Wetter in Amsterdam
Hafenkarte: Amsterdam
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Amsterdam
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Amsterdam mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Landausflüge in Amsterdam

ca. 4 Std.
Nach etwa 1-stündiger Busfahrt erreichen Sie den niederländischen Regierungssitz Den Haag. Seit 1831 residiert hier auch das Königshaus. Sie fahren über elegante Alleen und Boulevards, an denen sich Botschaften zahlreicher Länder und der Internationale Gerichtshof befinden. Mehr als 150 internationale Organisationen haben ihren Sitz in Den Haag, das auch als Welthauptstadt der Gerichtsbarkeit gilt. Nach der etwa 1-stündigen Panoramafahrt und Gelegenheit für einen Spaziergang fahren Sie zurück nach Amsterdam zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)
ca. 5 Std.
Nach etwa einer Stunde Busfahrt erreichen Sie den niederländischen Regierungssitz Den Haag. Seit 1831 residiert hier auch das Königshaus. Sie fahren über elegante Alleen und Boulevards, an denen sich Botschaften zahlreicher Länder und der Internationale Gerichtshof befinden. Mehr als 150 internationale Organisationen haben ihren Sitz in Den Haag, das auch als Welthauptstadt der Gerichtsbarkeit gilt. Anschließend Weiterfahrt in das mittelalterliche Städtchen Delft. Sie spazieren über den Marktplatz, ein durch den Maler Jan Vermeer bekannt gewordenes Motiv. Anschließend Rückfahrt nach Amsterdam zum Schiff.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: November 2024)
ca. 4-5 Std.
Vielleicht haben Sie ja Freude daran, Land und Leute aus einer anderen Perspektive kennenzulernen, und zwar entspannt mit dem E-Bike und mit ausreichend Zwischenstopps. Sei es in Kombination mit Stopp in einer ursprünglichen Gaststätte fernab von touristischem Gedränge oder bei einer Stippvisite einer der "klassischen" Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region - seien Sie gewiss, dass Sie mit vielen neuen Eindrücken zurück an Bord kommen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Über den genauen Tourenverlauf, Distanzen und zu erwartende Höhenmeter (immer in moderater Geschwindigkeit) informiert Sie Ihr E-Bike-Führer an Bord. Die Durchführung und Leitung erfolgt durch diesen deutschsprechenden, schiffsseitigen E-Bike-Führer. Helm und eine Wasserflasche werden gestellt. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Mit dem Bus passieren Sie eindrucksvolle, historische Gebäude wie den Tränenturm und die Portugiesische Synagoge sowie den Fluss Amstel. In den südlichen Stadtteilen sind Gebäude mit welligen Fassaden der Amsterdamer Schule zu bewundern, und zu den angesagten Stadtteilen zählt der Bereich der Eastern Docklands, ein außergewöhnliches städtebauliches Neuentwicklungsprojekt. Das ehemalige Hafengebiet wurde umgebaut zu einem lebendigen Viertel mit moderner Architektur, trendigen Geschäften, beliebten Clubs und großartigen Hotels. Nach der Busrundfahrt steigen Sie um in ein überdachtes Grachtenboot. Sie gleiten vorbei an eleganten Herrenhäusern, Kirchen und Lagerhäusern aus dem 17. und 18. Jahrhundert und sehen einige der zahlreichen Brücken Amsterdams. Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: November 2024)
ca. 3,5 Std.
Sie unternehmen einen geführten Spaziergang durch einen der ältesten Stadtteile Amsterdams: Der Grachtengürtel wurde kürzlich in die UNESCO-Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen. Er gilt als beispielhafte Baukunst des Goldenen Zeitalters (17. Jh.) und brachte Amsterdam den Beinamen "Venedig des Nordens" ein. Sie spazieren vorbei an der St. Nikolaus Kirche, passieren den Rotlichtbezirk, überqueren den Dam-Platz mit dem Königspalast und besuchen den Beginenhof. Genießen Sie ein Erfrischungsgetränk in einem typisch niederländischen Café, bevor Sie Ihren Rundgang vorbei an der Westerkirche und dem berühmten Prinzenkanal fortsetzen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Fotografieren im Rotlichtbezirk verboten.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: November 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Sie passieren die trockengelegten Polderlandschaften auf dem Weg nach Zaanse Schans. Das aus 40 Häusern bestehende Freilichtmuseum liegt nördlich von Amsterdam am Fluss Zaan. Im 18. Jh. war die Region um Zaanse Schans ein Industriegebiet mit über 700 Windmühlen, von denen heute nur noch fünf existieren. Während eines Rundgangs sehen Sie die typischen grünen Holzhäuser, besuchen eine Käserei sowie einen Holzschuhmacher und besichtigen eine Windmühle. Vor der Rückfahrt zum Schiff besuchen Sie das Fischerdorf Volendam mit seinem pittoresken Hafen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderung Programm/Preis (Stand: November 2024)

Begin with a transfer to the Jewish Historical Museum which was founded more than 70 years ago, but only found its definite home in the Ashkenazi Synagogue Complex in 1987. The museum gives a perfect impression of Jewish life in Amsterdam and the Netherlands.
Enjoy a guided walk through the historic Jewish area of Amsterdam and see the Hollandsche Schouwburg theater which is now a monument in memory of the 104,000 Jews who did not return to Amsterdam after World War II. During the war, only Jewish artists were allowed to perform in the Schouwburg.
From the Schouwburg, continue to the Portuguese Synagogue, which was built in 1675 by Elias Bouman for the three congregations of Portuguese Jews who had fled to the Low Lands from persecution in their homeland.
