Wetter in Bordeaux

So. 09.02.2025
klarer Himmel
So. 09.02.2025
leichter Regen
So. 09.02.2025
leichter Regen
So. 09.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mo. 10.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mo. 10.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mo. 10.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mo. 10.02.2025
Di. 11.02.2025

Hafenkarte: Bordeaux

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Bordeaux

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Bordeaux mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Silver Dawn Sa. 05.04.2025 17:15
Silver Dawn So. 06.04.2025 17:15 00:00
Silver Dawn Mo. 07.04.2025 00:00 17:00
Silver Dawn Di. 08.04.2025 00:00 17:00
Sky Princess Mi. 09.04.2025 07:00 18:00
HANSEATIC Spirit Sa. 12.04.2025 8:30
HANSEATIC Spirit So. 13.04.2025 18:00
AIDAsol Mi. 30.04.2025 10:30 21:00
HANSEATIC Spirit Mi. 07.05.2025 17:00
AIDAsol Mo. 26.05.2025 07:00 19:00
MS Europa Fr. 30.05.2025 11:15
MS Europa Sa. 31.05.2025 23:00
Silver Spirit So. 01.06.2025 00:45 00:00
Silver Spirit Mo. 02.06.2025 00:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Di. 03.06.2025 00:00 14:00
Azamara Onward Mi. 04.06.2025 14:00
Azamara Onward Do. 05.06.2025 22:00
AIDAsol Mo. 07.07.2025 06:00 17:30
MS Europa 2 Do. 17.07.2025 00:45 23:30
Crown Princess Mi. 23.07.2025 07:00 18:00
Silver Spirit Mi. 17.09.2025 17:45 00:00
Silver Spirit Do. 18.09.2025 00:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Fr. 19.09.2025 00:00 14:00
Silver Dawn Di. 30.09.2025 13:15 00:00
Silver Dawn Mi. 01.10.2025 00:00 00:00
Silver Dawn Do. 02.10.2025 00:00 14:30
Silver Dawn Do. 16.10.2025 17:30 00:00
Silver Dawn Fr. 17.10.2025 00:00 00:00
MS Amadea Fr. 17.10.2025 07:00
Silver Dawn Sa. 18.10.2025 00:00 16:45
MS Amadea Sa. 18.10.2025 16:00
Silver Dawn Fr. 24.10.2025 10:00 00:00
Silver Dawn Sa. 25.10.2025 00:00 00:00
Silver Dawn So. 26.10.2025 00:00 07:30
Sky Princess Fr. 27.03.2026 07:00 18:00
HANSEATIC nature Mo. 13.04.2026 6:00 23:59
MS Europa 2 Mi. 06.05.2026 10:45
MS Europa 2 Do. 07.05.2026 22:00
AIDAluna Sa. 16.05.2026 06:00 17:30
Silver Spirit Do. 21.05.2026 00:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Fr. 22.05.2026 00:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Sa. 23.05.2026 00:00 13:45
Silver Dawn So. 31.05.2026 17:30 00:00
Silver Dawn Mo. 01.06.2026 00:00 00:00
Silver Dawn Di. 02.06.2026 00:00 16:45
MS Europa Fr. 05.06.2026 11:15
MS Europa Sa. 06.06.2026 22:15
AIDAsol Mo. 03.08.2026 06:00 17:30
AIDAsol Fr. 14.08.2026 06:00 17:30
MS Deutschland Sa. 22.08.2026 17:00
MS Deutschland So. 23.08.2026 14:00
Silver Spirit Mo. 31.08.2026 11:00 00:00

Landausflüge in Bordeaux

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Abendliche Stadtrundfahrt
ca. 1h

