Wetter in Benoa (Insel Bali)

Mi. 12.02.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 12.02.2025
mäßiger Regen
Mi. 12.02.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 12.02.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 13.02.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 13.02.2025
mäßiger Regen
Do. 13.02.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 13.02.2025
Fr. 14.02.2025

Hafenkarte: Benoa (Insel Bali)

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Benoa (Insel Bali)

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Benoa (Insel Bali) mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Anthem of the Seas Fr. 28.02.2025 07:00 23:00
Silver Muse Sa. 01.03.2025 08:00 23:00
MS Amadea Mi. 12.03.2025 09:00
MS Amadea Do. 13.03.2025 18:00
Norwegian Sun Mo. 17.03.2025 18:00
Celebrity Solstice So. 30.03.2025 09:30 19:30
Norwegian Sun Mi. 09.04.2025 17:00
Norwegian Sun Do. 10.04.2025 18:00
Ovation of the Seas So. 13.04.2025 07:00 18:00
MS Artania Di. 15.04.2025 12:00
MS Artania Mi. 16.04.2025
MS Artania Do. 17.04.2025 18:00
Silver Cloud Fr. 18.07.2025 06:30 00:00
Silver Nova So. 28.09.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Nova Mo. 29.09.2025 00:00 14:00
Celebrity Solstice Sa. 01.11.2025 07:00 22:00
Silver Nova Sa. 08.11.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Nova So. 09.11.2025 00:00 14:00
Silver Moon Fr. 14.11.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Moon Sa. 15.11.2025 00:00 14:00
Voyager of the Seas Do. 04.12.2025 07:00 22:00
Norwegian Spirit Fr. 05.12.2025 10:15 20:00
Celebrity Millennium So. 21.12.2025 07:00
Celebrity Millennium Mo. 22.12.2025 17:00
Crown Princess Di. 23.12.2025 07:00 18:00
Ovation of the Seas Do. 01.01.2026 07:00 23:00
Celebrity Millennium Do. 15.01.2026 05:00 17:00
Silver Nova So. 08.02.2026 00:30 00:00
Silver Nova Mo. 09.02.2026 00:00 17:00
Silver Moon Do. 19.02.2026 09:00 00:00
Silver Moon Fr. 20.02.2026 00:00 14:00
Celebrity Millennium Mo. 23.02.2026 07:00 21:00
Coral Princess So. 15.03.2026 07:00 18:00
Silver Dawn Do. 26.03.2026 07:00 23:00
Celebrity Solstice So. 29.03.2026 08:00 19:00
Silver Moon Do. 19.11.2026 00:00 00:00
Silver Moon Fr. 20.11.2026 00:00 18:00
Celebrity Millennium Di. 08.12.2026 07:00
Celebrity Millennium Mi. 09.12.2026

Landausflüge in Benoa (Insel Bali)

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
ca. 8,5h mit Essen

ca. 8,5 Std. mit Essen
Die Durchführung erfolgt in offenen Kübelwagen mit Fahrer, die im Konvoi fahren. Zunächst etwa 1,5 Std. Fahrt nach Batukaru. Unterwegs besichtigen Sie ein Schmetterlingshaus. Der Tempel Pura Batukaru liegt inmitten eines Urwalds direkt am Fuß des gleichnamigen Vulkans, ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Nach der Besichtigung Weiterfahrt nach Jatiluwih, bekannt für die malerischen Reisterrassen, die die Bauern in vielen Stufen über weite Strecken angelegt haben. Die Ausblicke auf den höchsten Berg Balis, Gunung Batukaru, sind besonders eindrucksvoll. Mittagessen unterwegs. Mit Pause an den heißen Quellen in Yeh Panas kehren Sie zum Schiff zurück. 
Bitte beachten:   Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Eventuell Gelegenheit für ein kurzes Bad in Yeh Panas, Badesachen/Handtuch sowie einen Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Besakih Tempel
ca. 9,5h mit Essen

ca. 9,5 Std. mit Essen
Nach etwa 2 Stunden errreichen Sie das Bergdorf Tenganan, dem wohl traditionellsten Ort auf Bali. Nach dem Mittagessen fahren Sie weiter, vorbei an Reisterrassen und kleinen Ortschaften zum Besakih-Tempel, dem Muttertempel Balis, der auf rund 950 m Höhe am noch aktiven Vulkan Agung liegt. Der Pura Besakih ist das bedeutendste hinduistische Heiligtum auf der Insel Bali und besteht aus über 200 Gebäuden. Sie erkunden die Anlage etwa 45 Min. zu Fuß. Weiterfahrt nach Klungkung (Semarapura) zur Besichtigung der "Puri Kerta Gosa", einer historischen Gerichtshalle mit prächtigen Deckengemälden. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet, da viele Stufen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 8h mit Essen

ca. 8 Std. mit Essen
Zunächst fahren Sie mit dem Bus etwa eine Stunde nach Celuk, Zentrum für Gold- und Silberverarbeitung, sowie nach Mas, bekannt für Holzschnitzereien. Weiterfahrt nach Goa Gajah und Besichtigung der "Elefantenhöhle", eines der ältesten Monumente Balis. Nach dem Mittagessen in Kintamani, einem Straßendorf auf 1.470 Metern Höhe mit herrlichen Aussichten, führt Ihr Ausflug zum schönen Sebatu Tempel und zurück zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Künstlerdörfer in Ubuds Umgebung
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Ziel Ihres Ausfluges ist Ubud, etwa 30 km von der Hauptstadt Denpasar entfernt. Sie werden die Kleinstadt, die als kulturelles Zentrum Balis gilt, erkunden. Anschließend besuchen Sie das Dorf Mas, bekannt für aufwändige Holzschnitzkunst, und das Dorf Celuk, Zentrum der Silberschmiedekunst, bevor Sie wieder zum Schiff fahren.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Kuta bei Nacht
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Am Abend etwa 30-minütiger Transfer nach Kuta, dem Ferienzentrum mit kilometerlangem Sandstrand südlich der Hauptstadt Denpasar. Gelegenheit für einen Spaziergang durch das nächtliche Kuta mit seinen Bars und Diskotheken. Anschließend Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Panoramafahrt Balinesische Dörfer
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Ihre Panoramfahrt führt über Celuk, dem Zentrum für Gold-, Silberarbeiten zum Kunsthandwerkermarkt Sukawati und wieter zum Dorf der Steinmetze nach Batuan. Im Dorf Bona wird das Bambus-Handwerk gepflegt und in Banjar Antugan legen Sie eine Toilettenpause ein. Auf der Rückfahrt zum Schiff passieren Sie noch die Reisefelder von Gianyar City und den ehemaligen Fischerort Sanur mit seiner Einkaufsstraße "Tamblingan Street".
Bitte beachten: Keine Beschtigungen oder längere Fußwege.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Reisterrassen und Tempel
ca. 9h mit Essen

ca. 9 Std. mit Essen
Dieser Ausflug führt Sie zunächst etwa 1,5 Std. per Bus nach Mengwi. Hier besuchen Sie den Tempelkomplex, der als einer der schönsten auf Bali gilt: Taman Ayun, auch "Tempel des schwimmenden Gartens" genannt, wurde auf einer Flussinsel erbaut. Der hinduistische Tempel ist der Reichstempel der Rajas von Mengwi. Anschließend besuchen Sie das Bergdorf Bedugul mit dem Tempel Ulun Danu. Nach der Besichtigung Mittagessen und Weiterfahrt nach Candikuning. Hier haben Sie etwas Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um über den Markt zu bummeln, auf dem u.a. Gewürze, Gemüse und Orchideen feilgeboten werden. Über Jatiluwih, bekannt für die malerischen Reisterrassen, und mit schönen Ausblicken auf die höchste Erhebung Balis, den Gunung Batukaru, erfolgt die Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Tanah Lot Tempel
ca. 6h

ca. 6 Std.
Sie fahren etwa 1,5 Std. durch die üppig grüne Landschaft mit Reisterrassen zum Tempel Taman Ayun aus dem 18. Jh., ein Tempel des Königreichs Mengwi. Anschließend kommen Sie nach Alas Kedaton, einem der sogenannten "Affenwälder" mit einer Kolonie Flughunde, die kopfüber von den Bäumen hängen. Von hier aus fahren Sie weiter zum Tempel Tanah Lot, der im 16. Jh. auf einer Felsspitze im Meer von einem Hindupriester erbaut wurde. In einer kleinen Höhle unterhalb des Tempelfelsens befindet sich eine heilige Quelle, die von Priestern bewacht wird. Nach der Besichtigung Rückfahrt zum Hafen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Uluwatu Tempel
ca. 4,5h

ca. 4,5 Std. 
Nach knapp 1,5-stündiger Fahrt erreichen Sie den Uluwatu-Tempel, auch Pura Luhur Uluwatu genannt, einer der sechs wichtigsten Tempel, die als die spirituellen Säulen Balis gelten. Er ist bekannt für seine herrliche Lage auf einer steilen Klippe etwa 70 m über dem Meeresspiegel und gilt als einer der schönsten Tempel der Insel. Nach gut 1,5-stündiger Besichtigungszeit fahren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Bali Terraces & Ulun Danu Temple
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 76€