Transfer to Museum Square where the famous Van Gogh Museum is located. The museum houses the world’s largest collection of the 19th century master's paintings and drawings. The collection is as unique as Van Gogh himself, who is as famous for lopping off his own earlobe as he is for his amazing, colorful, post-Impressionist renditions of sunflowers, potato-eaters and tortured self-portraits. Upon arrival, your guide will brief you before you enter and then you will have approximately 2-hours to explore the museum on your own, assisted by an audio guide. Experience the painter's life and strangely somber work as you browse among the numerous paintings and drawings on display.
Gain an overview of Amsterdam while driving through its urban landscape to the heart of Old Town, where you will enjoy free time to explore on your own. As an introduction to the historical capital of the Netherlands, you will pause for photos of the iconic Molen Windmill originally constructed in the 16th century, it was later rebuilt in its current form in the early 18th century. The windmill was used for various purposes over the centuries, primarily for milling grain. Then continue to the Rijksmuseum, an architectural gem that features both Gothic and Renaissance styles. You will have leisure time to explore places such as the Van Gogh Museum, the Moco Museum, the 17th-century Canal Ring, an extraordinary UNESCO World Heritage site, surrounds the historic district and many more.
• Enjoy a panoramic drive through Amsterdam to its historical heart.
• Spend free time around Rijksmuseum, an area surrounded by intriguing landmarks.
• See attractions on your own, such as The Van Gogh Museum and the Canal Belt, or simply shop if you wish.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
This tour is geared toward those who like to explore a destination at their own pace and discretion.
Leaving the pier by coach with your escort, you will travel approximately 1-hour to reach the center of Amsterdam. Upon arrival, you will disembark your coach and have nearly 6-hours to discover all the delights of Amsterdam. Although this is a non-guided tour, your escort will be at your disposal for 1-hour after arrival to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a city map for your convenience.
Spend your day in this exciting city doing exactly what you like, how you like. Meals and entrance fees to any attractions are not included and local currency will be required in many places; therefore, it is suggested that you exchange your money on board the ship or at a local currency exchange in Amsterdam upon arrival.
At the appointed time and location, you will re-join your coach for the return transfer to the pier. Those who fail to be on time for the return transfer will be responsible for making their own way back to the ship, at their own expense.
Follow an architectural historian through three striking 21st-century icons that have altered the face of Amsterdam and discover how their design challenges were overcome. The Eye museum pays homage to the film industry and its geometric shape reflects the power of visual images. Like film, the building creates an interplay of reality and illusion. The Eye is particularly impressive in the way it has transformed a riverside area that was once an isolated wasteland. Similarly, The Eastern Docklands & Java Island showcase urban planning and architectural innovation, transforming industrial sites into vibrant, modern spaces blending with history. The Silodam is another architectural triumph as this waterside apartment complex is reminiscent of a fully laden container ship. Your architectural historian guide will explain the design details such as how the different colors denote different “neighborhoods” within the village-like building.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Discover the Dutch countryside and explore the villages of Zaanse Shans and Edam. You’ll enjoy a scenic drive of landscapes dotted with farmhouses, windmills and grazing animals. Reaching Zaanse Schans, you’ll notice the typical windmills and particular architecture of the houses. This village is an old hamlet on the Zaan’s river banks with characteristic green wooden houses, charming gardens, historic windmills and engaging little shops. You’ll feel like you have stepped back in time. Over the centuries, more than a thousand little windmill factories flourished along the river and in the surrounding countryside.
You’ll see a demonstration of how wooden shoes are made and visit the interior of a windmill. You’ll continue to the village of Edam – famous for its cheese that has been exported around the world for centuries. But this town has more to offer than cheese alone! Edam is a city with a rich history, lovely facades, squares, bridges, attractive shopping streets and inviting outdoor cafes. Your guide will take you on a walking tour through this beautiful town, full of narrow canals, gabled canal houses and wooden lift bridges. Enjoy some free time to stroll on your own before returning to Amsterdam.
Gain a historical perspective of Edam – a city renowned for its eponymous cheese – before traveling into the countryside to a dairy farm that makes it. During an enlightening walk downtown, you can expect to see Edam’s landmark St. Nicholas Church, which was rebuilt following lightning fires in 1602 and 1699. Although those blazes significantly reduced the church’s tower, the building remains a dominant architectural treasure. Still, cheese is always top of mind when visiting Edam and has been since the 17th century when Edam cheese first became popular, especially among sailors that appreciated its long shelf life. While visiting a nearby dairy farm, you will watch the cheese-making process and sample the famed product, which has a mild nutty flavor that becomes tangier as the cheese ages. Incredibly, more than a quarter of the cheese produced in the Netherlands is Edam, a soft cheese made with less milk fat than most other cheeses.
• See some of Edam’s most historical landmarks while walking through downtown.
• Stop at a dairy farm that produces Edam’s soft namesake cheese.
• Sample Edam cheese, whose mild nutty flavor changes as it ages.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Gain a historical perspective of Edam – a city renowned for its eponymous cheese – before traveling into the countryside to a dairy farm that makes it. During an enlightening walk downtown, you can expect to see Edam’s landmark St. Nicholas Church, which was rebuilt following lightning fires in 1602 and 1699. Although those blazes significantly reduced the church’s tower, the building remains a dominant architectural treasure. Still, cheese is always top of mind when visiting Edam and has been since the 17th century when Edam cheese first became popular, especially among sailors that appreciated its long shelf life. While visiting a nearby dairy farm, you will watch the cheese-making process and sample the famed product, which has a mild nutty flavor that becomes tangier as the cheese ages. Incredibly, more than a quarter of the cheese produced in the Netherlands is Edam, a soft cheese made with less milk fat than most other cheeses.
• See some of Edam’s most historical landmarks while walking through downtown.
• Stop at a dairy farm that produces Edam’s soft namesake cheese.