ca. 1 Std.
Erleben Sie das illuminierte Bordeaux während einer abendlichen Stadtrundfahrt, auf der Sie Wissenswertes über die Geschichte der Stadt erfahren. Sie fahren am Ufer der beleuchteten Garonne entlang und passieren die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten, u.a. das Monument aux Girondins, den Place Gambetta, die Cathédrale St. André, das historische Rathaus mit seinem gotischen Turm, den Quai Louis XVIII, den Place des Quinconces, den Place de la Bourse, La Grosse Cloche, die Pont de Pierre, den Place de la Comédie mit dem renovierten Grand Théâtre. Lassen Sie sich von der schönen abendlichen Atmosphäre verzaubern.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Die Rundfahrt wird in einem offenen Doppeldecker oder Cabriolet-Bus durchgeführt welcher je nach Wetterlage dann evtl. geschlossen wird. Je nach Jahreszeit wird der Ausflug im Hellen bzw. bei leichter Dämmerung durchgeführt.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Bassin d’Arcachon und Dune du Pyla
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Das sogenannte Becken von Arcachon liegt südwestlich von Bordeaux am Atlantik. Es ist eine etwa 200 qkm große Bucht mit ausgedehnter Wattfläche, welche von Prielen durchzogen ist. Die Landschaft ist geprägt von Sanddünen und Pinienbäumen. Sie besuchen die höchste Düne Europas, die "Dune du Pyla". Sie ist ca. 110 m hoch, etwa 2,6 km lang und 616 m breit. Gelegenheit für einen Spaziergang auf der Düne. Der Aufstieg erfolgt über eine hölzerne Treppe, der Ausblick aus der Höhe über Bucht und Landschaft ist fantastisch. Nach dem etwa 1,5-stündigen Aufenthalt fahren Sie zum Schiff zurück. 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Etwa 160 Treppenstufen auf die Düne.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Bassins de Lumières und Bordeaux
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std.
Ab der Pier kurze Panoramafahrt durch Bordeaux bis zu den im Juni 2020 eröffneten "Bassins de Lumières", dem neuen Zentrum für digitale Kunst. Es befindet sich in einem der größten Bunker Frankreichs, der deutsche U-Boote während des Zweiten Weltkriegs beherbergte. Der monumentale Raum, der sich über 14.500 qm erstreckt, wurde großen Meistern der Kunstgeschichte sowie der zeitgenössischen Kunst gewidmet. Die digitale Ausstellung ist perfekt an die monumentale Architektur der U-Boot-Basis angepasst und spiegelt sich im Wasser der vier riesigen Becken wider. Besucher werden auf Stegen über das Wasser und entlang der Kais der riesigen Becken geführt. Erleben Sie unvergessliche visuelle und akustische Eindrücke in einer einzigartigen Umgebung, während Ihres etwa 1,5-stündigen Rundganges.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Etwa 1,5 Std. zu Fuß. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Die Universitätsstadt Bordeaux liegt ca. 45 km vom Meer entfernt flussaufwärts an der Garonne, die sich in einem weiten Bogen durch die Stadt zieht. Der größte Teil der Stadt befindet sich auf dem westlichen Flussufer, so auch der seit 2007 von der UNESCO geschützte historische Kern innerhalb der alten Stadtmauer. Während einer kurzen Panoramarundfahrt und eines Spaziergangs entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten, darunter passieren Sie u.a. das große Theater, die Kathedrale Saint-André und den Palais Rohan (heute Rathaus). 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Während Feierlichkeiten ist keine Innenbesichtigung der Kathedrale möglich.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Bordeaux mit Weinkellerei
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Zunächst Panoramafahrt durch den von der UNESCO geschützten Stadtteil von Bordeaux. Sie passieren die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Uferpromenade von Chartrons, wo der Weinhandel seinen Anfang nahm, die "Esplanade des Quinconces", einer der größten Plätze Europas, der "Place de la Bourse" aus dem 18. Jh. sowie die von Victor Louis 1773 erbaute Oper "Grand Theatre". Anschließend fahren Sie stadtauswärts durch die Weinberge in der näheren Umgebung. Sie besuchen eines der zahlreichen Weingüter und genießen nach einer Führung eine Kostprobe des lokalen Weines.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Bordeaux und Cité du Vin
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Ihr Ausflug beginnt mit einer Rundfahrt durch das architektonisch eindrucksvolle Bordeaux. Entdecken Sie das Flussufer des Chartrons, wo der Weinhandel seinen Anfang nahm. L'Esplanade des Quinconces, mit 12 ha einer der größten Plätze Europas und der Säule zum Gedenken an die Französische Revolution. Der Place de la Bourse, das Cailhau-Tor, das Palais Rohan (heute Rathaus), die St. Andreas Kathedrale sowie das Grand Theatre und die Bordeaux-Oper, 1773 von Victor Louis erbaut. Im Anschluss besuchen Sie das neue Weinmuseum "Cité du Vin". Auf den ersten Blick beeindruckt die Architektur des Gebäudes. Es umfasst etwa 13.350 qm, auf zehn Ebenen und erreicht eine Höhe von 55 Metern, entworfen von den Architekten Anouk Legendre und Nicolas Desmazières. Im eigenen Tempo erkunden Sie individuell die 20 Themenbereiche zur Weinkultur und erleben abschließend spektakuläre Ausblicke vom Belvedere de Cité du Vin auf 35 m Höhe. Genießen Sie von hier den 360°-Blick auf Bordeaux. 
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Nach etwa 35 km erreichen Sie den östlich von Bordeaux gelegenen weltberühmten Winzerort Saint-Émilion. Die Ortschaft aus dem 13. Jh. und die umliegende Weinanbauregion wurden von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt. In Saint-Émilion angekommen beginnt Ihr geführter Rundgang durch den mittelalterlichen Stadtteil mit der Stadtmauer aus dem 13. Jh., dem alten Marktplatz und der Felsenkirche, die über einer natürlichen Grotte erbaut wurde. Anschließend Freizeit für eigene Erkundungen und Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Spaziergang durch steile Altstadtgassen. Jacke für den Besuch der Grotte erforderlich.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Saint-Émilion mit Weinkellerei
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Etwa 35 km östlich von Bordeaux liegt der weltberühmte Winzerort Saint-Émilion. Die Ortschaft und die umliegende Weinanbauregion wurden von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt. Während eines Orientierungstour und etwas Freizeit entdecken Sie den mittelalterlichen Stadtteil Saint-Émilion mit der Stadtmauer aus dem 13. Jh. und dem Marktplatz. Ihr Ausflug führt Sie weiter in eines der umliegenden Weingüter zu einer kleinen Weinprobe. Anschließend Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet, Spaziergang durch steile Altstadtgassen. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Bordeaux Biking Tour
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 2.75 Stunden
Code: BOD-N

Explore the heart of Bordeaux City in an invigorating new way during this panoramic sightseeing excursion via bicycle.