This tour highlights what Balinese are so proud of – their beautiful rice field, which are mostly found in the mid-western part of the island. For the majority of Balinese, agriculture is their livelihood. Villages are mainly found centered around or near the rice fields and every farmer who owns one or more rice plots or sawahs, is compelled to join a subak, an agricultural association that controls the distribution of irrigation water to its members. As you travel through these farming communities, you'll no doubt agree that theses cascading terraces are the most striking features of the landscape. Starting off from the pier, a leisurely drive takes you into the countryside to Baha Village, which is a traditional farming community, with rice fields. The uniformity of the typical entrance gates of the family compounds combined with the traditional housing structure present a charming appearance. You’ll proceed to Bedugul, which enjoys mild mountain weather due to its location at an altitude of about 1,500 meters (4,900 ft) above the sea level. Major sites here include the Ulun Danu Temple, a major Shivaite and water temple in Bali. Water temples serve the entire region in the outflow area - downstream there are many smaller water temples that are specific to each irrigation association. Lake Bratan is known as the Lake of Holy Mountain due to the fertility of this area. Last stop before driving back to the pier a coffee break will be served at the Secret Garden Village.

Colors of Bali
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 2
8 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 143€

A full day exploring Bali's essential highlights awaits you on this comprehensive excursion. Often referred to as the Island of Gods, you'll spend your day discovering elaborate temples and observing some of Bali's enchanting dances, all the while enjoying the island's outstanding natural beauty. Boarding your coach at the pier, you'll first be transported to Batuan Temple, which for over a thousand years has been the place of legends and mysterious tales. This colorful Hindu temple is considered one of the finest and oldest temples in Bali and with its stunning design and intricate ornaments, is a treat for photographers. You’ll then travel to a nearby village, for a special performance of the delicate Barong dance.

After lunch at a local restaurant, your tour continues to the Kemenuh village, well-known for its wood-carvings. Here, local craftsmen turn slabs of teak or ebony wood into intricate statues and masks. Of special interest here are the huge carved statues that depict mythical figures, such as the Garuda. During your visit, you will be able to admire some of these delicate works of art. You will also have the opportunity to glimpse at one of the local houses. The Balinese home is often viewed as a living organism. Much like a human being, it has a head (the ancestral shrine), arms (the sleeping quarters and living room) and legs and feet (the kitchen and rice granaries.)

Before returning to the pier, a final stop is made in the capital of Semarapura, to visit Kerta Gosa, the ancient Court of Justice. This historical landmark, of traditional Balinese architecture, features exquisitely painted ceilings.

Denpasar City Highlights
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 56€ / Kinder ab 47€

Get a feel for life in Denpasar by visiting landmarks that best represent the history and culture of Bali’s capital city. The Bajra Sandi Monument will reveal much about Bali’s struggle for independence from Dutch colonialists. Detailed dioramas and historical photos within the monument’s museum depict key events that include the introduction of Hinduism and how Bali finally gained its freedom at the end of World War II. Meandering through the open-air Badung Market will offer a snapshot of daily life in Denpasar, as it is the city’s largest and busiest traditional market. The market is open around-the-clock so matter what time you visit, it will present an authentic glimpse of the Balinese lifestyle. Next, visit is the Bali Museum and then on the north side of the city, visit the glorious Temple of Jagatnatha, a Hindu Kahyangan Temple. Stop briefly at the Inna Bali Heritage Hotel for a refreshment break. This hotel was the first international class hotel in Bali and is steeped in history. World leaders such as Queen Elizabeth, Charlie Chaplin, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ir Soekarno Untuk Megawati and other prominent figures have all stayed here in room 77. Following your brief refreshment stop, you will drive to port.

Discover Bali
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 120€ / Kinder ab 120€

Spend the day discovering the fascinating and vibrant culture of Bali. You’ll start with a picturesque drive to Tohpati Village for a demonstration of Batik cloth processing. Along the way, you'll stop to see a Barong dance performance that tells a story of the fight of good vs. evil via a colorful performance. Arriving at the village you'll have a unique opportunity to observe skilled artisans at work as they use the different methods of applying the colors and printing the Batik fabric.

You'll travel to a traditional house compound for an up-close look and glimpse into Balinese life. Their homes are often viewed as a living organism. Much like a human being, it has a head - the ancestral shrine, arms - the sleeping quarters and living room and legs and feet - the kitchen and rice granaries. You’ll stop at the Singapadu Temple, built in the 17th century and guarded by four statues of Wisnu that rest on carved pedestals, the temple is used by the local village for religious ceremonies.

You’ll visit Bird Park, this amazing attraction houses the largest collection of Indonesian birds in the world, as well as many varieties from Africa and South America. Covering nearly 5 acres of botanical landscape, the park provides sanctuary to almost 1,000 birds of 250 different species. Adding to the park's appeal is a remarkable display of tropical plants and trees which also serve to attract a significant butterfly population.

Royal Temple & Tanah Lot
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 3
6 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 72€ / Kinder ab 72€

Take advantage of this opportunity to discover Bali's intriguing world of gods and temples, along with its traditional arts and crafts. Traveling along a scenic route, you'll make your way to the magnificent Royal Temple of Mengwi. A spectacular landmark of historic architecture built in the 17th century, Pura Taman Ayun served as the family temple of the Mengwi dynasty, whose kingdom survived until the late 1800s. The temple complex includes a wide moat, exquisite wooden shrines and beautifully carved gates, making it one of the area's main attractions. Continue on to Bali's most photographed temple, Tanah Lot. Also referred to as the Sunset Temple, the impressive black lava towers of this sacred 16th century temple are dramatically situated on a rocky outcrop that extends 656 feet offshore. Surrounded by pristine aqua waters and the white surf that crashes against the rocks, it's easy to see why this location has become a favorite with photographers. A coffee breaks with coffee / tea and local snack will be served at local restaurant. Re-joining your coach, it's a leisurely drive to a popular batik workshop. This lovely Balinese tradition has been passed down for generations. Here, you’ll have an opportunity to admire the distinctive artistry that goes into producing the famous batik cloth. You’ll have some free time to shop for a souvenir.

Uluwatu Temple GWK Cultural Park
Bali (Benoa) / Indonesien
Level: 2
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 95€

Explore two revered attractions that lend insight into Hinduism, the dominant religion in Bali. Uluwatu Temple perches on the edge of a nearly vertical cliff that plunges hundreds of feet into the sea. The setting and sweeping views are spectacular, as is the sacred temple, which is said to safeguard the island from evil spirits. Hundreds of long-tailed macaques live on the grounds and are notorious for snatching valuables from visitors until a ransom of food is offered in exchange. It can be amusing to watch, unless it happens to you. The cultural park commonly known as GWK is a more accessible Hindu landmark. Its centerpiece is Indonesia’s tallest statue, which depicts the Hindu god Wisnu sitting atop the mythical eagle Garuda. Like the Uluwatu Temple, Wisnu is considered a protector, while Garuda symbolizes freedom from oppression. You will have time to reflect on this immersion into Hinduism over coffee at a restaurant within the park complex. Coffee break and local snack will be served at Jendela Bali restaurant.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
1 Day Silver Shore Private Package - 2 Guests
Dauer: 9.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-005

Experience the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and exquisite temple scenes of Bali during this bespoke, full-day sightseeing excursion with lunch.