• Sample Edam cheese, whose mild nutty flavor changes as it ages.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Bicycle through the Waterland, a classic Dutch landscape that is ideal for bicycling as it is flat and spectacularly scenic. A ferry will take you to the Waterland, where you will begin pedaling at a leisurely pace well suited to the area’s laid-back ambiance. You can expect to see farmers going about their daily lives, brightly painted wooden houses and an impossibly green countryside crisscrossed with canals and dotted with seemingly endless rivers and lakes. Almost half of the Waterland is water, held in check by a series of dikes, and the landscape couldn’t be more beautiful. Expect to pass cows grazing in fields, iconic windmills pumping water out of the lowlands and a number of seaside villages, one of which you will stop in for a drink. The Waterland is also a paradise for water birds, and you will likely see countless swans and geese and perhaps even a godwit, the national bird of the Netherlands.
Enjoy an insider’s look at life in Edam by visiting a local family and touring a cheese-making facility to see how Edam’s famed cheese is produced. An enlightening walking tour will introduce you to the city. Here, you will see from the outside, St. Nicholas Church and the Edam Museum; which occupies an 18th-century sea captain’s house. For a deeper understanding of life in Edam, you will stop by a centuries-old residence and enjoy coffee and cake with the owners. They will elaborate on the long history of their home, how Edam has changed just in their lifetimes and what the future may hold. Still, it is impossible to escape the draw of cheese in Edam. More than a quarter of the cheese produced in the Netherlands is the city’s namesake cheese, a soft variety made with less milk fat than most other cheeses. While touring a cheese-making facility in town, you will watch the process and then taste samples.
Spend hours independently exploring Haarlem with no schedule to follow other than your own, which allows you the freedom to visit the attractions that sound most intriguing. You will be dropped off in the heart of Haarlem with easy access to most everything imaginable. If historical landmarks are of interest, head straight for Market Square, home to the 13th-century town hall and the Dutch Renaissance-style De Vleeshal – the only place fresh meat could be purchased for centuries as indicated by the sculpted ox heads on the front of the building. Nearby stands St. Bavo’s Church, an icon with one of the world’s largest and most famous organs. This rare musical instrument is gilded, decorated with statues and covers the entire west wall of the church. If you wish to dine while sightseeing, try a restaurant that specializes in Dutch dishes such as stamppot, a traditional comfort food made with sausage, kale and mashed potatoes.
• Explore Haarlem on your own and focus on the attractions that sound most interesting.
• Enjoy the freedom of wandering about at your own pace with no schedule to follow.
• Be dropped off in the city center near the best shopping and dining.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
This charming half day tour begins with a scenic drive through the Dutch countryside to the village of Zaandam. Arriving at the village, your guide will lead you through the faithfully re-created town of Zaanse Schans. This carefully designed open air museum was built to replicate the Zaan community of around 1700 and today is a very popular attraction. As you stroll through the cobbled streets watching craftsmen practicing the trades of yesterday, you'll get a glimpse of what Dutch life was once like.
A short scenic drive takes you to the tranquil 17th century town of Edam, best known for its distinctive Edam cheese. Enjoy a short walking tour past picturesque canals, traditional drawbridges and charming homes with overflowing flower gardens. Then, you’ll have some free time; perhaps you'll want to use the time to further explore this delightful town on your own, or purchase a special souvenir as a memento of your visit.
Explore Utrecht’s atmospheric medieval district and De Haar Castle, a former private residence that is the largest castle in the Netherlands. Utrecht enjoyed its greatest prosperity in the 11th and 12th centuries and numerous churches founded during that period still remain. As you walk along the city’s labyrinthine cobblestone streets, you can’t help but feel a strong connection to the past. Rising above Domplein Square is the tallest church tower in the Netherlands, a soaring landmark with a notorious past that was exposed in 1830. Although a castle has stood on the site of De Haar Castle since the late 1300s, the medieval-style version that stands today dates to 1912. Arguably the most extravagant castle in the Netherlands, it was used mostly as just a holiday retreat for the aristocratic and fabulously wealthy Van Zuylen family. While touring on your own, you may learn why one of the bedrooms is so different architecturally from the others.
• Walk through the medieval district of Utrecht, an area that exudes history.
• Hear little-known stories behind the historical landmarks, especially Dom Tower.
• Tour the lavish interior and grounds of De Haar Castle, the country’s largest castle.
• Learn about the wealthy family that built the castle but only stayed there occasionally.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Settle in for a panoramic drive through Amsterdam that provides a wonderful introduction to the city, which you will also view from a water perspective while cruising the canals. Enlightening commentary will add even more to your understanding of the capital of the Netherlands as it will describe the landmarks along the way in fascinating detail. You can expect to pass by the first Heineken brewery, the Jewish Museum, the ornate 19th-century Tropenmuseum and the Concertgeboux, whose acoustically perfect main concert hall was ironically designed by an architect said to have no musical talent. There are officially 165 canals in Amsterdam and cruising them is essential to gaining a full picture of the city. From the comfort of a glass-topped boat, you will view landmarks such as the original 17th-century town hall, and the National Maritime Museum.
• See Amsterdam’s most recognizable landmarks on a panoramic drive through the capital.
• Cruise the iconic canals of Amsterdam in a glass-topped boat.
• Hear enlightening commentary about the history of Amsterdam.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Explore landmarks from various centuries that show the architectural and cultural transformation of downtown Amsterdam and several neighboring areas. In the traditional residential area of Zaanse Schans, you will see windmills dating to the 17th century. These Windmills are an architectural masterpiece designed by Pierre Cuypers, opened in 1885. The structure combines Gothic and Renaissance elements, representing a 19th-century revival of Dutch architecture in the national Rijkmuseum, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the culture has changed over time throughout the Netherlands. A self-portrait by Rembrandt at age 22 is just one of the Dutch masterpieces there. You will also learn about the Wereldmuseum, an ethnographic museum that tells a similar story of urban evolution but through moving human experiences. The wonders of contemporary life are brilliantly depicted in the Eye Film Museum, discover the story behind this masterpiece the area was primarily an industrial and port zone, selected as part of an effort to revitalize and transform this industrial area into a vibrant cultural space. This prominent structure is considered one of the masterpieces of the 21st century.