Bordeaux City via Bicycle

After receiving your safety and riding instructions, depart the pier with your guide for a panoramic orientation tour through the heart of Bordeaux City, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Along the way, take in the exquisite beauty of Bordeaux's architectural heritage, which has developed harmoniously over the centuries and remains remarkably well-preserved to this day.

Rue Notre Dame, Public Gardens, Rue Colliseo, Grand Theatre, and Cours de l'Intendance

Your ride begins along the Rue Notre Dame, which is lined with antique shops, then passes the Church of Chartrons and old wine harbour where your ship is docked. After a stop at the Public Gardens, ride along Rue Colliseo, home of the Palais Gallien Roman Amphitheatre. A second stop is made in the area of the Grand Theatre, Grand Hotel, Ste. Catherine Shopping Street, and Cours de l'Intendance.

St. Andre Cathedral, Town Hall, Royal Gate, Place du Parliament, and Place de la Bourse

Continue past the Place Puy Paulin and Rue Castillon en route to a stop to admire the St. Andre Cathedral, Town Hall and Tribunal. After resuming your ride, pass by Rue des Ayres and Grosse Cloche. Next, ride to the Porte Cailhau (Royal Gate). After a photo stop here, proceed to the Church of St. Pierre and Place du Parliament. Another photo stop is made at the Place de la Bourse, before returning to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of bicycling for approximately 8.7 miles (about 14 kilometres). This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition and able to ride a bicycle. This tour is not recommended for pregnant guests, guest with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Safety equipment is provided, and must be worn at all times whilst bicycling. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Bordeaux by Vintage Side-Car
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 1.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-023

Discover the city centre of Bordeaux in a unique and fun-filled new way during this panoramic sightseeing excursion in a vintage side-car.

Bordeaux, City Centre Tour via Side-Car

Depart the pier aboard a side-car for a scenic and narrated, approximately one-hour ride through the narrow, cobblestone streets of Bordeaux’s city centre, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. This distinction recognizes the beauty and unity of style of Bordeaux's architectural heritage, which has developed harmoniously over the centuries and remains remarkably well-preserved to this day.

Chartrons Riverfront, Place de la Bourse, Royal Gate, St. Michel Basilica & Square, Sainte-Croix

Along the way, discover the city’s major highlights, such as the Chartrons Riverfront, where Bordeaux’s wine trade started, 18th-century Place de la Bourse, 15th-century Porte Cailhau (Royal Gate), St. Michel Basilica and its beautiful square, Sainte-Croix District, and Camille Sauvageau Street.

City Hall, St. Andrew Cathedral, Gambetta Square, Grand Theatre, Bordeaux Opera

Other must-see sites include the 18th-century Palais Rohan, now City Hall, 13th-century St. Andrew Cathedral, where Eleanor d'Aquitaine married Louis VII, Gambetta Square, Grands Hommes District, Allées de Tourny, 18th-century Grand Theatre, and the Bordeaux Opera, built by Victor Louis in 1773. During your side-car tour, hear anecdotes about the sites seen en route and enjoy a few short photo stops to capture the beauty of your surrounds. Your side-car tour of Bordeaux’s city centre concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 327 yards (about 300 metres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the side-car. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring a rain jacket. Guests will be provided with helmet and goggles. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment. 

Bordeaux Delicacies with Kim
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-022

Experience the tantalising flavours and aromas of Bordeaux during this bespoke, half-day tasting excursion.


Meet your guide, American-born, Bordeaux citizen Kim Freeman, at the pier. Kim fell in love with French cuisine, and has integrated the influences of French culture into her personal and professional life. Now a Bordeaux resident, she loves to share her passion for food and the French culture.

Personalised Tasting Tour

Head to the heart of the wine merchant district, Les Chartrons, across the picturesque rue Notre Dame, before stopping by a unique traditional bakery for a hot beverage and pastry tasting. Then, Kim will take you to the trendy Halles de Bacalan, a lively place, halfway between a food court and a market, where you will have the opportunity to taste some local salty delicacies and enjoy a glass of wine. This second stop will also be the opportunity for you to take the local Tramway, just like thousands of “Bordelais” do every day since 2003.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.1 miles (about 1.8 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the tram. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, credit cards and Euros for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate on this tour. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment. 

Château Smith Haut Lafitte Private Visit
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-P

Savour some of Bordeaux region's finest wines during this unforgettable excursion to the private cellars of the Pessac Léognan-classified 'Great Growth' estate, Château Smith Haut Lafitte.

