name refers to the noise they make by grinding their teeth.

• Visit a series of shallow sandbars with so many stingrays that it’s called Stingray City.
• Feed and touch the stingrays or simply watch them from a distance.
• Snorkel a barrier reef and observe the other marine life that lives off Grand Cayman.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring a towel and sunscreen.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Rhythms & Flavors Of Grand Cayman
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 172€


Sample some of Grand Cayman’s most characteristic rum, beer and cuisine and discover how they are produced using locally sourced ingredients. Rum has long been associated with the Caribbean as it is typically made with sugar or molasses, two products prevalent in the islands. Grand Cayman is no exception as you will discover while touring a rum distillery, after which you will be offered a tasting of the spirit. The island may be even more well-known for its cakes made with barrel-aged spiced rum, which you will enjoy during another sampling. An enlightening tour and tasting at a local brewery will reveal some of the tropical flavors such as mango that are used in the production of beer. Although jerk-style cooking may have originated in Jamaica, it has long been long popular on Grand Cayman. However, the spices can be somewhat different, which you will likely notice at yet another sampling.


• Tour a rum distillery, a rum cake factory and a brewery on Grand Cayman.
• Sample a variety of spirits, beers and the island’s signature rum cake.
• Enjoy a tasting of jerk-style cuisine that is characteristic of the Cayman Islands.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Rum Center, Panoramic View & Local Bites
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 76€


Settle in for a panoramic drive around eastern Grand Cayman with stops at iconic attractions before dining at a characteristic waterfront restaurant. The island is known for its rum cakes, and you will enjoy a tasting that will confirm why they are so popular. The blowholes along the rocky shore are among the more outstanding natural features. It will be quite the sight to watch the incoming waves force ocean water up through vertical shafts along the coast and create epic geysers up to 20 feet high. That same shoreline was once extremely treacherous as you will discover at the Wreck of the Ten Sail memorial. It commemorates the convoy 10 British ships that wrecked on the reefs just offshore in 1794 in a massive maritime disaster. Amazingly, only six people lost their lives. Later, at the beachfront Eastern Star Bar & Fish Fry, you will dine on traditional Cayman cuisine.


• See the attractions in eastern Grand Cayman on a relaxing panoramic drive.
• View coastal geysers that spray spectacularly high into the air.
• Pause at a memorial to an 18th-century maritime disaster where 10 ships wrecked on the reefs.
• Dine on authentic Cayman cuisine at a beachfront restaurant.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Sights & Crystal Cave Experience
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 172€


Walk through a series of inland caves formed eons ago and admire the island’s natural beauty while driving along the coast. Pirates once used the Crystal Caves as hideouts and legend has it that treasures are still buried in their depths. While following a winding trail through the ancient caverns, you will see eerily illuminated stalactites and stalagmites, a glass-smooth underground lake and a cave whose ceiling collapsed ages ago. The guide will describe how the caves were formed and the wonders that lie within them. Back on the surface, you will settle in for a panoramic coastal drive, during which you will pause for photos at the Wreck of the Ten Sail memorial. It commemorates the convoy 10 British ships that wrecked on the reefs just offshore in 1794 in a massive maritime disaster. You will also stop to witness the coastal blowholes that spew ocean water as high as 20 feet into the air.


• Follow a guide through the Crystal Caves, which pirates once used as hideouts.
• View a collection of coastal geysers that spray water spectacularly high into the air.
• Stop at a memorial that marks where 10 ships wrecked on the reefs in the 18th century.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Starfish Point & Mangroves
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 240€ / Kinder ab 163€


Cruise to Starfish Point for a relaxing beach break and continue on to a nearby natural reserve where you may see wildlife in the mangroves that line the shore. While cruising across the typically calm waters of the North Sound, you can toast the upcoming adventure with a glass of champagne while enjoying the spectacular tropical views. Although Starfish Point features a gorgeous beach – which you will be free to enjoy at your leisure – it may be even more well-known for the countless starfish that live in the shallows just offshore. They will be easy to spot if you wade out in the crystal-clear water. Other marine life and wildlife is also abundant in the nearby mangroves. As you cruise through this environmentally protected area, the guide may describe how the mangroves filter sediments, stabilize the shorelines and provide a nesting and breeding habitat for water birds and fish.


• Cruise across the typically calm waters of the North Sound to Starfish Point.
• Wade into the shallows off the beach and see starfish in the crystal-clear water.
• Spend free time relaxing on the beach before cruising into a mangrove-lined nature reserve.
• Learn about the environmental benefits of mangroves while looking for wildlife.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Starfish Point Beach And Snorkeling
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 336€ / Kinder ab 336€


Enjoy the amenities of a cruise to Starfish Point, where you can relax on the beach and snorkel in the crystal-clear waters. This cruise only accommodates a limited number of guests and the personalized service along the way will reflect that exclusivity. Once you arrive at Starfish Point along the northern shore of Grand Cayman, you will be free to relax as you please on its sugar-white sand. The transparent waters are ideal for a refreshing swim or just to wade out into the shallows and observe the numerous starfish that can be found there. Marine life is abundant throughout this part of the island, and you will see an ever-changing parade of it while snorkeling. You may spot colorful queen parrotfish, bright-red squirrelfish and perhaps a fairy basslet or two, an easy-to-identify species as its head and anterior body are violet, while it posterior half is yellow.


• Cruise to Starfish Point on a limited-capacity vessel.
• Spend free time relaxing on the beach however you please.
• Wade into the shallows off the beach and see starfish in the crystal-clear water.
• Snorkel in a nearby area that is teeming with colorful marine life.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Turtles, Turtles & More Turtles
George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 1
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 66€


Become wholly immersed in the world of green sea turtles at a one-of-a-kind facility that holds literally thousands of these marine creatures in various stages of maturity. At the aptly named Cayman Turtle Centre, you will see more green sea turtles – the largest of the hard-shelled sea turtles – than you ever thought possible. You can watch massive turtles weighing up to 500 pounds in the breeding pond. You might also learn about the conservation efforts that have successfully released more than 34,000 turtles bred at the facility into the ocean. As a bonus, you may observe sharks and barracudas in the Predator Reef habitat and a 300-pound Cayman crocodile named Smiley leap into the air to grab a chunk of raw meat for lunch. Tropical birds such as peafowl and Cayman parrots are also plentiful.


• Visit a unique facility that breeds and releases green sea turtles into the Caribbean Sea.
• See thousands of green sea turtles.
• Hear about conservation efforts that have helped replenish the sea turtle population.
• Observe sharks, crocodiles and tropical birds in other habitats.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

George Town / Grand Cayman
Level: 3
2 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 95€


Snorkel around a coral reef and a U.S. Navy submarine that was scuttled to become an artificial reef after more than 50 years of military service. The USS Kittiwake lies on the bottom of the sea off the coast of Seven Mile Beach, making it easily accessible for snorkeling. Although the water there is about 60 feet deep, the submarine’s top deck is only four feet from the surface. You can just snorkel around the top deck or go deeper if you wish. Regardless, you will see an abundance of marine life that typically includes sea turtles, groupers and all sorts of brightly colored tropical fish. The coral reef lies nearby but in much shallower water, which allows you to get an even closer view of the underwater wonders. The more frequently seen fish include yellow snappers, blue tangs and red soldierfish. You may also catch sight of southern stingrays gracefully swimming by.

• Snorkel the crystal-clear waters around a scuttled submarine that is now an artificial reef.
• Observe abundant brightly colored fish such as blue tangs, parrotfish and red soldierfish.
• Enjoy an even closer look at the marine life at the reef, which lies in shallower water.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

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