Benoa, Scenic Drive, Lush Vegetation, Denpasar, Mengwi Village, Perean Hamlet, Local Fruits

Depart the pier with your guide for the incredibly scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive by van to the Taman Ayun Temple. En route, traverse the middle of Bali Island along bumpy, countryside roads lined with lush vegetation. Pass through Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, main gateway to the island and a hub for other cities in the Lesser Sunda Islands, then continue through Mengwi Village and Perean Hamlet. This countryside is a major producer of tropical fruits and agricultural products found throughout Bali, but the seasonal fruits grown here, including Perean durian, mangosteen, and rambutan, maintain their own unique characteristics and flavours. During the fruit season here, many traders sell fruit on the side of the road.  

Taman Ayun Temple, Uma Luwang, Coffee & Cacao Plant-Viewing, Vegetable Farms, Plantations

Upon arrival at the Taman Ayun Temple, take a guided walking tour. Built in the 16th century, this beautiful and enchanting royal family temple holds a very sophisticated architectural design compared to other Hindu temples in Bali. Explore the outer-and-middle courtyards and temple grounds. Along the way, see various pavilions and community buildings utilised for the temple’s operations, activities, meetings, worship, etc. Leaving the Taman Ayun Temple, a comfort and photo stop are made at the small village of Uma Luwang, where you can view coffee and cocoa plants growing first-hand. Afterward, pass by rice fields, vegetable farms, and plantations growing rice, cocoa, coffee, and cloves en route to the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces.

Jatiluwih, Cascading Rice Terraces, Vibrant Green Hues, Undulating Slopes

A hidden gem tucked way amidst the lush landscapes of Bali, Jatiluwih is home to Bali’s largest rice terraces, which span over 14 miles (about 23 kilometres) and are harvested three times per year. Take a guided walking tour amidst a beautiful panorama to the rice fields, and learn about how rice is produced and the local way of life here. Marvel at the cascading terraces of this awe-inspiring landscape. This captivating scenery stretches as far as the eye can see, and greets your arrival with an expansive mosaic of vibrant green hues cascading down its undulating slopes. The terraces are meticulously carved into the contours of the picturesque countryside, and offer breath-taking panoramic views and photo opportunities.

Lunch, Countryside, Tabanan Regency, Rice Paddies, Black-Sand Beaches, Tana Lot Temple

Next, walk towards to a local restaurant for lunch at your own expense and accompanied by splendid views of the rice terraces. After lunch, re-board your coach and drive through the Balinese countryside of the Tabanan Regency, renowned for its rice paddies and picturesque, black-sand beaches. Your final stop is an exterior visit to the Tana Lot Temple. Upon arrival, take a guided walk to the temple’s beautiful beachfront location, perched on an outcrop above the crashing waves below. View this iconic temple from several strategic viewpoints, including one in which the temple appears to be floating on air. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 1.75-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to the number of guests specified in the tour title. The price, exclusive of meals and gratuities, is per vehicle; therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program and the cost of the tour may be split between suites. Entrance fees mentioned in the tour description are included in the selling price for the number of guests specified in the tour title. Silversea Cruises does not match groups of guests to form a private group for the vehicle. Should your party size differ from the options available, please contact shoreconcierge@silversea.com. We suggest wearing light-weight comfortable clothing and flat walking shoes.  Meals and beverages are not included. Deviations to duration, venue admissions and additional camera or video fees will be charged to your onboard account.

The order of sites visited may vary, depending on sites opening times and operational reasons. This tour involves an extensive amount of driving over bumpy roads. The ride may be rough and uncomfortable at times, and guests will experience bumpy, jerking motions. This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.44 miles (about 0.72 kilometres), at times over uneven, rocky, sandy, slippery, and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach or van, 13 steps at Jatiluwah, 20 steps at the Taman Ayun Temple, and 30 steps at the Tanah Lot Temple. When visiting a Balinese temple, both men and women are expected to wear shirts that cover the shoulders and part of the upper arms. Flip-flops are perfectly acceptable, provided the overall look is modest.

1 Day Silver Shore Privato Package - 4 Guests
Dauer: 9.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-006

Visit the main highlights of Bali with your exclusive guide on this full day excursion by private vehicle.

Experience the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and exquisite temple scenes of Bali during this bespoke, full-day sightseeing excursion with lunch.

Benoa, Scenic Drive, Lush Vegetation, Denpasar, Mengwi Village, Perean Hamlet, Local Fruits

Depart the pier with your guide for the incredibly scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive by van to the Taman Ayun Temple. En route, traverse the middle of Bali Island along bumpy, countryside roads lined with lush vegetation. Pass through Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, main gateway to the island and a hub for other cities in the Lesser Sunda Islands, then continue through Mengwi Village and Perean Hamlet. This countryside is a major producer of tropical fruits and agricultural products found throughout Bali, but the seasonal fruits grown here, including Perean durian, mangosteen, and rambutan, maintain their own unique characteristics and flavours. During the fruit season here, many traders sell fruit on the side of the road.  

Taman Ayun Temple, Uma Luwang, Coffee & Cacao Plant-Viewing, Vegetable Farms, Plantations

Upon arrival at the Taman Ayun Temple, take a guided walking tour. Built in the 16th century, this beautiful and enchanting royal family temple holds a very sophisticated architectural design compared to other Hindu temples in Bali. Explore the outer-and-middle courtyards and temple grounds. Along the way, see various pavilions and community buildings utilised for the temple’s operations, activities, meetings, worship, etc. Leaving the Taman Ayun Temple, a comfort and photo stop are made at the small village of Uma Luwang, where you can view coffee and cocoa plants growing first-hand. Afterward, pass by rice fields, vegetable farms, and plantations growing rice, cocoa, coffee, and cloves en route to the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces.

Jatiluwih, Cascading Rice Terraces, Vibrant Green Hues, Undulating Slopes

A hidden gem tucked way amidst the lush landscapes of Bali, Jatiluwih is home to Bali’s largest rice terraces, which span over 14 miles (about 23 kilometres) and are harvested three times per year. Take a guided walking tour amidst a beautiful panorama to the rice fields, and learn about how rice is produced and the local way of life here. Marvel at the cascading terraces of this awe-inspiring landscape. This captivating scenery stretches as far as the eye can see, and greets your arrival with an expansive mosaic of vibrant green hues cascading down its undulating slopes. The terraces are meticulously carved into the contours of the picturesque countryside, and offer breath-taking panoramic views and photo opportunities.

Lunch, Countryside, Tabanan Regency, Rice Paddies, Black-Sand Beaches, Tana Lot Temple

Next, walk towards to a local restaurant for lunch at your own expense and accompanied by splendid views of the rice terraces. After lunch, re-board your coach and drive through the Balinese countryside of the Tabanan Regency, renowned for its rice paddies and picturesque, black-sand beaches. Your final stop is an exterior visit to the Tana Lot Temple. Upon arrival, take a guided walk to the temple’s beautiful beachfront location, perched on an outcrop above the crashing waves below. View this iconic temple from several strategic viewpoints, including one in which the temple appears to be floating on air. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 1.75-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to the number of guests specified in the tour title. The price, exclusive of meals and gratuities, is per vehicle; therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program and the cost of the tour may be split between suites. Entrance fees mentioned in the tour description are included in the selling price for the number of guests specified in the tour title. Silversea Cruises does not match groups of guests to form a private group for the vehicle. Should your party size differ from the options available, please contact shoreconcierge@silversea.com. We suggest wearing light-weight comfortable clothing and flat walking shoes.  Meals and beverages are not included. Deviations to duration, venue admissions and additional camera or video fees will be charged to your onboard account.