Bordeaux, Pessac-Léognan Vineyards and Château Smith Haut Lafitte

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the Pessac-Léognan vineyards. Upon arrival, head to the Pessac-Léognan-classified 'Great Growth' estate, Château Smith Haut Lafitte. This estate owes its reputation as 'the quintessential Graves' to its superb Günz gravel terroir in a single block. The estate's history dates back to the Crusades. Scottish navigator Georges Smith acquired the château in the 18th century and Monsieur Duffour-Dubergier, a Mayor of Bordeaux from a famous family of négociants, was a subsequent owner.

Estate and Secret Wine Cellars Tour

Since its purchase by Florence and Daniel Cathiard in 1990, Château Smith Haut Lafitte has become one of the leading lights of Bordeaux thanks to its elegant, powerful red and white wines. Since then, the owners have not only brought the wine of Smith Haut Lafitte up to the very highest level, but also restored the château's 16th-century tower, completely renovated two underground cellars, built their own cooperage and introduced such organic methods as horse-drawn ploughing, homemade compost, the use of plant extracts, etc. Your guided tour of the estate includes special access to the owners' private, secret cellars to see many wonderful wine treasures.

Château Smith Haut Lafitte Wine Tasting

Afterward, proceed to the tasting room for a private tasting of three wines. Included are both first-label wines from the estate (Château Smith Haut Lafitte red and white), and one red wine from its second-label (Les Hauts de Smith). Following this unforgettable visit to the Château Smith Haut Lafitte and tasting of the finest wines of the Bordeaux wine region, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and standing for approximately 437 yards (about 400 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and access the wine cellars. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Cooking Class at St Emilion Château Ambe Tour Pourret
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-K

Taste and learn how to make regional Bordeaux dishes on this exclusive tour and cooking class (space limited so we recommend early booking). Your class is hosted by the chef at the Château Ambe Tour Pourret in St. Emilion vineyards, where you have the rare opportunity to learn all the details about food preparation that turn cooks into chefs.

Depart the pier and drive one hour to the St. Emilion vineyards. Upon arrival at the chateau enjoy a visit of the cellars, followed by a wine tasting, as well as views of the superb construction of the space with its tower, and the grand courtyard centered around the hundred-year-old chestnut tree and a small vineyard, a door into the sweet life at the entrance of the beautiful village of Saint-Emilion.

Continue to the kitchen where, under the Chef's guidance, you get to have an incredibly unique experience in Saint-Emilion, concocting and tasting regional dishes in accordance with the château's wines. This workshop is limited to 12 people, each with their own cooking surface and preparation space for a truly intimate and hands-on opportunity.

Your course is focused on creating a menu highlighting produce and products that are in season, including preparing a starter and main course, or a main course and a desert. After your 1.15 hour lesson, savor what you prepared over lunch, accompanied by three wines from the estate in a lesson about wine pairing. The lunch is set in the reception room or outdoors in the shady courtyard, a beautiful chance to enjoy the fruits of your labors in either place.

As your meal concludes make your goodbyes to your teacher and guides and make the return drive back to the ship.

Please note: There are steps and some periods of long standing involved on this excursion. Flat, comfortable shoes are recommended. Please book ahead of time to reserve your spot.

Medoc & St. Emilion by Helicopter
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 2.75 Stunden
Code: BOD-D

View some of the most famous wine chateau estates of the world and UNESCO classified Saint Emilion landscapes while on this helicopter flight adventure. Your private helicopter flight will fly over some of the region's historic chateaux and vineyards famous for producing Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot wines.

Bordeaux Helicopter

Depart the pier for a 30-minute, scenic drive to the Bordeaux airport. After a short safety briefing, board your helicopter for a 40-minute flight over the Médoc countryside and the villages that have given their names to the famous Médoc wine. These include Margaux, Moulis, Listrac, Saint Julien, Pauillac and Saint Estèphe. Fly over some of the world leading Chateau Wine Estates in this region, such as Chateau Margaux, Chateau Latour, Chateau Mouton Rothschild and Chateau Lafite-Rothschild.

On the other side of the river Gironde, admire the hilly landscapes of the UNESCO Classified Saint Emilion region before landing.

Board your coach for the scenic return drive to the pier.

Please Note: This tour requires advance booking one month prior to the start of the cruise. Cancellations received after this deadline will incur penalty charges of up to 100%, which will be billed to your shipboard account. This tour requires minimum activity however guests must be able to board the helicopter without assistance. Guests must be a minimum of 12 years old, be in good physical condition, and able to walk unassisted in order to participate. Guests with back, neck or heart conditions, as well as pregnant women, may not participate. The pilot reserves the right to refuse any guest the right to fly and may cancel the flight at any time for safety reasons. Operation of the tour is dependent upon favourable weather and local conditions. Guests must sign a waiver of liability. A current photo ID is required, either a passport or a driver's license.

Refined Lalique & Sauterne Wine
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-012

Leave for the approximately 1 hour scenic drive from through the worldwide-known Sauternes region.

Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

Arrive at Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey, a first Classified growth of Sauternes, for a visit followed by a tasting of 3 wines of the estate. Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey is located in the highest part of the village of Bommes with the famous Château Yquem as its neighbor. Its 37.5 hectares of vineyards stand on the third terrace of the Sauternes appellation, over 70 metres above sea level and the mosaic of terroirs that spread across the four villages of Bommes, Sauternes, Fargues and Preignac  give the wines of Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey their typical, long-reputed style.