• RDelve into the history of the windmill Towm, perhaps the ultimate Dutch icon.
• Explore the exterior of the Rijksmuseum, a symbol of Dutch cultural heritage and national pride.
• Get a glimpse of Amsterdam’s vision for the future at the Eye Film Museum.
• Come away with a clear understanding of how Amsterdam’s urban landscape has evolved.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Explore landmarks from various centuries that show the architectural and cultural transformation of downtown Amsterdam and several neighboring areas. In the traditional residential area of Zaanse Schans, you will see windmills dating to the 17th century an architectural masterpiece designed by Pierre Cuypers, opened in 1885. The structure combines Gothic and Renaissance elements, representing a 19th-century revival of Dutch architecture in the national Rijkmuseum, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the culture has changed over time throughout the Netherlands. A self-portrait by Rembrandt at age 22 is just one of the Dutch masterpieces there. You will also learn about the Wereldmuseum, an ethnographic museum that tells a similar story of urban evolution but through moving human experiences. The wonders of contemporary life are brilliantly depicted in the Eye Film Museum, discover the story behind this masterpiece the area was primarily an industrial and port zone, selected as part of an effort to revitalize and transform this industrial area into a vibrant cultural space. This prominent structure is considered one of the masterpieces of the 21st century.
• Delve into the history of the windmill Town, perhaps the ultimate Dutch icon.
• Explore the exterior of the Rijksmuseum, a symbol of Dutch cultural heritage and national pride.
• Get a glimpse of Amsterdam’s vision for the future at the Eye Film Museum.
• Come away with a clear understanding of how Amsterdam’s urban landscape has evolved.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Amsterdam, many of them iconic attractions that define the city. To ensure the best possible results, a selfie expert guide will offer tips so you can capture just the right angle, lighting and composition for every shot.
Selfie sticks are available and complemented by a convenient photo frame, enabling you to capture the best pictures.
As you walk and ride through Amsterdam, you will pause at designated selfie stops that include:
Selfie Spots:
• Zaanse Schans windmills.
• Dam Square, which the Royal Palace overlooks.
• 17th-century Canal Ring.
• Bloemenmarkt floating flower market.
• Heineken® brewery.
• Take inspiring selfies at the most photogenic attractions in Amsterdam.
• Follow tips from your selfie expert guide to ensure the very best pictures.
• Learn the historical significance of the locales while enjoying their dramatic settings.
• Enjoy a beer tasting after an immersive experience in the original Heineken brewery. The Heineken Experience is exclusively for individuals aged 18 years and older.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Sample some of Amsterdam’s favorite foods and beverages and get a taste of the local culture while walking between venues. As you meander through the trendy Jordaan neighborhood and on into the Canal Ring, you will pause to snack on bitterballen, a bite-size deep-fried morsel that contains meat ragout. Often served in bars, bitterballens aren’t bitter at all. Their name reflects that they are meant to be eaten while drinking bitters, which are pale ales with a sharp bite. You can also expect to sample genever, a juniper-flavored liquor that is a blend of malt wine and a neutral spirit such as vodka with botanical flavorings. The drink is typically chilled and served neat in a tulip-shaped glass. To enhance your historical understanding of Amsterdam, the guide will describe the attractions along the way. They will likely include the 17th-century Noorderkerk church and 9 Streets, a fashionable district full of boutiques, art galleries and restaurants.
• Taste local foods and beverages that reflect the culture of Amsterdam.
• Walk through the architecturally rich historical district between samplings.
• See landmarks that tell the story of Amsterdam as the guide describes them.
• Spend free time exploring on your own.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
This tour combines the Dutch countryside with its windmills and the city of Amsterdam.
Leave Amsterdam behind and enjoy a drive through the beautiful countryside to the Dutch village of Broek in Waterland. This utterly charming village is well known for its classic wooden houses and farms. After a leisurely stroll through this fairy-like community, you'll re-join your coach and proceed to Beemster Polder, the oldest area of reclaimed land in the Netherlands. In 1999, this well-preserved and historic area was registered on UNESCO's World Heritage Site list. The highlight of your time here will surely be the visit to an original 17th century windmill where you will learn how the Dutch have managed to successfully live below sea level.
A scenic drive through the lush lowlands will bring you back to Amsterdam and the center of the city. Enjoy nearly 1.5-hours of free time to do some shopping and have a quick lunch on your own. Afterwards, you'll meet up with your coach again for the return drive to the port.
Holland is known for its white and blue pottery as well as the iconic windmills that dot the countryside.
Begin with a scenic drive through the Dutch countryside to Delft. On arrival, visit the Delft Porceleyne Fles, the manufacturer of the world-famous Delft Blue ceramics. While touring the factory you'll have a chance to observe the production process and have some time to browse the gift shop.
Join your guide for a short walk of Delft’s city center, followed by nearly 2-hours of free time for lunch on your own and independent exploration or shopping.
Then, your tour continues to The Hague for an orientation drive through the city. See the Dutch government buildings, the spectacular Peace Palace, where the International Court of Justice is situated, and numerous other interesting buildings and sights.
Embark on a Twilight Canal tour through one of the many canals around Amsterdam.
Board a glass-topped canal boat at the cruise terminal that will take you on a 1.5-hour tour through the Amsterdam canals passing major monuments as the Maritime museum, the town hall, and the Anne Frank House. Amsterdam has always had strong ties to the water. Spread out over 70 islands, this cosmopolitan city boasts 60 miles of canals and 1000 bridges. As early as the 13th century, tiny ships sailed from this port into the challenging Zuider Sea.