The order of sites visited may vary, depending on sites opening times and operational reasons. This tour involves an extensive amount of driving over bumpy roads. The ride may be rough and uncomfortable at times, and guests will experience bumpy, jerking motions. This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.44 miles (about 0.72 kilometres), at times over uneven, rocky, sandy, slippery, and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach or van, 13 steps at Jatiluwah, 20 steps at the Taman Ayun Temple, and 30 steps at the Tanah Lot Temple. When visiting a Balinese temple, both men and women are expected to wear shirts that cover the shoulders and part of the upper arms. Flip-flops are perfectly acceptable, provided the overall look is modest.

An Evening at the Royal Palace
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-M

Explore the rich cultural heritage, flavours and daily life of the Balinese people during this memorable, half-day excursion to the Royal Palace with dinner.

Benoa, Blayu Village, Royal Palace of Puri Taman Sari, Pavilions, Tropical Garden, Shrines, Gates

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.75-hour drive to Blayu, a small village in the Tabanan District. Upon arrival, proceed to the magnificent former Royal Palace of Puri Taman Sari. Built in the 17th century, this spectacular landmark of historic architecture served as the Royal Palace of the Mengwi Dynasty ancestry. Designed in the style of ancient Balinese royal compound houses, Puri Taman Sari consists of a few pavilions. This wonderful Royal Palace complex also includes a fantastic, tropically landscaped garden, exquisite wooden shrines, beautifully-carved gates, coconut palms, and views of rice fields surrounding three rivers, making it one of the area's main attractions. Every move and breath of Balinese life can be felt from the environment and the hotel atmosphere.

Traditional Balinese Welcome Drink and Dance, Attractions and Activities, Indonesian Dinner

Upon arrival, you are warmly greeted by a group of Balinese women who are clad in their exquisite traditional dress, and present you with a graceful hospitality. As a Bleganjur music group performs for you, you are escorted to the lobby area where a refreshing drink awaits. After a welcome dance, observe a colourful procession before setting off to explore the many attractions and activities housed at the Puri Taman Sari. There are also areas where you can observe daily Balinese activities, many of which are performed by women, and include offering-making and traditional Balinese umbrella-making. Following your discovery of Balinese culture and activities, proceed for an Indonesian buffet dinner.

Traditional Kecak Dancing Performance

After dinner, you are regaled with an utterly unique and fascinating performance of the Kecak Dance. This traditional dance recounts a tale from the Ramayana, an epic story that found its way from India to Indonesia. During the dance, the only musical accompaniment is the chanting by men positioned in a concentric circle on the stage. As the men chant and rhythmically sway to the music, colourfully costumed dancers weave and intertwine their way amongst them. Lit only by glowing torches, the shadows cast by the dancers, combined with the haunting chanting, create a truly mesmerising and unforgettable experience. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 1.75-hour drive back to the ship.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 273 yards (about 250 metres), at time over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 15 steps at Puri Taman Sari. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable, smart-casual clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour. The total driving time between the pier and Puri Taman Sari is approximately 1.75 hours in each direction. The tour sequence may vary.

Bali Quad Bike Discovery
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 9.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-F

Experience the panoramic natural beauty of Bali in an exciting new way during this full-day, off-road excursion.

Scenic Bali Drive and Bali Quad Discovery

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately two and half hours drive to Bali Quad Discovery. En route, pass through the serene hamlets of Br. Seming, Desa Kertha, Payangan Gianyar, magnificent Balinese villages and verdant green rice fields. Upon arrival at Bali Quad Discover, proceed to the restaurant for a refreshment stop, then change your clothing in the changing rooms and assemble at the reception facility of Bali Quad Discovery. Here, receive your safety and riding instructions for your quad bike and buggy car, then familiarize yourself with these vehicles during a ride in the test-drive area. Afterward, begin your guided, off-road adventure.

Bamboo Forests, Rainforests and Plantations

Your route passes through a bamboo forest, rainforest, tropical plantations, small pathways, and bumpy and muddy trails. A stop is made at a quiet hamlet.

Here, you can visit a village temple and typical Balinese housing compound with its traditional architecture. Following your visit, re-board your quad bike or buggy car, and continue riding pass and through bumpy, muddy trails and the tropical rainforest. A brief refreshment and photo stop is made at a viewpoint overlooking distant rice terraces. After re-boarding your quad bike or buggy car, and ride slowly pass rice-paddies and cacao, banana and tropical plantations. Upon completing your ride, head to the Bali Quad Discovery for a hot shower and change of clothing, then proceed for a local buffet lunch at the venue's restaurant.

Plantation Tours and Tastings

After lunch, re-board the van for a leisurely drive pass the villages of Lod Tunduh, then continue on to the local family coffee plantations. Here, take a guided walking tour of plantations growing coffee, cacao, tropical fruit and spices. Next, observe a demonstration of the Balinese coffee-making process, then participate in a tasting of delicious, hot Bali coffee, chocolate, ginger coffee, and coconut coffee. At the conclusion of your visit you can browse the high-quality Luwak coffee and other products for sale, then re-board your van and commence the approximately one and half hours drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of off-road driving and walking for approximately 437 yards (400 metres), at times over bumpy and uneven surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the off-road vehicle, 12 steps at the Negari Plantation and 18 steps at Bali Quad Discovery. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with back and/or neck problems, guests who suffer from claustrophobia, motion sickness and a fear of heights, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed -toe walking shoes, and bring a change of clothing and sun protection from the ship. Guests must be at least five years old to participate on thi s tour. The maximum age to participate to this tour is 65 years old. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Balinese Arts & Crafts
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.75 Stunden
Code: DPS-E

Explore the unique arts and crafts produced by entire villages of Balinese craftsmen during this half-day excursion to Tohpati, Celuk, Lod Tunduh and Kemenuh.

Tohpati Village

Depart the pier for the scenic, 45-minute drive to Tohpati Village. Upon arrival, a visit is made to a batik factory. One of the most striking things about Bali is the rich variety of cloth and material that can be found in the many shops throughout the island. The myriad of batik clothes and sarongs on the market are mainly imported from Java. A large proportion of woven clothing, or 'ikat', is imported from the islands of Sumba and Flores; the beautiful 'songket' fabrics worn by Balinese dancers are prime examples. Guest will have opportunity to purchase the product.

Celuk Village

Next, re-board your coach and proceed for a visit to Gold and Silver Workshop at Celuk Village. The production of high-quality gold and silver jewellery, including rings, bracelets and amulets worn for ceremonial use and special occasions, has been a tradition in Bali for many years. Upon arrival, explore the jewellery-making process and browse the high-quality creations. Guest will have opportunity to purchase the product.

Lod Tunduh Village

Next, re-board your coach and proceed for a visit to Painting Workshop at Lod Tunduh village, noted for its painters, traditional Balinese paintings were strictly limited to three basic kinds. Most of the paintings were narratives with mythological themes, illustrating stories from hindu epics and literature. U nder the influence of western painters who settled in Bali in the 1930s - Balinese artist started painting single scenes instead of narratives tales, using images from everyday life as their theme,

Kemenuh Village

Your final stop is the woodcarving Workshop at Kemenuh village. Bali woodcarving was traditionally featured largely in temple and palace architecture. It included intricately-carved demons and mythical beings that adorned pillars, door panels and window shutters to protect buildings from evil. With the arrival of European influences, woodcarving incorporated more innovative and commercial lines. During your visit, observe how craftsmen turn slabs of wood into intricate statues. Guest will have opportunity to purchase the product. re-board your coach and commence the drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 305 yards (275 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and steps at the sites visited. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Long rides may be anticipated (due to varying local traffic conditions). Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. The ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility. 

Balinese Countryside and local Lifestyle
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 9.75 Stunden
Code: DPS-S

Experience the traditional culture and lifestyles of the Balinese people during this immersive, full-day sightseeing excursion.

Benoa, Tabanan, Local Rice Fields, Coffee and Cocoa Plantations, Vegetable Farm, Tunjuk Village

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately two-hour drive to the small village of Tunjuk, located in the Regency of Tabanan. En route, pass by a stunning panorama of local rice fields, coffee and cocoa plantations, and a vegetable farm. Upon arrival at the Taman Sari Buwana Home Base, receive a warm welcome and brief introduction from your local guide, then begin your interactive journey into the traditional culture and lifestyles of the Balinese people.

