Wetter in Coron

Do. 13.02.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 13.02.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 13.02.2025
Do. 13.02.2025
Fr. 14.02.2025
leichter Regen
Fr. 14.02.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Fr. 14.02.2025
leichter Regen
Fr. 14.02.2025
leichter Regen
Sa. 15.02.2025
leichter Regen

Hafenkarte: Coron

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Coron

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Coron mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Silver Whisper Sa. 19.04.2025 08:30 17:30
Silver Whisper So. 20.04.2025 08:30 17:30
Norwegian Sun Mi. 10.12.2025 11:00 18:00
Norwegian Sun Mi. 31.12.2025 07:00 15:00
Norwegian Sun Do. 08.01.2026 11:00 18:00
Norwegian Sun Fr. 20.02.2026 08:00 16:00
Norwegian Sun Sa. 28.02.2026 11:00 18:00
MS Amadea Do. 02.04.2026 08:00 18:00
Norwegian Jade Fr. 11.12.2026 10:00 18:00
Norwegian Jade Do. 31.12.2026 07:00 16:00
Norwegian Jade Di. 05.01.2027 10:00 18:00
Silver Muse Sa. 09.01.2027 08:00 17:00
AIDAstella Di. 19.01.2027 10:30 18:30
Norwegian Jade Mo. 25.01.2027 07:00 16:00
Norwegian Jade Sa. 30.01.2027 10:00 18:00
Silver Muse Sa. 06.02.2027 08:00 17:00
Norwegian Jade Fr. 19.02.2027 07:00 16:00
Silver Muse Sa. 06.03.2027 08:00 17:00

Landausflüge in Coron

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Coron mit heißen Quellen von Maquinit
ca. 4,5h

ca. 4,5 Std.
Vom Hafen aus beginnen Sie Ihren Ausflug  durch die Stadt in der Provinz Palawan in einfachen Minibussen. Sie machen einen ersten Stopp und besuchen das Rathaus und den Lualhati Park. Weiter spazieren Sie über den örtlichen Markt und haben Gelegenheit, Souvenirs zu kaufen. Im Anschluss unternehmen Sie eine kleine Wanderung auf den Berg Tapyas (730 (!) Stufen). Von hier aus haben Sie einen tollen Blick auf Coron, das Umland und die Bucht. Zum Abschluss fahren Sie zu den heißen Quellen von Maquinit. Das bis zu 40 Grad warme Heilwasser lädt zum Baden ein. 45 Min. Aufenthalt und Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Badesachen, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2019)

Corons Inselwelt
ca. 6h mit Essen

ca. 6 Std. mit Essen
Coron ist eine der vier Gemeinden der Provinz Palwan. In dieser Gegend befinden sich viele weiße Sandstrände sowie sieben Bergseen und schöne Kliffe. Sie fahren mit einem Auslegerboot verschiedene Natursehenswürdigkeiten an. Zunächst fahren Sie zur Zwillingslagune, zwei Salzwasserseen, die durch eine kleine Öffnung im Felsen verbunden sind. Bei Niedrigwasser können Sie durch diese Öffnung schwimmen, bei Hochwasser kann man nur hindurchtauchen. Weiterfahrt zum Kayangan Lake im nördlichen Teil von Coron Island. Um den See zu erreichen, müssen Sie über einige Treppen hinauf- und wieder hinabsteigen (insgesamt 300 Stufen). Der See liegt inmitten eindrucksvoller Kalkstein-Karstfelsen eingebettet und ist der sauberste See auf den Philippinen. Danach geht es für eine Mittagspause zum Atwayan Beach, der mit kristallklarem Wasser zum Baden einlädt. Hier wird Ihnen ein Buffet serviert. Anschließend geht es zum Coral Garden, wo Sie auf eine wunderschöne Unterwasserwelt mit verschiedenen Korallenarten treffen. Abschließend genießen Sie eine Pause am CYC Beach, dem einzigen öffentlichen Strand mit natürlichen Mangroven, und haben hier am breiten Sandstrand mit seinem kristallklaren Wasser erneut Zeit zum Baden und Schwimmen, bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Nasser Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter in das/aus dem Boot. Badesachen, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Badeschuhe empfohlen. Schnorchelausrüstung kann vor Abfahrt gegen Gebühr geliehen werden.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm Preis (Stand: Februar 2019)