During this visit, you will discover the history of Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey, the territory of Sauternes, its viticulture and the secret of its sweet wines.

Lalique Art Experience

2018 marked the opening of the new Lalique hotel and restaurant at Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

You will be explained the special link that unites their wines to the art of Lalique and discover the jewels of this property like their cellar and the stunning Chapel, entirely decorated by Lalique. The name Lalique evokes the brilliance of jewellery, the wonder of transparency, and the brilliance of crystal. Before it became a brand name, it was the name of a man, an artist of genius, rené-jules lalique and of his heirs who shared his creative flame.

Sauterne Wine Tasting

After the visit, you will taste three wines of the Château in the Vinothèque or in the Chapel, nestled between the two historic wine cellars. Return to your ship in Bordeaux after having delighted your palate and discovered Sauternes otherwise.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 200 metres at times over uneven, gravel and natural surfaces in the estate; some standing during the guided tour is required. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair; however, guests must be able to negotiate the steps on and off the coach. Guests must be over 18 years old to take part in the wine tasting. Dress code is smart casual.

S.A.L.T. Michelin-Star Chef at Château du Prince Noir
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-019

Experience a 360° culinary experience in Bordeaux: a place deeply rooted in local history (Château du Prince Noir), a Chef deeply in love with its region and its products (Michelin-starred Chef Vivien Durand) and the opportunity to learn by doing (a 2-hour cooking class run by the chef himself) before enjoying a gourmet French lunch.

Le Prince Noir

Leave the pier by minicoach and head towards the right bank of the river Garonne.

After a quick 20-minute drive along the river, reach the wonderful Le Prince Noir restaurant, where you are welcomed by the Michelin-starred owner of the place, Chef Vivien Durand himself.

Michelin Star Chef Vivien Durand

At the spectacular site “Le Prince Noir”, located uphill, in the premises of a historical castle and nearby the suspended Aquitaine bridge, enjoy the unique opportunity of putting yourself in the place of a Michelin-starred brigade member.  

Chef Vivien Durand will show you step by step the setting-up of a high-end restaurant service. By doing so, you will obviously learn a few tricks and know more about local products, but you will also discover what it is to be a professional cook.

Cooking Class and Lunch

After an approximately 2-hour long cooking class, enjoy a seated 3-course lunch in the restaurant, especially privatized for you. Take the time to enjoy the fruit of your work, paired with local wines.

Please note: this tour involves a moderate amount of walking including uneven ground. This tour is not suitable to mobility challenged guests and guests utilizing a wheelchair. Dress code is smart casual. Guests must be a minimum of 18 years old to drink alcoholic beverages.

S.A.L.T. Michelin-Star French Chef Experience at Les Sources de Caudalie & Gourmet Wine
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 6.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-017

Taste the very best flavors of Bordeaux through an intimate meeting with a 2-star chef, a cooking class and a gourmet wine tour.

Les Sources de Caudalie

Leave the pier for the approximately 30 minute drive towards the famous hotel "Les Sources de Caudalie", south of Bordeaux.

Cooking Class

There, after meeting your Chef, you will attend a hands-on cooking class. During this class, the Chef will share with you some secrets of the French traditional cuisine. Focused on a specific seasonal product, this themed class is your chance to learn the professional techniques that will allow you to reproduce the recipes at home.

Exclusive Hotel Kitchens' Visit with Chef Nicholas Masse

After sharing a memorable French cuisine experience, you will discover the professional kitchens of the hotel, the precious tool that makes the creation of culinary jewels possible. In the kitchen, meet the two Michelin star Chef Nicolas Masse and have the opportunity to take a picture with him.

Lunch at the Table du Lavoir

To end your experience in this nice venue, you will relax and savor a three-course lunch with wine pairing at the Table du Lavoir restaurant, in its country-chic relaxing atmosphere overlooking Bordeaux vineyards.

Château Haut-Bailly Gourmet Wine Tour

You will then, after a short drive, enjoy an exquisite and exclusive gourmet wine tour at classified Château Haut-Bailly, and its quite surprising brand new sustainable cellar building.

Your experience will conclude with a return drive back to the pier after a day full of tasty and memorable moments.

Please note: this tour involves a moderate amount of walking including uneven ground at the winery. This tour is not suitable to mobility challenged guests and guests utilizing a wheelchair. Dress code is smart casual. Guests must be a minimum of 18 years old to participate in the wine tasting. The cooking class is held by one of Chef Nicholas Masse's assistant.

S.A.L.T. Spirit Workshop, Lunch at Les Sources de Caudalie & Gourmet Wine
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 6.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-021

Taste the very best flavors of Bordeaux through a spirit workshop, lunch at Les Sources de Caudalie and a gourmet wine tour.

Les Sources de Caudalie

Leave the pier for the approximately 30 minute drive towards the famous hotel "Les Sources de Caudalie", south of Bordeaux.