Amsterdam gained renown in the 15th century when it became a major trading center, steadily assuming commercial leadership and thus controlling the country's finances, a trend that remains to this day. You will view the city center from a completely different angle and glide past Middle Age corners where regular transport can't go. Lined by numerous trees and monumental buildings, the famous crescent shaped Herengracht, Keizergracht and Prinsengracht canals provide the perfect setting for your leisurely cruise. Although many canal-front houses have been converted into offices, shops and restaurants, there are still many functioning as private residences. During the canal boat ride, sit back, relax and enjoy wine, beer or soft drinks as well as sample Dutch cheese and crackers.
The evening canal cruise terminates in the same location it started - at the cruise terminal.
Ride a double-decker bus around Amsterdam at your leisure and hop off at the attractions that sound most interesting. When you see a landmark that looks appealing, just hop off the bus and stay as long as you like. The buses make continuous loops around the capital so you won’t have to wait long when you are ready to head to the next stop. There are nine stops along the way, including Gassan Diamonds, the Jewish Cultural Quarter the trendy canal-lined neighborhood of Jordaan and many more. You might also tour the first Heineken® brewery on your own, an experience that will reveal how this brand of beer become so iconic. If you would like to walk around and explore, you can take advantage of the walking tour and gain knowledge of the city as you stroll through Amsterdam's vibrant museum district, with captivating external visits to the Rijksmuseum, Moco Museum, Van Gogh Museum, and more.
• Ride double-decker buses around Amsterdam and hop off at attractions whenever you like.
• Stay at leisure at the attractions and hop on another bus when you are ready.
• See landmarks as diverse as Gassan Diamonds and the Heineken® brewery on your own.
• Opt to join a walking tour around landmarks of Amsterdam.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.
Your tour begins with a drive through the distinctive Dutch countryside from Ijmuiden to the village of Marken. Enjoy a guided walk through this quaint fishing hamlet on the shores of the former Zuider Zee, an area that dates back to the 13th century when monks constructed dikes for protection from the sea. The characteristic green and white clapboard houses of Marken have remained unchanged for centuries and, many of the local residents still wear colorful ancestral costumes, adding to the special atmosphere of this beautiful place. Continue on to Volendam, where a guided tour will introduce you to some of the town's special treasures, some dating back to the 14th century. You'll find narrow canals, quaint drawbridges; and a charming little harbor.
Enjoy a scenic drive through the distinctive Dutch countryside from Amsterdam to the village of Marken. Follow your guide on a walk through this quaint fishing hamlet on the shores of the former Zuider Zee, an area that dates back to the 13th century when monks constructed dikes for protection from the sea. The characteristic green and white clapboard houses of Marken have remained unchanged for centuries and, many of the l residents still wear colorful ancestral costumes, adding to the special atmosphere of this beautiful place.
Visit the quaint village of Volendam, where your guide introduces you to some of the town's special treasures, some dating back to the 14th century. As you walk through town, you'll find narrow canals, quaint drawbridges; and a charming little harbor.
During your tour, you will also visit a cheese producing dairy farm.
Glide through the Venice of the North in a fitting manner, via glass-roofed canal boat. It’s an incomparable way to experience this cosmopolitan city that stretches over some 70 islands and boasts 60 miles of canals and 1,000 bridges. An obscure port mostly visited by fisherman back in the 13th century, Amsterdam steadily grew in trade importance – blossoming into one of the world’s most important ports as the Dutch Golden Age gained steam. On this relaxed waterway tour, you’ll traverse some of the four concentric canal rings that define the old city center while learning much of the history behind this watery network from your guide. Along the way, expect to pass countless variations on the signature gabled canal house design the city is so famous for. Just as colorful are the procession of houseboats and tiny skiffs tied up in organized randomness along the stone canal banks. The designated route brings you by such major monuments as the National Maritime Museum, magnificent Town Hall (once considered Europe’s largest administrative building).

Enjoy this sightseeing tour in Amsterdam. See famous sights like to Baroque-style Royal Palace, the New Church, Mint Tower and Weeper's Tower as well as the Rijksmuseum.
City Tour
After your transfer to the Rijksmuseum, you will be able to enjoy a guided visit of this impressive museum.
From the time of Rembrandt, Amsterdam has been revered as an artistic centre. Today the city is renowned for its celebrated museums as the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh and Stedelijk Museums to name a few. It is also a shopper's city, featuring everything from the famous flower market to glassware, Delft porcelain, cheese and wooden shoes.
Your guided visit to the Rijksmuseum will provide you with an in-depth inside view of the Rijksmuseum. Discover the Dutch masters. The Museum is probably most famous for the Nightwatch and the Milkmaid, but it has even lots more to offer. Let your guide take you on a tour through the museum, passing major highlights and sharing important art history with you.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility who are able to negotiate steps getting on and off the coach. It is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. The tour sequence may vary. Space is limited, book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Explore the Old World treasures of Amsterdam during this scenic orientation tour of the city, and a visit to the Van Gogh Museum.
Van Gogh Museum
Depart the pier for a 30 minutes bus transfer to the Van Gogh Museum.
Upon arrival, proceed for a self-guided tour of the Van Gogh Museum. The museum contains the world's largest collection of paintings by Vincent Van Gogh. Track the artist's developments and compare his paintings to works by other artists from the 19th-century in the collection. The museum also houses an extensive number of exhibitions 19th-century art and history and highlights of the Dutch Masters. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximate 30-minute drive back to the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking around the museum, with a few steps to negotiate to get on and off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. The tour sequence may vary. Cancellations deadline for this tour is 4 days prior the call.
Amsterdam has always had strong ties to the water. Spread out over 70 islands, this cosmopolitan city boasts 60 miles (97 Kilometres) of canals and 1,000 bridges. As early as the 13th century, tiny ships sailed from this port into the challenging Zuiderzee (Southern Sea). Amsterdam gained recognition in the 15th century when it became a major trading centre, steadily assuming commercial leadership and thus controlling the country's finances, a trend that remains to this day.