Malcapuyas Inselwelt
ca. 8h mit Essen

ca. 8 Std. mit Essen
Lernen Sie die bezaubernde Inselwelt der Provinz Palawan kennen. Vom Hafen aus fahren Sie mit ihrem Auslegerboot zunächst zur Banana Insel für eine erholsame Badepause. Anschließend Weiterfahrt zur Malcapuya Insel, die besonders für ihren feinen weißen Sandstrand und das glasklare Wasser bekannt ist. Hier nehmen Sie Ihr Mittagessen ein und haben Gelegenheit zum Baden oder für eigene Erkundungen. Nachmittags besuchen Sie noch die kleine Insel Bulog mit ihren schmalen Stränden und haben erneut Zeit für ein Bad im klaren Wasser. Danach erfolgt die Rückfahrt im Auslegerboot zum Hafen.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Nasser Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter in das/aus dem Boot. Badesachen, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Badeschuhe empfohlen. Schnorchelausrüstung kann vor Abfahrt gegen Gebühr geliehen werden.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2019)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
A Day In Coron
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
7 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 221€ / Kinder ab 221€


Swim and snorkel in the stunningly clear waters of a lake surrounded by limestone cliffs, at popular beach and at a marine park not far off the tip of Coron. An outrigger boat will bring you to Kayangan Lake, which you can only reach by walking down a lengthy staircase. You can then swim in the lake’s cool brackish water and perhaps spot shrimp and needlefish and miniature barracudas while snorkeling. Another picturesque locale awaits you at nearby Banol Beach. Precipitous cliffs surround much of this pocket beach, imbuing it with a certain intimacy. You might snorkel just off shore, swim in the crystalline waters and stretch out on the powdery sand and bask in the sun. Following a picnic lunch, you will cruise to Siete Pecados, a marine park of seven islets teeming with colorful fish. Feel free to swim and snorkel once again or remain on board the outrigger and simply take in the beautiful scenery.


• Cruise to three distinctly different settings that are ideal for swimming and snorkeling.
• Enjoy the clear, refreshing waters of a brackish lake, a bayside beach and a marine park.
• Admire the ever-changing tropical scenery while onboard the outrigger boat.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Coron Town & Hot Springs
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 85€


Explore the main attractions in and around Coron beginning with an enlightening drive through the heart of downtown. There, you will see Coron’s only Catholic church, waterfront Lualhati Park and the Wet Market, where you will observe a genuine slice of daily life as the residents go about their shopping. A stop at a family-owned cashew store will reveal how these prized nuts are processed. In essence, once the acidic shells are removed, the cashews are toasted, sun-dried, sugar-coated or flavored with garlic powder. Maquinit Hot Spring, the only saltwater hot spring in the Philippines, lies just outside the city limits. You will have the chance to ease into the therapeutic spring and enjoy its soothing mineral-rich water. The mangrove forest that serves as a scenic backdrop will make the experience all the more delightful. Later, while visiting a fishing village, you might strike up a conversation with the residents and learn about their livelihoods.


• View Coron’s landmark attractions on a panoramic drive through the downtown.
• See how cashews are processed and flavored at a family-owned store.
• Ease into a mineral-rich saltwater hot spring and enjoy its therapeutic benefits.
• Interact with the residents of a fishing village on the outskirts of Coron.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Cruising & Snorkeling
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 114€


Observe the wonders underwater by snorkeling in a brackish lake and in the ocean or simply enjoy a refreshing swim at both locales. After settling into an outrigger boat, you will head for Kayangan Lake, a crystal-clear body of water that steep limestone cliffs rim. To reach the lake, you must walk down a lengthy staircase, but it is well worth the effort. Snorkelers can expect to see needlefish and miniature barracudas and perhaps shrimp in the rocks along the lake bottom. The aquamarine water is also ideal for swimming, as it is typically as smooth as glass. In time, you will cruise to Siete Pecados, a marine park of seven islets teeming with colorful fish such as Moorish idols, triggerfish, Napoleon wrasses and pygmy seahorses. You will also have option of swimming near the outrigger or remaining on board and taking in the scenery. The view of Coron from the marine park is particularly memorable.