Spirits Workshop with Head barmaid

Enjoy a Spirits’ tasting class with the Sources de Caudalie Head bartender. Learn more about local liquors, their specificities and about the importance of glasses.

Lunch at the Table du Lavoir

Relax and savor a three-course lunch with wine pairing at the Table du Lavoir restaurant, in its country-chic relaxing atmosphere overlooking Bordeaux vineyards.

Château Haut-Bailly Gourmet Wine Tour

You will then, after a short drive, enjoy an exquisite and exclusive premioum gourmet wine tour at classified Château Haut-Bailly, and its quite surprising brand new sustainable cellar building.

Your experience will conclude with a return drive back to the pier after a day full of tasty and memorable moments.

Please note: this tour involves a moderate amount of walking including uneven ground at the winery. This tour is not suitable to mobility challenged guests and guests utilizing a wheelchair. Dress code is smart casual. Guests must be a minimum of 18 years old to participate in the wine tasting.

S.A.L.T. Truffle Experience and Gourmet Lunch at Royal Château Cazeneuve
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 6.75 Stunden
Code: BOD-020

Mostly known for its unique wines, the South-West of France also produces some of the most exquisite and noble dishes. Among these, a very particular mushroom has been fascinating the most prestigious chefs for ages: truffle. Experience the noble black truffle in the exclusive environment of the royal château de Cazeneuve, deeply rooted in France History.

Leave the pier and drive towards the southern Gironde and the Cadillac area.

Truffle Hunting and Tasting Experience

After an approximately one-hour drive, reach the small village of Ste-Croix-du-Mont where a truffle-harvester,

accompanied by his trained dog, will show you how truffle is cultivated and then harvested, before enjoying an amazing tasting with a nice view over the valley and its typical south-western countryside landscape.

Château de Cazeneuve Private Visit and Gourmet Truffle Meal

After the truffle hunt and tasting, drive approximately 45 minutes to the royal Château de Cazeneuve. Upon arrival, the heir and owner of the chateau will welcome you and give you a private tour of the royal apartments (armory, galleries, bedrooms, medieval cellars). Enjoy an intimate aperitive with him in the Eighteenth century medieval kitchen, before seating down for an exclusive 3-course truffle flavoured meal in the red lounge Louis XIII.

Your memorable experience concludes with an approximately 75 minutes’ drive back to the pier.

Please note: this tour involves an extensive amount of walking including uneven ground during the truffle hunting experience and steps at to negotiate at the castle. This tour is not suitable to mobility challenged guests and guests utilizing a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layered clothing. Guests must be a minimum of 18 years old to drink alcoholic beverages.

Scenic Bordeaux & Wine Museum
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 3.25 Stunden
Code: BOD-L

Indulge your senses with the exquisite beauty and flavours of Bordeaux during this half-day sightseeing excursion, and a visit to the splendid new La Cité du Vin Museum.

Bordeaux City

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour orientation drive through the city of Bordeaux, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Along the way, take in the exquisite beauty of Bordeaux's architectural heritage, which has developed harmoniously over the centuries and remains remarkably well-preserved to this day.

Bordeaux Landmarks

See the Chartrons Riverfront, where the city's wine trade began, and L'Esplanade des Quinconces. With an area of approximately 30 acres (about 12 hectares), this esplanade is one of Europe's largest squares and features a column commemorating the French Revolution. Continue past the 18th-century Place de la Bourse, 15th-century Cailhau Gate, 14th-century Big Bell, 18th-century Palais Rohan, now the City Hall, 13th-century St. Andrew Cathedral, where Alienor d'Aquitaine married Louis VII, and the 18th-century Grand Theatre, the opera house built by Victor Louis.

La Cité du Vin Museum

Next, a visit is made to the La Cité du Vin Museum. Bordeaux's newest highlight is a unique facility set within an evocative architectural design, and offers a unique view of wine that transcends the world and its history, cultures and civilizations. Your self-guided tour of this expansive museum's 10 levels is punctuated by 20 themed spaces explaining the culture of wine in an immersive, interactive and sensorial setting. Afterward, proceed for a wine tasting in the approximately 115-foot-high (about 35-metre-high) Belvedere of La Cité du Vin, which offers a spectacular, 360° view of the city. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 219-437 yards (about 200-400 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the museum. Walking in the museum is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and wheelchair users. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages.

Shop with Kim at the Farmer’s Market
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-005

Experience the tantalising flavours and aromas of Bordeaux's famous Capucins Market District during this bespoke, half-day shopping and tasting excursion.

Bordeaux, Transfer to the Capucins Market District with Your Guide, Kim Freeman

Meet your guide, American-born, Bordeaux citizen Kim Freeman, at the pier and depart for the short walk to the local tram. Board the tram and transfer to the Marché des Capucins (Capucins Market District), also known as the 'Belly of Bordeaux'. Kim fell in love with French cuisine, and has integrated the influences of French culture into her personal and professional life. Now a Bordeaux resident, she loves to share her passion for food and the French culture.