Amsterdam is most famous for its narrow, gabled houses lining the canals. The historical center is full of interesting attractions such as the medieval weight house, the Royal Palace on Dam Square and the Nieuwe Kerk or New Church, which was built in 1468!
Canal Cruise
Board a glass-topped canal boat at the cruise terminal that will take you on an hour and a half sightseeing tour through the Amsterdam canals. Passing major monuments as the Maritime museum and the town hall.
The tour concludes back at the cruise terminal where you will board the ship.
Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking 984 feet (300 metres) from the terminal to the canal boat pontoon, with a few steps to negotiate to embark and disembark the canal boat. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes are recommended. Tour sequence may vary. Remember to bring water from the ship.
Embrace the beauty and charm of the Dutch countryside in a unique new way during this scenic and exhilarating, half-day excursion via bicycle.
Amsterdam, Ferry-Ride and Waterland Area
Depart the pier for the short walk to the bicycle shop, where you are outfitted with your bike, and receive your safety instructions and helmet. From here, proceed for a short, guided bike-ride to the ferry terminal, then embark the ferry for the approximately five-minute ride across the water to the Waterland area.
Dutch Countryside, Villages, Cow Farms, Dykes, and Windmills
Begin your guided cycling tour through open fields boasting typical picturesque Dutch landscape. Your bike route takes you through several beautiful villages featuring cow farms and dykes. Along the way, a photo and rest stop is made at a typical Dutch windmill, and a refreshment stop is made at a local café. At the conclusion of your bicycle tour, embark the ferry for the approximately five-minute ride back towards the terminal. Upon disembarking the ferry, commence the short ride back to the bicycle shop, turn in your bike and return to the pier on-foot.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of riding for approximately 13 miles (about 21 kilometres), with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach (no coach in this tour. Walk to the bicycle shop). This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and are competent bicycle riders. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Guests must wear their safety helmet at all times whilst riding the bicycles. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour, and minors must be accompanied by a parent. Guests must weigh less than 260 pounds (about 115 kilograms) to participate on this tour. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.
Embark on a Evening Canal tour through one of the many canals around Amsterdam.
Board a glass-topped canal boat at the cruise terminal that will take you on a 1.5 hour tour through the Amsterdam canals passing major monuments as the Maritime museum and the town hall. Amsterdam has always had strong ties to the water. Spread out over 70 islands, this cosmopolitan city boasts 60 miles of canals and 1000 bridges. As early as the 13th century, tiny ships sailed from this port into the challenging Zuider Sea. Amsterdam gained renown in the 15th century when it became a major trading centre, steadily assuming commercial leadership and thus controlling the country's finances, a trend that remains to this day. You will view the city center from a completely different angle and glide past Middle Age corners where regular transport can't go. Lined by numerous trees and monumental buildings, the famous crescent shaped Herengracht, Keizergracht and Prinsengracht canals provide the perfect setting for your leisurely cruise. Although many canal-front houses have been converted into offices, shops and restaurants, there are still many functioning as private residences. During the canal boat ride, sit back, relax and enjoy wine, beer or soft drinks as well as sample Dutch cheese and crackers.
The evening canal cruise terminates in the same location it started - at the cruise terminal.
Please Note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking 984 feet (300 metres) from the terminal to the canal boat pontoon. It is suitable for guests with limited mobility who can negotiate the few steps to embark and disembark the canal boat. Warm, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes are recommended. Tour sequence may vary. Remember to bring your camera and water from the ship.
Visit the world's most beautiful spring garden, home to over 7 million tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.
Situated between Amsterdam and the Hague in the Dune and Bulb region, is the world's largest flower garden; Keukenhof, also known as the 'Garden of Europe'. Keukenhof is only open during Spring when the tulips are flowering, therefore your visit to Amsterdam is perfectly timed!
Keukenhof, ('kitchen garden') was originally a herb garden, providing herbs for Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut's castle. Today, the garden has bloomed to include 80 acres of paved footpaths that cross lawns, streams, lakes and pavilions featuring various exhibitions. The powerful display of colour from the tulips, hyacinths and narcissi form a striking contrast with the greens of the grass and the trees.
Independent Exploration
Following an approximately 45 minute drive from the port, arrive at Keukenhof, Upon arrival, you will have approximately three hours of free time to independently explore the beautiful spring garden, its gift shop and cafe. Boasting over 32 hectares of flowers, you will encounter Spring in all its glory. Experience the overwhelming explosion of colour from more than 7 million varieties of tulips and flowers as you walk through the themed gardens complete with fountains and water features that add to the splendour of the Park.
Your tour will end with the approximately 45 minute drive back to the port.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking at guests' discretion with a few steps to negotiate to get on and off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Warm, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and, a rain coat are recommended.
We cannot guarantee which flowers will be in bloom during your visit, as during the last weeks of the tulip season there are less flowers blooming. However, there will still be a rich variety of flowers on show in the garden's pavilions. The tour of the Park is non-guided and does not include any meals, refreshments or a park guide. Please bring debit- or credit card as this is a cashless venue.
Explore Amsterdam at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Explore Amsterdam at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Explore Amsterdam at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore Amsterdam at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.
Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore the historic landmarks and flavours of Amsterdam during this half-day sightseeing excursion to an authentic windmill village, and a scenic visit to Edam.
Zaanse Schans
Depart the pier for the approximate 30-minute drive north of Amsterdam to the authentic old village of Zaanse Schans. En route, each guest receives two Dutch candies whilst passing by scenic pastureland dotted with farmhouses and grazing animals. Zaanse Schans is a quaint Dutch windmill village that has been fully recreated to resemble an 18th-century Zaan community. Though there were once over 600 windmills in the Zaanstreek, only a handful still remain.