Elementary School Visit

Begin with a guided stroll through shaded countryside pathways en route to a village elementary school. Upon arrival, observe teaching and learning activity (with exceptional school holiday, exam, and on Saturday - after school at 10:00 a.m.), meet and communicate with the students in English, as they have been studying basic English since they were in the fourth grade.

Local Village and Home Visit, Observe/Participate in Traditional Daily and Rice-Farming Activities

Next, a visit is made to a local village, and the home of a local family. Participate in, and explore, their traditional daily activities and attractions, including traditional Balinese cake-making and religious offerings, peeling coconut skin, and grating coconut in their traditional way utilising a very simple tool. Following your visit, return to the Taman Sari Buwana Home Base for an opportunity to explore the nearby rice fields and participate in farming activities, including preparing the land, ploughing the rice fields, and cultivating or planting rice. Should you opt not to participate in the farming activities, you can relax and observe them whilst sitting casually at the traditional huts in the middle of the rice fields.

Coconut Tree-Climbing, Balinese Lunch, Tohpati Village, Batik Cloth Production and Shopping

Following the farming activities, walk through the dykes between the rice fields en route to an area of tropical plantations. Observe a demonstration of climbing coconut trees, where a young coconut is picked for your refreshments, then return to the Home Base of Taman Sari Buwana. Upon arrival, take a break and sample boiled cassava before enjoying a typical Balinese set-menu lunch. After lunch, re-board your coach and head to Tohpati Village, renowned for producing exceptional Batik cloth. Observe skilled artisans utilising different methods of applying colours and prints to the fabric, and browse and purchase the items for sale. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 60-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.64 miles (about 1.035 kilometres), at time over uneven, cobblestone, grassy and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and approximately 39 steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair.  We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and sights visited is approximately two hours in each direction.Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. The ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility. The tour sequence and timings may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Balinese Style Wellness Journey
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 9.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-001

Relax, unwind, and indulge your senses in style during this immersive, full-day Balinese wellness excursion with lunch at the exclusive Maya Ubud Resort & Spa.

Benoa, Scenic Drive, Maya Ubud Resort & Spa, Lush, Tropical Landscaping, River Valley

Depart the pier with your guide for the incredibly scenic, approximately two-hour drive by your reserved transportation to the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa. En route, your ride along bumpy, countryside roads lined with lush vegetation and exquisite panoramic views, and through vibrant local villages such as Sanur, Batubulan, and Batuan, is rewarded with a visit to the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa. Upon arrival at the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa, you are warmly welcomed by the friendly staff and escorted to the meditation venue.

Meditation Demonstration

Upon arrival at the meditation venue, your knowledgeable and experienced instructor demonstrates the proper posture and breathing techniques for meditation. Meditation in Bali is a core part of the culture, and the Balinese live in a truly calm serenity to create balance and clarify in their lives. Meditation is a practice to control and transform the mind by developing mental clarify, increasing concentration, and a general awareness and acceptance of ourselves and our surroundings. It is a mental exercise of resting and showing the mind down to achieve a sense of calm, helping us to break mental habits we may be unaware of, reduce stress, and ultimately increase our happiness and acceptance.

Spa Pavilion, Spa Treatment, Balinese Massage

Next, a short walk brings you to the Spa Pavilion. Upon arrival, relax and unwind during a delightful spa treatment specially designed to improve circulation, reduce inflammation in the body, and enhance the body’s autoimmune response. In addition, going to a spa to relax and be pampered can improve yourself-esteem and improve mental clarify. The Balinese believed that the body, mind, and spirit work in harmony, and the health and well-being of all make the whole world happy. The unique blend of soothing massage techniques that comprise traditional Balinese massage were designed to help improve circulation and relaxation, and release muscle tension.

Lunch, Celuk Village,

Following your spa treatment, proceed for an Indonesian-style, set-menu lunch at the restaurant located inside the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa. After lunch, re-board your transportation for the approximately 50-minute drive to Celuk Village, a production hub for gold and silver jewellery on the island of Bali. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board and commence the approximately 1.5-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.56 miles (about 0.91 kilometres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the van or coach/bus, six steps at Celuk Village, and 48 steps at the Maya Ubud Resort. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight clothing, a hat, comfortable walking shoes and sun glasses is recommended and remember to bring changing clothes (the changing room is very local and join public). Guests must be at least 16 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is a very popular language in Bali, local tour guides tend to have a strong accent. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. The cost of providing a tour programme in Indonesia is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring nations. Unfortunately, this is reflected in the prices of the tours, and we thank you for your understanding. Expect crowds, delays, and local traffic; the traffic may impact the duration of your tour. Expect warm and humid weather conditions. Guests should be respectful towards local sentiments, customs, and traditions. Please take precautions to protect your belongings. Leave all valuables on board. ightweight clothing, a hat, comfortable walking shoes and sun glasses is recommended and remember to bring changing clothes (the changing room is very local and join public).
Beach Resort Escape
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 6.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-R

Traveling from the pier it's a 30-minutes drive to The Laguna Resort & Spa.

Laguna Resort & Spa

Located on the shores of Nusa Dua, Bali's prestigious resorts enclave namely The Laguna Resort & Spa, boasts panoramic views of the Indian Ocean with lush gardens and the heady perfume of native flora. Nestled on Nusa Dua's pristine white and sand beach, the resort is harmonized with the landscaped tropical gardens to create a relaxed and tranquil environment.

Upon reaching the resort, lovely and friendly staffs will greet your arrival in nicely hospitality. You will then be served lunch, and have use of the resort's beach and swimming pool during your visit.

Following your visit of approximately 5.5 hours, you will re-board your coach for the 30-minutes return drive to the pier.

Please Note: This tour requires a minimal amount of walking and it is at guest's own pace with a few steps to negotiate to get on / off the coach and steps at the site visited. Beach towels and outdoor sun beds will be provided. Guests wishing to spend time at the resort's pool or beach are strongly advised to bring along a swimsuit, sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Guests wishing to return to Benoa Harbour earlier may secure a taxi with the resort's reception at their own expense. US Dollars, Euros, or other major currencies are generally accepted. Money Exchange to obtain Indonesian Rupiah will be available inside the terminal before departing for your Shore Excursion. Guests wishing to use the Spa facilities, they may reserve at their own expenses.

Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. The ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility and understanding.

Coastal Traditions & Sacred Cliffs
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.25 Stunden
Code: DPS-010

Kedonganan Beach Fishing Village

Learn how life in Bali reflects a weaving of traditions, culture, and respect for the island’s natural treasures. Start your journey from the Benoa pier, traveling to the Kedonganan Beach Fishing Village, a vibrant coastal community where age-old traditions meet the rhythm of the sea. Explore the bustling fish market and glimpse the daily life of Bali’s fishing families, centered on the fresh catch delivered daily by local fishermen. Walk along the shore of the beautiful white sand beach and soak in the atmosphere of a working fishing village with the salty sea breeze filling the air.

Uluwatu Temple

Reboard your coach and continue to the majestic and iconic Uluwatu Temple, perched on top of a towering cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean. This ancient sea temple, dedicated to the spirits of the sea, is one of Bali’s most revered spiritual sites. As you explore the temple grounds with playful monkeys jotting about, marvel at the breathtaking views of the ocean and the dramatic cliffs that make Uluwatu so unique. The temple’s sacred atmosphere, combined with its stunning natural setting, offers a truly awe-inspiring experience. Your coach then departs for the 1 hour, 45-minute drive across lush landscapes back to the pier to meet the ship.

Please note: This moderate activity excursion involves approximately 700 meters of walking with some inclines and on some uneven surfaces, cobblestones, and grass. Guests will need to navigate steps, some of which are big and with no handrail. There will be periods of standing on both paved and unpaved surfaces. For this reason, it is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or confined guests. Lightweight, comfortable, clothing with sturdy, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and a sun protective hat are recommended. Everyone must wear a sarong and sash to enter the temple, which will be provided by tour operator. Bring sun protection and insect repellant. No beverages or meals are provided; water on the bus is available.