Personalised Shopping and Tasting Tour

Upon arrival at the Capucins Market District, Kim takes you on a personalised shopping trip at one of Bordeaux's wonderful markets. Discover a bustling market full of energy, with many products to sample and aromas to tantalise you. Please your palate with different tastings throughout the tour, and shop like a local with Kim's advice and guidance. Following this immersive shopping-and-tasting experience, re-board the local tram and commence the short ride back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.1 miles (about 1.8 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the tram. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water, credit cards and Euros for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate on this tour. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Car & Guide (Full-Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-W

Explore Bordeaux at your leisure during a full-day (8 Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.Please note that for the oganization of any visit in any Chateau or wine tastings, the follow has to be communicated at least 5 days prior to the call.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Car & Guide (Half-Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-V

Explore Bordeaux at your leisure during a half-day (4 Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.Please note that for the oganization of any visit in any Chateau or wine tastings, the follow has to be communicated at least 5 days prior to the call.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Van & Guide (Full-Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-Y

Explore Bordeaux at your leisure during a full-day (8 Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary. Please note that for the oganization of any visit in any Chateau or wine tastings, the follow has to be communicated at least 5 days prior to the call.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Van & Guide (Half-Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-X

Explore Bordeaux at your leisure during a half-day (4 Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.Please note that for the oganization of any visit in any Chateau or wine tastings, the follow has to be communicated at least 5 days prior to the call.

St. Emilion by Hot-Air Balloon
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.25 Stunden
Code: BOD-F

Embrace the spectacular beauty of the Bordeaux wine region from a unique perspective during this half-day, hot-air balloon excursion.

Scenic Drive and Hot-Air Balloon Ride

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximate 45-minute drive to the hot-air balloon take-off site near the village of St. Emilion. Upon arrival, receive your safety and tour instructions, then climb aboard the gondola as the gas-powered flame warms the air in the balloon to the temperature required for lift-off.

St. Emilion Village and Vineyards

After take-off, drift slowly above the picturesque St. Emilion village and its vineyards. Along the way, your approximately one-hour, hot-air balloon ride takes you over the magnificent landscapes and vineyards of the world-renowned Bordeaux wine region. Upon landing, receive your flight certificate and relax with a celebratory glass of Bordeaux wine. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the 45-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 328 yards-656 yards (about 300 metres-600 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and hot air balloon. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear warm, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a jacket or sweater, and a hat from the ship. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour. The maximum height for each guest is approximately six feet, five inches (about two metres). Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. This tour requires advance booking one month prior to the start of cruise. Guests must advise the Shore Concierge Staff of their weight, height and date-of-birth upon embarking the ship. Cancellations received after this deadline will incur penalty charges of 100%, which will be billed to your shipboard account. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. Guests aged 70 years old and above must provide a doctor's certificate in advance of this tour confirming that they are medically fit to fly in a hot-air balloon. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The hot-air balloon holds a maximum of six guests. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

The Margaux Wine Discovery
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-004

Indulge your senses with the spectacular beauty, flavours and vineyards of the Margaux Wine District during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Bordeaux, Quai des Chartrons, Margaux Vineyards, Médoc Wine Road

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute drive north towards Médoc along the famous Quai des Chartrons, cradle of the Bordeaux wine trade. Upon arrival, proceed to the Margaux vineyards, the southernmost part of the Médoc area and starting point of the famous 'Route des Châteaux'. The Medoc Wine Road, located between the Gironde Estuary and Landes Forest, offers magnificent views of gravelly, vine-covered rises as far as the eye can see.

Château Margaux, Photo Stop, Margaux- Médoc Classified Wine Estate, Wine Tasting

During your drive along a portion of the Médoc Wine Road, a photo stop is made at the celebrated Château Margaux before heading towards another Margaux-Medoc Classified wine estate. Upon arrival, learn all about the winemaking techniques employed here, then proceed for a tasting of three different wines from the estate, paired with bread and cheese. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 765 yards (about 700 metres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the wine chateau. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, bottled water and Euros for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Twilight in Bordeaux
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.25 Stunden
Code: BOD-015

Discover Bordeaux and its famous monuments illuminated at twilight from the comfort of a double decker open roof coach on a scenic evening sightseeing drive.

Twilight Bordeaux City Drive

Depart the pier and discover Bordeaux by sunset or by night on a cabriolet bus tour, narrated by an expert guide.

Ride alongside the Garonne River and past Bordeaux's major attractions including the Hôtel de Ville, Place de la Bourse and the Grand Théâtre, all glowing with nighttime lights. This approximately 75-minute sightseeing tour is a scenic, refreshing way to get an overview of Bordeaux.

See the Monument aux Girondins, commemorating political martyrs from the French Revolution, before passing by Place Gambetta, the Cathédrale St-André and the Hôtel de Ville, the historical city hall.

Continue alongside the Garonne River, dotted with historical buildings and attractions including Quai Louis XVIII, Place des Quinconces, Place de la Bourse, La Grosse Cloche - Bordeaux's famous clock tower and Porte de Bourgogne. As you cross over the river, admire the illuminated town and quays of Bordeaux.

Arrive at Place de la Comédie, once the site of a Roman temple and today a place where locals meet. This plaza is home to Bordeaux's cultural symbol, the renowned Grand Théâtre - best viewed at night.