Upon arrival in Zaanse Schans, take a leisurely stroll through the quaint streets of this working, open-air museum and get a glimpse of Dutch life from long ago. You can observe the craftsmen practising the Old Dutch craft of clog-making and other trades of yesteryear, as you stroll through the quaint streets you'll get a glimpse of what Dutch life once was.
Next, re-board your coach and proceed for a visit to the typical Dutch village of Edam, best-known for its scarlet-skinned cheese. During a guided stroll along Edam's cobblestone streets, see the unique bell tower, many beautiful canals that criss-cross the village and the drawbridges that connect them to the city. Your tour concludes with a visit and tasting at a local cheese factory before commencing the approximate 30-minute drive back to the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking 1 mile (1.6 kilometre) with a few steps to negotiate to get on and off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Warm, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and, a rain coat are recommended. The tour sequence may vary. Bring local currency for any purchases and water.
Visit the world's most beautiful spring garden, home to over 7 million tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.
Situated between Amsterdam and the Hague in the Dune and Bulb region, is the world's largest flower garden; Keukenhof, also known as the 'Garden of Europe'. Keukenhof is only open during Spring when the tulips are flowering, therefore your visit to Amsterdam is perfectly timed!
Keukenhof, ('kitchen garden') was originally a herb garden, providing herbs for Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut's castle. Today, the garden has bloomed to include 80 acres of paved footpaths that cross lawns, streams, lakes and pavilions featuring various exhibitions. The powerful display of colour from the tulips, hyacinths and narcissi form a striking contrast with the greens of the grass and the trees.
Independent Exploration
Following an approximately 45 minute drive from the port, arrive at Keukenhof, Upon arrival, you will have approximately three hours of free time to independently explore the beautiful spring garden, its gift shop and cafe. Boasting over 32 hectares of flowers, you will encounter Spring in all its glory. Experience the overwhelming explosion of colour from more than 7 million varieties of tulips and flowers as you walk through the themed gardens complete with fountains and water features that add to the splendour of the Park.
Farmhouse Lunch
Proceed for a tasty 3-course meal at a prestigious restaurant located in a former Dutch farmhouse.
Tulip Vodka Distillery & Tasting
Afterwards you will be heading to the Tulip Vodka Distillery, located approximately 30 minutes drive from Keukenhof. After seeing the flower fields, learn all about the making process of the Tulip Vodka at Clusius Craft distillers, a privately held craft distillery. Learn how they invented a unique distilling process to produce a premium world-class alcohol from Dutch tulip bulbs. The distillery is located in the heart of the Dutch tulip fields and is using only water purified by Dutch sand dunes, giving the vodka a special crystal-clear flavour.
Complete your experience with a tasting of the unique Tulip vodka.
Your tour will end with the approximately one hour drive back to the port.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking at guests' discretion with a few steps to negotiate to get on and off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Warm, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and, a rain coat are recommended.
We cannot guarantee which flowers will be in bloom during your visit, as during the last weeks of the tulip season there are less flowers blooming. However, there will still be a rich variety of flowers on show in the garden's pavilions. The tour of the Park is non-guided and does not include any meals, refreshments or a park guide. Please bring debit- or credit card as this is a cashless venue.

Auf dem offenen Aussichtsdeck des A'dam Lookout lassen Sie sich die frische
Luft um die Nase wehen und genießen die tolle Aussicht auf die Stadt, die Ihnen
von dort oben zu Füßen liegt. Abgerundet wird Ihr Ausflug mit einer
Grachtenfahrt, die bei einem Aufenthalt in Amsterdam definitiv zum Programm
Der Ausflug, kurz zusammengefasst:
- Rund 1-stündige Grachtenfahrt mit Start an der Pier
- Besuch des A’dam Lookout, etwa 1 Stunde
- Per Fähre und zu Fuß zurück zum Schiff
Der Einstieg in das Kanalboot führt über einige Stufen. Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 2,5 km. Der Ausflug kann auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge stattfinden. Die Mindestgröße für die Schaukel beträgt 1,30m. Das Schaukeln ist optional und ist im Ausflugspreis nicht inkludiert. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Einstieg in das Kanalboot führt über einige Stufen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Ausflug je nach Liegezeit bei Dämmerung stattfindet. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Erkunden Sie die niederländische Metropole mit einem ehemaligen Obdachlosen, der Ihnen die Stadt aus einem ganz anderen Blickwinkel zeigt. Ihnen werden viele interessante persönliche Geschichten aus dem früheren Leben des Guides erzählt und wie sich sein Leben seitdem verändert hat. Ein Ausflug, von dem beide Seiten ganz viel mitnehmen können.
Der Ausflug, kurz zusammengefasst:
- Je ca. 20 Minuten Fußweg in die Stadt und zurück
- Gut 90-minütiger geführter Stadtspaziergang
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 7 km. Bitte tragen Sie bequemes Schuhwerk. Reiseleiter spricht Englisch.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Erweitern Sie Ihren Aktionsradius! Die sogenannten E-Scooter sind eine neue Form der Elektromobilität.
Natürlich kommen auch auf unseren E-Scooter-Touren die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Pausen nicht zu kurz. Begleitet werden Sie durch die erfahrenen Mein Schiff ® Bikeguides.
Ohne große Anstrengung gleiten Sie von einem Highlight zum anderen. Auf Ihrem Weg liegen unter anderem die Nieuwe Kerk, der Königspalast, der Blumenmarkt, das Munttoren, die Oper, der neue Markt, die Oude Kerk und das Technologiemuseum. Bei zahlreichen Fotostopps haben Sie genügend Zeit, diese einzigartige Stadt näher kennenzulernen und auf sich wirken zu lassen. Mit vielen neuen Eindrücken geht es zurück zum Schiff.