For your own safety please don’t touch or disturb the monkeys because their reactions are unpredictable. Especially be aware around baby monkeys, they may seem harmless, but their mothers are very defensive of them. Please take care of your personal belongings or leave them onboard if not necessary (sunglasses, earrings, jewelry, etc). The order of sights seen may vary.

Infrastructure in Bali is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, Tour Guides, Hotels, Restaurants, equipment, and services are the best available in the area but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Expect crows, delays, and local traffic; which may impact the duration of your tour.

Denpasar City Orientation
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-011

Jagatnatha Temple

Embark on your journey to uncover Bali’s spirit and culture, taking off from the Benoa pier on a 45-minute coach ride to the Jagatnatha Temple, Bali’s largest dedicated to the Hindu supreme deity Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. Immerse yourself in the temple’s sacred ambiance and admire this architectural masterpiece with its intricate carvings, towering shrines, and vast courtyard – a center Balinese spiritual activities and cultural celebrations.

Bali Museum

Within walking distance is the Bali Museum, founded in the early 20th century to collect and preserve prehistoric, historical, and ethnographic objects, safeguarding Bali’s cultural treasures. The museum’s architecture blends Balinese and European influences, paying homage to the area’s heritage through stone carvings and bas reliefs. Within its walls, four main buildings house vast collections ranging from classical Kamasan-style paintings to ancient statues and inscriptions. You’ll see weapons dating back to Bali’s Bronze Age, pre-Hindu-era ritual items, contemporary artifacts like wayang kulit (shadow puppets), theatrical masks, and many others.

Bajra Sandi Monument

Continue your journey, stopping next at the Bajra Sandi Monument, a striking structure symbolizing the Balinese struggle for independence. Here, you’ll have a chance to take photos memorializing the monument’s grandeur with its lotus-shaped base and towering pinnacle, a powerful reminder of Bali’s resilience and spirit.

Griya Gede Keniten Sanur,

As your tour draws to a close, you’ll visit the Griya Gede Keniten Sanur, a Balinese Hindu vicarage with architecture and layout serenely designed according to local feng shui, known as “Asta Kosala Kosali.” The home’s structure follows the Tri Mandala concept or three spaces: the Nista Mandala, Madya Mandala, and Utama Mandala. Enjoy refreshments of local coffee and snacks before your coach returns on an approximately 30-minute trip to the Benoa pier to join the ship.

Please Note: This moderate activity excursion involves approximately 700 meters of walking with some inclines and on some uneven surfaces, cobblestones, and grass. Guests will need to navigate steps, some big and with no handrail. There will be periods of standing on both paved and unpaved surfaces. For this reason, it is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or confined guests. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with sturdy, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and a sun-protective hat is recommended. Everyone must wear a sarong and sash to enter the temple; the ground operator will provide them. Bring sun protection and insect repellant. No beverages or meals are provided; water on the bus is available. The order of sights seen may vary.

Infrastructure in Bali is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, Tour Guides, Hotels, Restaurants, equipment, and services are the best available in the area but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent.

Heavenly Spa Escape
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-008

Departing from the pier in Benoa with your welcoming driver/guide, relax and enjoy a leisurely morning drive of about 30 minutes that will take you to the Hyatt Regency Bali, a beachfront resort in Sanur, to enjoy a blissful spa treatment.

Hyatt Regency Bali SPA

Upon arrival, you’ll be escorted to the resort’s Spa Pavilion to pamper yourself in a two-hour wellness ritual that starts with a 60-minute Balinese massage, a traditional treatment that uses massage pressure and stretching techniques to relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation, and relaxation. Then, enjoy a 30-minute body scrub and botanical hair treatment followed by a refreshing Dermalogica Pro facial.


To cap off your holistic spa treatment, enjoy either coconut water (served with ice) or jamu kunyit asam (served warm). Jamu kunyit asam is a traditional Indonesian herbal drink made with turmeric and brown sugar. Both nutrient-rich drinks are known for their health benefits.

At the conclusion of your rejuvenating experience, re-board your vehicle for the drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking of approx. 300 meters (985 feet) and is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair; however, guests must be able to negotiate some steps, including getting on and off the van unassisted. Transfer to the resort is by van and the roads may be bumpy at times. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and flat, closed-toe walking shoes are recommended. Guests are advised to bring their bathing suits as they can use SPA facilities such as jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, and cold plunge. Towels, slippers and bathrobes will be provided at the SPA. Please also bring your credit card or cash in Indonesian Rupiah from the ship for any additional expenses at the SPA and/or souvenirs.

Infrastructure in Bali is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, Tour Guides, Hotels, Restaurants, equipment, and services are the best available in the area but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent.

Interior Beauty of Bali
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 8.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-007

Experience the breath-taking tropical scenery, cascading rice terraces, and local villages of Bali’s interior countryside during this panoramic, full-day sightseeing excursion with lunch.

Benoa, Scenic Drive, Denpasar, Baha Village, Traditional Balinese Housing Compound

Depart the pier with your guide for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hou drive by van to Baha Village. En route, traverse the middle of Bali Island along bumpy, countryside roads lined with lush vegetation. Pass through Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, main gateway to the island, and a hub for other cities in the Lesser Sunda Islands. Upon arrival at Baha Village, take a guided tour of a traditional Balinese housing compound, which features several individual structures set in one housing area. Please follow your tour guide’s instructions, as you are visiting private property and special care must be taken to ensure the owner’s privacy. During your visit, you are permitted to take photos, and enter the kitchen and other structures.

Rice Fields, Vegetable Farms, Plantations, Jatiluwih Cascading Rice Terraces

Leaving Baha Village, re-board your coach and traverse an expanse of rice fields, then pass by vegetable farms and plantations growing rice, cocoa and coffee en route to the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces. A hidden gem tucked way amidst the lush landscapes of Bali, Jatiluwih is home to Bali’s largest rice terraces, which span over 14 miles (about 23 kilometres) and are harvested three times per year. Upon arrival at Jatiluwih, take a short, guided walking tour amidst a beautiful panorama to the rice fields, and learn about how rice is produced and the local way of life here. Upon reaching the rice fields, marvel at their cascading terraces across the picturesque countryside, a striking feature of this awe-inspiring landscape.

Vibrant Green Hues, Undulating Slopes, Lunch, Panurangan Village, Taman Beji Pancoran Solas

This natural wonder unveils a captivating panorama stretching as far as the eye can see, and greets your arrival with an expansive mosaic of vibrant green hues cascading down its undulating slopes. The terraces are meticulously carved into the contours of the land, and offer breath-taking panoramic views and photo opportunities. After lunch at a local restaurant, head to Panurangan Village for a final stop at Taman Beji Pancoran Solas, a picturesque haven with a large fishpond and holy showers that provides a serene atmosphere for relaxation, enjoying the fresh air, and for purification rituals. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your van and commence the approximately 1.75-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of driving over bumpy roads. The ride may be rough and uncomfortable at times, and guests will experience bumpy, jerking motions. This tour involves an extensive amount of walking for approximately 683 yards (about 625 metres), at times over uneven, cobblestone, and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the van, five steps at the Balinese House Compound, 20 steps at the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, and 40 steps at Taman Beji Pancoran Solas. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with sturdy, flat, and closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, raingear, bottled water, and local currency or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Please dress conservatively when going ashore. Proper attire is required to enter religious sites; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. As a rule, women should not wear anything remotely revealing (mini-skirts, shorts, capris, beachwear, and sleeveless or low-cut tops), and men should always wear shirts and trousers in public. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Guests must always carry their ship’s ID ashore. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is a very popular language in Bali, local tour guides tend to have a strong accent. Therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and ...
Life on the Edge of Ubud
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: DPS-N

Explore the rich cultural heritage, traditions, religion and daily life of the Balinese people during this scenic and informative, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Benoa, Countryside Drive, Balinese House Compound

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 90 -minute drive to the small village of Batuan, and a visit to the Balinese House Compound. Upon arrival, take a lovely, guided stroll through shaded Balinese countryside pathways leading up to one of the traditional Balinese house compounds, a typical building utilised as a local settlement.