Your scenic tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking, however guests must be able to negotiate the approximately 10 steps to reach the upper deck of the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to dress in layer and bring warm clothes.

UNESCO World Heritage Saint Emilion village with food and wine pairing lunch at Château de Ferrand
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 7.0 Stunden
Code: BOD-008

Embrace the enchanting beauty and exquisite flavours of the Classified Château de Ferrand during this unforgettable, food-and-wine-pairing excursion.

Bordeaux, Saint-Emilion Vineyard, Château de Ferrand, Vineyards, Dordogne Valley

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive to the Saint-Emilion vineyards. Upon arrival, a visit is made to Château de Ferrand, an enchanting, 17th-century château surrounded by vines and overlooking the Dordogne Valley. It is a rare jewel that has become accessible to the public. Built during the reign of Louis XIV, Château de Ferrand was purchased by Baron Bich in 1978 and it is now the property of his children. Baron Bich is world-famous for its ballpoint pens sold all over the world, as well as its disposable razors and lighters.

Private Estate and Cellars Tour

Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour of the estate and its cellars. The estate's wines have been a leading light among the great Bordeaux wine estates for 300 years. In 2012, Ferrand won deserved recognition for the unanimously-acclaimed quality of its wines when the estate was awarded Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé status (Classified estate).

Wine Tasting, Food-and-Wine-Pairing Dinner/Workshop

Following your estate-and-cellars tour, proceed for a a food-and-wine-pairing workshop with four dishes and four vintages of Château de Ferrand. Taste, savour and compare creations by the private chateau chef whilst the sommelier of the château explains the secret behind each food-and-wine pairing. A unique experience designed to awaken your senses, this workshop-menu ends with a dessert-style, coffee-or-tea Gourmand.

Following your lunch, a short transfer will take you to the UNESCO Heritage village of St. Emilion.

St. Emilion Walking Tour

Upon arrival in St. Emilion, take a guided walking tour of the village and its underground monuments. Along the way, visit landmarks that include the Collegiale Church and its magnificent, 12th-century cloister, the 12th-century ramparts, the marketplace and Eglise Monolithe, the largest underground church in Europe. Adjacent to the church, the catacombs include a charnel house and numerous sepulchers dating from the 11th and 12th centuries.

Additional sights to be seen include a natural grotto known as the Hermitage, the Cadene Gate and the King's Tower.

After your guided visit, some free time is made available to explore the village and browse the shops at your leisure before re-boarding the coach for the approximate one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 1.5km, at times over cobblestones, gravel and natural surfaces, including steps. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear smart-casual, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring bottled water, credit cards and Euros for purchases. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment. 

Village of St Emilion & Chateaux Visit
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: BOD-B

Experience the picturesque beauty and flavours of St. Emilion, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, during this half-day excursion to the village and vineyards, and a tour and tasting at a local wine château. The oldest wine area of the Bordeaux region, St. Emilion wines are considered the most robust reaching their maturity quicker than other red Bordeaux.

St. Emilion

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximate one-hour drive to the vineyards of the Pomerol and St. Emilion regions. The celebrated vineyards of St. Emilion, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are among the most famous and attractive destinations in the Bordeaux region. The vineyards reach all the way up to St. Emilion's 13th-century town walls. Upon arrival, the village's medieval bell tower comes into view first, rising above the ancient ramparts.

Your guided visit begins with a short walk to the upper part of the village. After your walking tour, some free time is made available to browse the numerous shops or explore the village at your leisure.

Château Tour & Tasting

Your tour concludes with a visit to one of the area's many wine châteaux. Upon arrival, learn about the winemaking process, take a guided tour of the wine cellar, and sample two recent vintages.

Following your tour and tasting, commence the approximate one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour requires an extensive amount of walking over hilly, uneven ground for approximately 2 kilometres with cobblestones, steps and inclines. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests must be 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages.

Welcome Walk around the Chartrons district
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.25 Stunden
Code: BOD-011

Welcome to les Chartrons! A village inside Bordeaux. After a short walk from your ship, your guide will give you an orientation tour of this charming a lively district that runs along the edge of the Garonne river.

Named after the monks who established an old convent there in the 14th century (les Chartreux,) the district had become a thriving area by the 18th century, where wealthy merchants built fortunes, thanks to the booming local wine trade. Warehouses were built along the Garonne, where wine produced in the Bordeaux region arrived on flat-bottom boats, only to be shipped to northern Europe. Today, as trade has moved away from the river, Chartrons has become a quiet but lively residential neighborhood, perhaps better known for its many antique shops, wine bars and pubs! A very nice place to stroll and live. Local landmarks remained, like le Temple des Chartrons, built in the early 19th century, or l'Eglise St Louis des Chartrons and its neo-gothic architecture (1870s.). After the tour you can either come back to your ship or enjoy some free time in the famous Notre Dame street enjoying a glass of wine in one of the numerous wine bars of the district. Your guide will be happy to share his favorite addresses with you !

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 2 km at times over uneven, gravel and natural surfaces. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear smart-casual, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes.

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