Der Ausflug, kurz zusammengefasst:
- Nieuwe Kerk, Königspalast, Blumenmarkt
- Munttoren, Oper, der neue Markt
- Oude Kerk und Technologiemuseum
- Fotostopps
- Erkundungspausen
Wir stellen Ihnen hochwertige E-Scooter, Helm und Rucksack. Für zu Hause auch im Mein Schiff ® Online-Shop bestellbar.
Länge ca. 16 km. Max. Gewicht 100kg.
TUI Cruises GmbH
Veranstalternummer: 50000000
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Dieser Ausflug kann ab 3 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden und findet ohne örtliche Reiseleitung statt.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Dieser Ausflug ist nicht geeignet für Gäste mit Epilepsie. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 3 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 7 km und führt teilweise über Kopfsteinpflaster. Bitte tragen Sie bequemes Schuhwerk. Der Ausflug kann auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge stattfinden. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Windmühlen, Grachten und Zugbrücken prägen das Stadtbild von Haarlem. Hier
unternehmen Sie eine Erkundungstour, die mit einer Bierverkostung abgerundet
wird. In der ehemaligen Kirche Jopenkerk ist eine Bierbrauerei ansässig, die das
eigene Jopenbier braut. In einzigartiger und ungewöhnlicher Umgebung dürfen Sie
sich auf köstliches Bier und die typisch holländischen Bitterballen, frittierte
Fleischkroketten, freuen. Prost!
Der Ausflug, kurz zusammengefasst:
- Rund 45-minütige Fahrt nach Haarlem
- Geführter Spaziergang durch die Stadt, etwa 1 Stunde
- Bierverkostung mit 3 verschiedenen Sorten Jopenbier und Snacks
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 3 km und führt teilweise über Kopfsteinpflaster. Bitte tragen Sie bequemes Schuhwerk.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 3 km. Die Mindestgröße für den Flugsimulator beträgt 1,30m. Die Mindestgröße für die Schaukel beträgt 1,30m. Das Schaukeln ist optional und ist im Ausflugspreis nicht inkludiert. Infos in "This is Holland" sind in englischer Sprache. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden. Der Ausflug kann auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge stattfinden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Einsteigen und auf eigene Faust entdecken.
Erkunden Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten der Stadt individuell und in Ihrem eigenen Tempo. Steigen Sie ein und aus, so viel Sie möchten und an jeder günstig gelegenen Haltestelle in der Stadt. Genießen Sie einen unvergesslichen Tag und lassen Sie sich treiben.
Ihre Vorteile, kurz zusammengefasst:
- Kein Kauderwelsch: Wissenswertes erfahren Sie über deutschsprachige Audioguides
- Individuell und flexibel: steigen Sie beliebig oft ein oder aus
Ein Bus steht Ihnen an Stopp 2, Passenger Terminal Amsterdam, bereit - Sie können bis 17:00 Uhr die Busfahrten nutzen. Das gültige Hop-On-Hop-Off-Busticket erhalten Sie gegen Vorlage Ihrer Bordkarte bis 15:30 Uhr an Stop 2. An den jeweiligen Haltestellen kann es beim Zustieg zu Wartezeiten kommen. Kinder ab 14 Jahren benötigen bei diesem Ausflug ein Erwachsenenticket. Bitte reservieren Sie für Ihr Kind regulär einen Kinderplatz in Meine Reise. Die korrekte Verbuchung erfolgt dann an Bord der Mein Schiff. Bitte beachten Sie, dass deshalb auch der Endbetrag erst an Bord geändert und anschließend entsprechend auf Ihrem Bordkonto abgebildet wird.
Der Betrag wird wie üblich ganz bequem bargeldlos über Ihre Bordkarte abgerechnet. Wir empfehlen Ihnen zusätzlich den Mein Schiff ® Reiseführer von Marco Polo, der Ihnen allerlei Wissenswertes zu Land und Leuten bietet. So sind Sie individuell unterwegs und haben Ihren persönlichen, kleinen Stadtführer immer dabei.
City Sightseeing LTD
Veranstalternummer: 50000047
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 3 km, ist teils uneben mit ein paar Stufen und führt über Kopfsteinflaster.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 4 km und führt über Kopfsteinpflaster.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Der Fußweg beträgt etwa 1 km und beinhaltet einige Stufen. Der Ausflug kann auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge stattfinden. Die Mindestgröße für die Schaukel beträgt 1,30m. Das Schaukeln ist optional und ist im Ausflugspreis nicht inkludiert. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Dieser Ausflug enthält keine Innenbesichtigung. 5 Stufen zum Einstieg ins Boot. Dieser Ausflug kann ab 5 Tage vor Hafenanlauf nicht mehr storniert werden.
Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services Inc.
Veranstalternummer: 50012114
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Länge: 21 km, Max. Gewicht: 120 kg.
TUI Cruises GmbH
Veranstalternummer: 50000000
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.
Länge: 25 km Max. Gewicht E-MTB: 120 kg Max. Gewicht E-Tiefeinsteiger: 100 kg Modelle nach Verfügbarkeit, bei Präferenzen sprechen Sie die Kollegen an Bord gerne an.
TUI Cruises GmbH
Veranstalternummer: 50000000
Wichtige Information
Landausflüge werden von TUI Cruises zum Teil vermittelt und zum Teil selbst veranstaltet. Insbesondere Bikeausflüge werden von TUI Cruises selbst organisiert und für Sie vor Ort durchgeführt. Alle weiteren angebotenen Landausflüge werden durch TUI Cruises vermittelt und von örtlichen Veranstaltern durchgeführt. Die Durchführung, Verantwortung und Haftung für diese Landausflüge liegt allein in den Händen des jeweiligen örtlichen Veranstalters, der zugleich Ihr Vertragspartner ist. Eine Überprüfung der örtlichen Veranstalter erfolgt regelmäßig durch TUI Cruises. Nähere Kontaktinformation zum Veranstalter erhalten Sie unter www.meinschiff.com/landausflugsveranstalter.