Balinese House Tour, Bedulu, Countryside Drive, Elephant Cave

During your visit, your guide explains how the Balinese live communally and harmoniously. The Balinese home is often viewed as a living organism. Much like a human being, it has a head (the ancestral shrine), arms (the sleeping quarters and living room), and legs and feet (the kitchen and rice granaries). This walking tour offers a unique insight into conventional Balinese life.

Next, your journey continues with a picturesque drive through the Bedulu countryside en route to a stop at the Elephant Cave, an ancient Hindu monastery. This ancient monastery was built in the early -11th century during the reign of one of the most famous Balinese kings, Udayana, who ruled with his Javanese queen. After Udayana died, the hermitage was restored by his famous children, Airlangga, Marakatta and Anak Wungsu.

Guided Cave Tour, Return Drive, Benoa

Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour of the Elephant Cave, which was used by both Buddhist and Hindu monks, as well as the kings and their descendants, likely as a place of retreat and meditation. The cave was discovered in 1923, but the rest of the compound, including the bathing area, statues of the water spout a nd other statues were excavated by archaeologists in 1954. At the conclusion of your memorable visit, re-board the coach and commence the 1.75-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 470 yards (about 430 metres), at time over uneven and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the bus, five steps at the Balinese House Compound and 60 steps at the Elephant Cave, some without railing. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests suffering from claustrophobia, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes at all times due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour. The total driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately 3.75 hours. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. The ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility and understanding. The tour sequence may vary.

Magical Temples & Orchid Gardens
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 10.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-B

Explore Bali's religious past and the verdant beauty of the island's lush countryside during this temple tour, and a scenic visit to Bali's Orchid Garden.

Depart the pier for the drive to Tanah Lot Temple. En route, a visit to a batik workshop offers a unique opportunity to admire the artistry and techniques involved in producing the famous batik cloth, a tradition that has been passed down for generations. Guest will have time to purchase the product.

Tanah Lot

Next, proceed to the Tanah Lot Temple, Bali's most photographed temple. The black lava towers of this sacred, 16th-century temple stand on a rocky outcrop 656 feet (200 metres) offshore. Although crossing to the temple is only possible during low tide, you can photograph it from the opposite shore.

Following your visit, your journey continues with a drive toward the village of Blayu for a buffer lunch at the local restaurant. During lunch enjoy a Balinese dance performance.


Pura Taman Ayun

After lunch, a visit is made to Taman Ayun temple. This amazing, 16th-century temple complex served as the family temple of the Mengwi Dynasty, whose kingdom survived until the late-1800s. Mengwi's main attraction, the temple is adorned with a wide moat, exquisite wooden shrines and beautifully carved gates.

Leaving Taman Ayun, a 85-minute drive brings you to the Bali Orchid Garden, located near Sanur.

Bali Orchid Garden

Opened in 1999, the Bali Orchid Garden provides a relaxing, tropical haven where you can stroll amidst a wide variety of exotic flowers and plants. However, the garden's most noteworthy exhibit is its fabulous orchid collection.

Following this delightful visit, your scenic journey through Bali concludes with scenic return drive to the pier in Benoa.

Please note: This tour requires an extensive amount walking. It is not recommended for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes at all times due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Long rides may be anticipated (due to varying local traffic conditions). Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. Mean of transportation used for this tour is van and the ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility.

Mystical Floating Temple and Crater Lake
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 9.75 Stunden
Code: DPS-O

Discover the local lifestyles, traditions and temples in the lush, verdant countryside and uplands of Bali during this panoramic, full-day sightseeing excursion.

Benoa, Mengwi Pass, Lukluk, Penarungan & Luwus Countrysides, Coffee Plantation Tour/Tasting

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately two-hour drive through the lush, green countrysides of Mengwi Pass, Lukluk and Penarungan en route to Luwus, and a visit to a coffee plantation. Upon arrival, take a guided visit along shaded pathways for an up-close look at the traditional growing and production processes. Following your tour, proceed for a tasting of different kinds of local coffee.

Ulun Danu Lake Beratan Temple, Crater-Lake

Next, re-board your coach and continue on to the Bali highland of Bedugul for a visit to the Ulun Danu Lake Beratan Temple. One of the magnificent Balinese Hindu temples located on a lake at the edge of a huge crater, the Ulun Danu Lake Beratan Temple can be traced back to the rise of the Mengwi Kingdom. The temple was built in the 17th century in worship of the many Hindu Trinity; Brahma, Wisnu, Ciwa and the crater-lake Goddess, Dewi Danu. The name of the temple, Ulun Danu, is taken from the crater-lake on which the temple is built, and the temple is dedicated to Dewi Danu. The dominant shrines here are the 'merus' (pagodas). The exquisite beauty and cool atmosphere of the Bali uplands make this crater-lake and temple a popular, and frequently photographed, sightseeing and recreation spot.

Lunch, Tohpati Village, Batik Processing Centre, Batik Fabric-Making Demonstration

Following your visit, re-board your coach and proceed for lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, re-board your coach and head to your final stop, the small village of Tohpati, for a visit to the Batik Processing Centre. Upon arrival at this workshop setting, observe from up-close a demonstration of the traditional techniques utilised in making Batik fabrics, which are made completely by hand. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 295 yards (about 270 metres), at time over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, five steps at the restaurant and Batik Workshop, ten steps at the Coffee Plantation and 20 steps at the Ulun Danu Bedugul Temple. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes at all times due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour. The total driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately 3.5 hours. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. The ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility. The tour sequence may vary.

Panoramic Bali with Luwak Coffee Tasting
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.25 Stunden
Code: DPS-Q

Starting off from the Pier of Benoa, a leisurely morning drive of one hour and 45-minute brings you into the Balinese countryside.

Village of Lod Tunduh, Coffee plantation

You will first visit the village of Lod Tunduh to visit Local Coffee Plantations. Upon arrival, a guided walk through shaded pathway to explore coffee plantations and other tropical spices as well as to observe up-close the Bali coffee making process.

This offers a wonderful experience trip on your holiday in Bali where you can taste our local coffee, tea and Luwak coffee. The local Balinese farmers are very creative to plant variety of coffee but two species of coffee that mostly planted in this island includes Robusta and Arabica. The farmers are stepping into a new idea to create their coffee plantation where you may visit it with some variety of coffee for testing. Despitefully, you'll have a good opportunity to try our local Balinese snake-skin fruits.

Village of Batuan, Visit of a typical Balinese House Compound

Following your delightful visit, your journey continues on to the small village of Batuan to visit a typical Balinese House Compound. When you get to the small village, join your Tour Guide as you walk through shaded countryside's pathways until you reach the entrance gate of a stunning traditional Balinese House Compound, is the traditional Balinese house complex with several houses building separately set in one house area. The buildings are mostly designed by Balinese architectures taking daily social Balinese life concept pointing out the hospitality. It is very charming concept of house building consisted of several buildings with different purpose of activities. Mostly, the Balinese people house equipped by major house building includes Bale Daja ( building set in the north ), Bale Dangin ( building set in the east ), Bale Delod ( building set in the south ) and a kitchen set in the west.

Village of Sanur, Mertasari Temple

As your tour draws to a close, you'll make your way to the final stop at the coastal village of Sanur to visit one of Balinese Hindu Temples called Mertasari Temple, located on the southern end of Sanur Beach is tucked under a canopy of dense tree cover. After touring the temple ground and conclusion of your memorable visit, your motor coach then brings you back directly to the pier of Benoa, commencing approximately a half an hour drive from Mertasari Temple.

Arrive back to the Pier of Benoa.