• Cruise to beautiful Kayangan Lake and Siete Pecados marine park in an outrigger boat.
• Observe the lake’s abundant marine life while snorkeling or only swim there if you wish.
• Look for colorful tropical fish and pygmy seahorses while snorkeling at the marine park.
• Enjoy the option of swimming at the marine park or remaining onboard to simply relax.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Cruising & Swimming
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 105€


Enjoy a leisurely cruise in an outrigger boat along Coron’s immensely picturesque northern shore, where you will eventually stop to swim at a beach that rims a steep cliff. Be sure to look for sea turtles as you pass Siete Pecados marine park; they are often seen just beneath the water’s surface. Nearby, you will find the entrances to Kayangan Lake and Barracuda Lake, both of which contain brackish water, as the limestone-encased lakes were once part of the sea. That same sort of limestone forms cliffs that separate the two bodies of water at nearby Twin Lagoon and continue around much of the shoreline. You will then cruise over several coral gardens teeming with marine life before reaching Banol Beach, where you will be free to relax as you please and swim in the refreshing waters. The sugar-white sand, turquoise sea and backdrop of towering limestone cliffs are extraordinarily photogenic.


• Enjoy cruising the photogenic northern shore of Coron in an outrigger boat.
• Pass a marine park and several coral gardens and lakes that were once part of the sea.
• Relax however you like at Banol Beach and swim in the turquoise waters there.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Dive Adventure
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 288€ / Kinder ab 288€


Dive in the clear waters of Barracuda Lake and then head to the open sea, where you will dive a choice spot that will be chosen the day of the excursion. The adventure will begin in earnest at Barracuda Lake, which is named for a large barracuda skeleton that was found on the lake bottom. Although barracuda still inhabit the waters, you will more likely to see grouper, trevally and shrimp. Surrounded by limestone cliffs that continue underwater, the lake was once connected to the sea. It is still a mix of layered saltwater and freshwater. A different environment awaits you at the second dive site, either Twin Peaks Reef or Siete Pecados marine park. Both locations attract an abundance of reef fish that may include bi-colored parrotfish and scissortail sergeant majors. You may also catch sight of graceful stingrays, sea turtles and dugongs, manatee-like creatures that feed on sea grass.


• Dive Barracuda Lake, which contains its namesake fish and plenty of other marine life.
• Notice that the surface of the lake is freshwater with warmer saltwater near the bottom.
• Observe everything from tropical fish to manatee-like dugongs at the second dive site.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Snorkeling Adventure
Coron / Philippinen
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 101€ / Kinder ab 101€


Snorkel two reefs and a sunken shipwreck teeming with marine life before relaxing on a beach that precipitous limestone cliffs shelter. You will reach the sites on an outrigger boat that will make the adventure all the more enjoyable. There is no telling what you will observe just off Balinsasayaw although tropical fish are especially abundant. Twin Peaks Reef is another favorite snorkeling spot where you may see an even greater variety of marine creatures. Graceful stingrays, bi-colored parrotfish and scissortail sergeant majors are commonly seen around the coral reef. Then, there is Skeleton Wreck, a snorkeling and dive site named for the skeletal remains of a World War II Japanese gunboat. It lies in about 15 feet of water. A bit farther down the coast, you will stop at Beach 91, a beautiful stretch of sand that invites relaxing and doing nothing more ambitious than basking in the sun.


• Cruise an outrigger boat to three spectacular snorkeling sites and an idyllic beach.
• Observe tropical fish at Balinsasayaw and at Twin Peaks Reef.
• Snorkel the waters above the wreck of a World War II Japanese gunboat.
• Relax however you wish at beautiful Beach 91.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
• Bring sunscreen and a towel and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
A Journey across the Islands
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 6.0 Stunden
Code: VCN-B

Explore the limestone cliffs, pristine, white-sand beaches, idyllic lagoons, abundant reefs, and diverse marine life of Coron Island during this picturesque, full-day sightseeing excursion.  

Siete Pecados Marine Park

Depart the pier aboard an outrigger boat for a ride to Siete Pecados, a protected marine park is renowned for its spectacular geological formations, limestone karst, and superb diving and snorkelling. The marine life around these seven islets is simply amazing, and features abundant fish species and coral. Following a swimming and snorkelling session here.