Please Note: This tour includes a total amount of 200 mt walking and with a few steps to negotiate to get on / off the coach and steps at the site visited. However, the sites are not wheelchair accessible and therefore it is not available to wheelchair guests. Lightweight clothing, a hat, comfortable walking shoes, sun glasses and sun protection are recommended. This tour is conducted on a 28 seats coach. The order of site visited may vary or reversed. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. Mean of transportation used for this tour is van and the ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility and understanding.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-W

Explore Bali at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Guide is English-speaking. Participation is limited to up to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this programme. Please see the Shore Concierge on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-V

Explore Bali at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Guide is English-speaking. Participation is limited to up to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this programme. Please see the Shore Concierge on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-Y

Explore Bali at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Guide is English-speaking. Participation is limited to up to 4 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this programme. Please see the Shore Concierge on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-X

Explore Bali at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Guide is English-speaking. Participation is limited to up to 4 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this programme. Please see the Shore Concierge on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Spiritual and Natural Harmony
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-009

Vihara Satya Dharma

Bali’s lush landscapes and natural treasures are inspiring, but what makes this destination equally memorable is the spiritual ambiance that permeates its culture. Traveling from the Benoa pier, you’ll arrive at Vihara Satya Dharma after a roughly 30-minute drive. This modern Chinese Buddhist temple’s beautiful architecture and facades depict scenes from Chinese legends like Bodhisattva Guan Yin, the goddess of compassion. The auspicious symbols, carvings, and vibrant colors represent Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism teachings, with an outdoor altar dedicated to Hindu gods. As you stroll the peaceful halls and grounds, experience the region’s serene spirituality.

Batuan Temple

The next stop is one of Bali’s most revered temples, the over 1,000-year-old Batuan Temple, which stands as a portal to Bali’s rich history and a testament to its enduring culture. Here in this living monument, the region’s traditions come to life. Adorn a sarong, which will be provided for you, and delve into the stories behind these temple walls, admire the classical Balinese architecture, and explore the sacred courtyards. Your time here will unlock insight into Bali’s ancient religious practices and show the deep spiritual significance temples hold in daily Balinese life.

Orchid Garden

Before your roughly 1-hour drive back to the pier, visit the Orchid Garden, a haven for orchid lovers and nature enthusiasts nestled amidst the countryside. Here, intoxicating fragrances fill the air, and expansive collections of orchids offer a feast for the senses. Learn of orchid care and propagation and stroll the greenhouses and gardens showcasing the island’s rich floral heritage.

Please note: This moderate activity excursion involves approximately 450 meters of walking; guests may encounter some steps, uneven surfaces, and periods of standing on both paved and unpaved surfaces and guests must take off shoes to enter the Vihara. For this reason, it is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or confined guests. Lightweight, comfortable, clothing with sturdy, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and a sun protective hat are recommended. Everyone must wear a sarong and scarf to enter the Batuan Temple; ground operator will provide. Bring sun protection and insect repellant. No beverages or meals are provided; water on the bus is available. The order of sights seen may vary.

Infrastructure in Bali is basic, and local conditions may be challenging. Vehicles, Tour Guides, Hotels, Restaurants, equipment, and services are the best available in the area but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent.

The Essence of Balinese Cuisine
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 6.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-C

Capture the essence of Balinese cooking during this tour, hands-on cooking demonstration at Bali's Anika Balinese Cooking School. Bali is known for its flavourful cuisine and attractive presentation. This outing offers a unique culinary and cultural experience led by the chef of the school.

Departing the pier, a short drive takes you to Tuban near the main Kuta area. Tuban, with its quieter and more relaxed atmosphere, has developed over the past few years as a prime resort area and a favourite amongst visitors. Once a fishing village with its white sand beach, Tuban is now home to the Anika Balinese Cooking School.

Anika Balinese Cooking School

Fresh ingredients and local produce are the true taste of Bali. Bali cooking is a creative process that is simple and a lot of fun. Learn the techniques and become familiar with the fresh herbs, spices, and other ingredients that make Balinese food delightfully tasty as well as nutritious and cleansing. Explore different ways to blend and balance the varied flavours to create a stimulating array of unique tastes. Try your hand at the Balinese mortar and pestle, blend spices, and discover how to create the delicate balance of curry or bumbu.

Through demonstration and hands-on experience, prepare lunch and dine together on an assortment of exquisite dishes, from satay and grilled fish and curries to black rice pudding dessert. Afterwards, enjoy the fruits of your labour, accompanied by local beer or soft drinks.

The Van then returns you to the pier in Benoa.

Please note: This tour requires little walking, however there are approximately 20 stairs to negotiate at the cooking school. It is not suitable for guests utilising a wheelchair or those with limited mobility. We suggest wearing light and comfortable clothing and turdy walking shoes at all times due to basic road and walkway condition, sun protection and insect repellent. Guests are advised that the venue is no-air conditioned. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. Mean of transportation used for this tour is van and the ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility. The venue is semi open air with no air-condition.

Ubud On Your Own Exploration
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 7.0 Stunden
Code: DPS-003

Experience the splendid tropical beauty, history, and flavours of Bali at your leisure during this picturesque, full-day, self-guided excursion to Ubud.

Benoa, Scenic Drive, Lush Vegetation, Local Villages, Ubud Town Centre

Depart the pier with your guide for the incredibly scenic, approximately two-hour drive to the centre of Ubud Town. En route, your ride along bumpy, countryside roads lined with lush vegetation, and through local villages such as Sanur, Batubulan, and Batuan, is rewarded with a visit to Ubud Town. Often referred to as the ‘Cultural Capital’ of Bali, this bustling town in the heart of Bali is surrounded by lush river-valleys and rice paddy fields. In addition to its unique, larger-than-life culture and style, Ubud Town is renowned for its handicrafts, verdant, green, tropical jungles, rice fields, and Hindu temples, vibrant arts and crafts scene, and a diverse food scene offering some of the best restaurants and finest cuisine on Bali.

Puri Lukisan Museum, Self-Guided Walking Tour, Ubud Royal Palace, Architecture, Countryside

Upon arrival at the centre of Ubud Town, you are dropped off at the Puri Lukisan Museum, which also serves as your meeting-point following your self-guided walking tour. Sites to be seen may include the Puri Saren Agung (Ubud Royal Palace), one of the most iconic landmarks in town. Located opposite and a short stroll from the Ubud Art Market, the Ubud Royal Palace is a great place for a quick glimpse into the royal family’s former daily life and Balinese culture, and wonderful photo opportunities of the intricate architecture and lovely countryside. For the Royal Family’s privacy, only a small portion of the Ubud Royal Palace, up until the middle courtyard, is open for public viewing; entrance to the inner courtyard of the Royal Palace is prohibited.  Nearby is the Ubud Art Market. The most popular market in Bali, it is a great place to browse for locally made Balinese items that are unique and unavailable elsewhere.

Ubud Art Market, Scarves, Handmade Woven Bags, Baskets & Hats, Handicrafts,

Browse beautiful scarves, handmade woven bags, baskets, hats, and many other hand-crafted goods. Bargaining is expected here, and everyone does, as there are no fixed prices.

Saraswati Temple, Beautiful Architecture & Setting, Tranquil Pond, Lotus Flowers

Ubud is also home to ancient temples, and a visit to the Saraswati Temple is recommended. Located near the Puri Lukisan Museum and amongst the most popular destinations in Ubud, historic Saraswati boasts beautifully intricate architecture and is revered for its exquisite setting. Perhaps the most striking feature of this temple is the tranquil pond filled with hundreds of blooming lotus flowers. Finally, Ubud offers some of the best food and restaurants in Bali for dining at your own expense. Your guide can recommend the finest restaurants according to your unique tastes and preferences. Following your tour, return to the Puri Lukisan Museum, re-board and commence the approximately two-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking, at times over uneven and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the bus and at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with sturdy, flat, and closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, bottled water, and local currency or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Please dress conservatively when going ashore. When visiting a Balinese temple, both men and women are expected to wear shirts that cover the shoulders and part of the upper arms. Flip-flops are perfectly acceptable, provided the overall look is modest. Guests must be at least 8 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately two hours in each direction. Please take precautions to protect your belongings. Leave all valuables on board.Guests should be respectful towards local sentiments, customs, and traditions. For your own comfort and safety whilst walking on the side of the road, please be on the left-hand side in accordance with the local traffic regulations. The tour sequence and timings may vary. Infrastructure in Benoa is basic: coaches, guides, hotels, restaurants, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. Traffic may impact the duration of your tour. Mean of transportation used for this tour is van and the ride can be bumpy. While riding your coach you may observe local life and Bali's vibrant Arts and Craft scene. Although English is very popular language in Bali, local Tour Guides tend to have a strong accent therefore we urge flexibility and undestanding as we visit unique and somewhat r...

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