Kayangan Lake

Next stop is the Kayangan Lake, renowned as the cleanest and greenest lake in the Philippines. Surrounded by limestone cliffs, Kayangan Lake and its crystal-clear brackish water are ideal forswimming and snorkelling. Upon arrival at the lake's entrance, ascend 170 steps to access the viewing area. Following a photo stop here, walk down another 170 steps to the lake, where you can swim and snorkel in the emerald-green water. Following your visit, another stop is made at a small cave before hiking back down the hill along the same route.

Beach 91

Next, Beach 91 where a buffet lunch (local seafood and barbecue) is prepared for the guests. Beach 91 is a small stretch of sandy white beach. After lunch, some free time is made available to swim and snorkel in its aquamarine and turquoise waters that is very relaxing to the senses. Afterwards embark your boat again for the ride to Siete Pecados.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of activity, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the boat, several steps up/down the gangplank and 170 steps at times slippery with limited handrails up/down to access the Kayangan Lake viewing area. Infrastructure in Coron is basic, and local conditions may be challenging: means of transportation is either jeepney and tricycle, guides, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Guests are advised that local boats have no toilets on board and the facility on the island is very basic.

This tour is recommended for guests in good physical condition, can swim and negotiate a wet landing. It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with water shoes or sandals/flip flops, and bring sun protection, insect repellent and towels from the ship. Snorkel equipment (mask & snorkel) will be provided on this excursion. Guests who have their own snorkel equipment are welcome to take this along. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Expect wet landing.

Coron Exploration by Local Boat
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: VCN-A

Embrace the exquisite natural beauty of Coron Island by local boat during this incredibly scenic and memorable sightseeing cruise.

Siete Pecados, Kayangan Lake and Twin Lagoon

Depart the pier aboard a local outrigger boat for a delightful cruise around Coron Island. Explore the Siete Pecados Marine Park, Kayangan Lake entrance, Barracuda Lake entrance and Twin Lagoon. Along the way, take in spectacular panoramic vistas of the island's towering limestone cliffs and rock formations, white-sand beaches, idyllic lagoons, abundant reefs, and diverse marine life.

Calis Point, Coral Garden and Beaches

Leaving the Twin Lagoon, your boat passes by Calis Point, the Smith Coral Garden and Beach, Banol Beach, Beach 91, Skeleton Wreck, and Atuwayan Beach. Your unforgettable Coron Island cruise concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of activity, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the boat, and several steps up/down the gangplank. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Guests are informed that local boats have no toilettes on board. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.

Infrastructure in Coron is basic, and local conditions may be challenging: means of transportaiton eiter jeepney and tricycle, guides,restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations.

Coron Local Boat Cruise & Swimming
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 3.75 Stunden
Code: VCN-D

Embrace the scenic splendour of Coron in a fun-filled and relaxing new way during this half-day snorkelling and swimming excursion via local outrigger boat.

Skeleton Wreck and Banol Beach

Depart the pier aboard a local outrigger boat and proceed to Skeleton Wreck. Upon arrival, begin your guided snorkeling session. Explore the wreck, and see diverse coral, tropical fish and marine life. Afterward, embark the boat and ride over to Banol Beach for light local snack. Following a wet landing, some free time is made to swim in the crystal-clear water and relax on the white-sand beach. Local snack will be provided.

Cruising at Coron Island

Board the boat for approximately two-hour cruise around Coron Island. Pass by Atuwayan Beach, Beach 91, Smith Beach, Smith Coral Garden and Calis Point. Continue the cruising to Twin Lagoon, Barracuda and Kayangan Lake Entrances and Siete Pecados Marine Park. Along the way, take in spectacular panoramic vistas of the island's towering limestone cliffs, rock formations, white-sand beaches, idyllic lagoons, abundant reefs, and diverse marine life before returning to the port.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of activity and walking for approximately 437 yards (about 400 metres), with several steps to negotiate up/down the gangplank and a few steps to embark/disembark the boat. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and can swim and negotiate a wet landing. It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with beach shoes, and bring sun protection, repellent, water shoes or flip flops and a towel from the ship. Guests are advised that local boats have no toilets on board and the facility on the island is very basic. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Expect wet landing.

Infrastructure in Coron is basic, and local conditions may be challenging: means of transportaiton eiter jeepney and tricycle, guides,restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations.

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